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Fri Feb 21st, 2025 @ 7:29pm

Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya

Name Karuta Roromiya

Position Starfighter Air Boss

Rank Chief Warrant Officer

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Vulcan/Human
Age 85

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5"
Weight 105lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Karuta has a small light build for a Vulcan. She also looks relatively young for her age, a trait of her Vulcan heritage. She had the signature pointy ears of the Vulcan Species, however her forehead and eyebrows are that of more Human.

She usually keeps her brown hair up in two pigtails where it can be kept out of her way.


Spouse/Partner T'Lek - Deceased 2367
Kimito Roromiya -Current Spouse
Children Nico - Oldest Daughter - Currently Serving in Starfleet aboard the USS Sarajevo (37 Years Old)
T'Lem - Oldest Son - Currently working at the Vulcan Science Academy (30 Years Old)
Mikoto Roromiya- Youngest Daughter - Currently in Karuta's custody aboard the Tokyo. (10 Years Old)
Father T'Vek
Mother Akatsuki Akiyama
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Karuta is very typically Vulcan in most peoples eyes. She is emotionless and sways on the side of logic. She is controlled with how she acts around people and doesn't often divulge her Human side. She is dedicated to her duties and will often be quiet when working.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths Include
+ Logic
+ Piloting Skills
+ Physical Strength

Weaknesses Include
- Often emotionless, hard to talk to
- Struggles with social interaction
- Has to meditate to keep her emotions under control.
Ambitions Karuta's ambitions are to mainly do her job. She also is focused on raising her youngest daughter who is a handful, especially since she is three quarters Human and often struggles between her Human and Vulcan sides.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies and Interests Include
- Piloting
- Meditation
- Family

Personal History Born on Vulcan in 2310, Karuta was the product of the marriage of Akatsuki Akiyama a Japanese Woman and her Vulcan father T'Vek. Even in 2310 the concept of a Human/Vulcan hybrid was still uncommon and still looked down upon by most Vulcans in society.

Karuta had light brown hair and softened Japenese facial features which took prominence over her Vulcan features. The only part of her which made her resemble her Vulcan heritage were her ears which were pointed. Her hazel eyes were often described as shining in the light, often with emotion. From an early age all Karuta wanted was to 'fit in' with the rest of society, so she decided to adopt the way of the Vulcans purging all emotion.

As a teenager she struggled with this, often being bullied by her other classmates. However she battled it through. At age sixteen, she had decided that she would travel to P'Jem to undergo the Kolinahr ritual to purge all of her emotions and be completely dedicated to logic. However after a long discussion with her mother, she decided against it. Her mother helped her to understand that she was also Half Human and she shouldn't be ashamed of that fact.

Therefore Karuta began to look elsewhere for her future endeavours. At this time in her life young Karuta was unsure of what she wanted to be. She left Vulcan at eighteen to search for a place to fit into the universe. She found herself on Earth, for some reason she had found her way towards Starfleet Academy.

She had heard many stories of how Ambassador Spock and other famous Vulcans had served in Starfleet. So she decided that she would embrace her Human side a bit more and join. However she was unsure what she was actually good at. Luckily she chose the enlist in Starfleet rather than join the officers program. Therefore she could learn on the job and find her own path over time.

The next to years of Karuta's life were dedicated to study. She stayed at Starfleet Academy on the Enlisted course. The two years was designed as a 'crash course' to Starfleet and how they operated etc. After two years she then found herself assigned to a Starship, the USS Tripoli as a crewman relief officer.

This allowed Karuta to be assigned to various departments where she was needed. As a relief officer she was often told to take over from someone more senior for a little while and she found she was good at it. Most of all she found that she was very good at flight control, especially piloting a Starship and smaller craft. She was favoured by the Flight Control Officers in the ships shuttlebay as she was good at parking shuttles and maintaining them.

In 2325 she was approached by the ships executive officer who had noticed her skills in the shuttlebay to be assigned there full time. She would be elevated from crewman to the lowest Petty Officer rank, 3rd class. She accepted and worked in the ships shuttlebay. She was responsible for maintaining shuttles, parking and taking shuttles out when requested to as well as other duties such as cleaning and refuelling. It was hard work, however she understood that it was something she was good at.

She was often criticised by others as it was unusual for a Vulcan to be on such an assignment rather than the standard stereotype "Vulcan Science Officer" which seemed to be the case in Starfleet. Regardless Karuta managed on the Tripoli with her shuttles and her duties.

In 2338, the Tripoli responded to a distress call from the Omincron Theta Colony which was reporting that they were under attack. Upon arriving the Horizon discovered that colony had been destroyed. However an Android built by Dr Soong had been left on the planet. Karuta was on one of the teams that brought back the Android to the Tripoli in a shuttlecraft. He was activated again and identified himself as "Data".

Two years later in 2349, the Tripoli was put in for a refit and many of the crew were up for reassignment with the standard roll out of crew. Karuta didn't really want to leave the ship, however she understood that she could progress if she did so. She found herself assigned as a Petty Officer Third Class to the USS Aoba.

The Aoba was a different assignment for Karuta. It was a much bigger vessel and had much more shuttle space. She found it challenging, and over the next three years worked hard to be promoted to Petty Officer 2nd Class. Starfleet had been working on a new class of starship which was showing good signs of being the next exploration cruiser, however the designs were complicated.

Karuta was offered a position aboard the Ambassador Class Starship, USS Enterprise NCC 1701 C. However she turned down the transfer. She had adapted well to life aboard the Aoba and did not see the need to transfer. Only a years later in 2344, her decision had paid off as the USS Enterprise C was destroyed over Narenda Three whilst defending a Klingon Colony against a Romulan Attack. Therefore a new peace fell upon the quadrant, one which no had seen in many years.

