The Nursery

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Status Upcoming Mission

12 Months after the destruction of the USS Oceania, Starfleet recieves a distress call from Captain Yuri Nakamura. Presumed Killed in Action, Starfleet are surprised to discover that she is alive as is some of her crew. She was captured shortly before the destruction of the Ocenia by the Elachi and has been held ever since in a 'Nursery'.

She reveals that the Elachi have been using her, and other females from all different species across the Alpha & Beta Quadrant to 'breed' new soldiers. The Elachi either forcibly impregnate females with their offspring and for males re-write their DNA transforming them into their own.

Admiral Nakamura, orders the USS Tokyo to the Remella System where the transmission originated. The Tokyo must find the Elachi Nursery, rescue Captain Nakamura and anyone else they can, then destroy the nursery.

Start Date Thu Jan 1st, 1970 @ 1:00am

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