Karuta stayed aboard the Aoba until 2350. Once again she was put in the transfer pool of officers and transferred to the Vermillion. She was promoted to Petty Officer 1st Class and due to her experience of working in ships shuttlebays she was also promoted in position to that of shuttlebay supervisor. She now had more responsibilities. She would now oversee the daily running of the shuttlebay and would report to the chief flight control officer of the vessel.

In 2357, something happened to Karuta that would not only take her by surprise, but it would also cause problems for her. For many years she had treated her own Pon Farr with meditation, however this time it was far too great for her. She found herself losing concentration, allowing her emotions to come through. At one point one of the officers told a bad joke in the lounge and Karuta has burst out in uncontrollable laughter. She had been taken to Sickbay and she was ordered back to Vulcan where her Pon Farr could be cured.

Karuta never really liked the whole 'arranged marriage' of Vulcan society. Therefore she was allowed to choose her mate. Her father knew of a Vulcan Man of similar age whom when Karuta was a teenager had expressed interest in. His first mate had rejected him so he was unbound. T'Lek.

On return to Vulcan, not only did Karuta take interest in T'Lek but they bonded and he helped her with her Pon Farr. He was a civilian however whilst she still wore the uniform. Her Human side however didn't help as she became far too emotionally attached to him, wanting him to be with her all the time. Luckily T'Lek understood this and decided to stay with her as a bonded pair, or as Humans would say 'Married Couple'.

Several months later, after returning together to the Vermillion Karuta discovered that she was pregnant with their first child. She had not intended to have a child, it had never been one of her priorities or interests. However it was only logical to have a child at her age. She birthed a daughter whom they named Niceo in 2358, born on the Vermillion.

In 2360, after two years Karuta once again found herself promoted. This time she was promoted to Chief Petty Officer and became the Shuttlebay Cheif Officer. Therefore she took control of all of the shuttlebay functions and teams. Anything to do with the bay had to go through her. It was a strong position for her. It could be held by a Chief Petty Officer or an Officer. However she had the experience to run the entire bay without much intervention from the Chief Flight Control officer.

The next Five Years went smoothly for Karuta, T'Vek and Nico. That was until in 2365, when T'Vek went into Pon Farr again. This time it was Karuta who helped him with his 'tensions'. This resulted in Karuta once again becoming pregnant again. This time she was carrying a son. T'Lem was therefore born on the Vermillion. By this time Karuta had been aboard the Vermillion for Fifteen years and the Captain had recognised her service aboard the vessel with a service award to the vessel.

Karuta world would change forever two years later in 2367, with the Vermillion along with Thirty Eight other starships were deployed by Admiral Hanson to prevent a Borg Cube from reaching Earth. The Vermillion along with the other ships, led by the Melbourne engaged the Borg Cube in the Battle of Wolf 359.

It was a disaster with over 11,000 officers and killed and loss of all but one of the starships. Early in on in the battle the Vermillion had taken a direct hit which had destroyed the bridge and many of the upper sections of the ship. For the first time in her life Karuta had experienced true fear. With the senior officers all but dead, the crew abandoned the ship. Karuta had managed to find her children from the on board day care, and rushed them towards the nearest escape pod. She however didn't know the location of T'Lek. She knew however that it was likely he would have made his way to another escape pod.

She survived the battle and her pod was picked up along with other survivors. However after searching, it became apparent that T'Lek had not survived the vessel. This caused her emotional barriers to break down, she didn't know how to cope without him. Her Human side was far too emotionally attached to him. She also had her children to care for.

After the battle, she took some time off and returned to Vulcan. Her parents were more than willing to assist her and get her back on her feet. Plus it allowed her children to have some time with their grandparents. After two years of LOA from Starfleet, she decided that it would be far too painful to return and therefore in 2369, she officially resigned from Starfleet, which her parents had been expecting.

She stayed on Vulcan for the next four years, focusing on raising her children and spending some time with her family. However in 2373, she felt the call of service coming back to her. She was visited by a Starfleet Recruitment Officer who was looking up potential recruits for the war against the Dominion.

Karuta consulted with her parents regarding what she should do. Her father simply told her to do what she thought was the correct thing to do, and reminded her that the needs of the many outweigh the few. She therefore left her children in her parents care on Vulcan and rejoined Starfleet.

Upon returning to Starfleet she was given the rank of Warrant Officer and assigned to the Akira Class USS Vindicator to work in the ships Tactical Information Centre to help co-ordinate the Starfighter Craft. It was very different to running a shuttlebay as the Akira Class was classed as a carrier vessel.

However she rose to the challenge of working under new rules. Over the course of the Dominion War, Karuta assisted in starfighter operations in several skirmishes and battles. In 2375 the treaty of Bajor was signed between the allies and the Dominion resulting in the end of the Dominion War. Karuta was also promoted to that of Staff Warrant Officer and placed reassigned on the ship to Deck Crew Supervisor.

The workings of a carrier vessel were very different to a standard starship. They were more intense and there was more work to do around the flight deck. Karuta found herself continuously busy and always had something to do or complete. It was good therapy for her and helped her get her life back on track. She served aboard the USS Vindicator until 2378, where the ship would return to Earth to be refitted. However it was called out one last time as a Borg Sphere appeared in the Sol System, only to be destroyed by the USS Voyager whom had been using it to return back to the Alpha Quadrant.

Karuta then transferred to the USS Kanzaki. She stayed at Staff Warrant Officer and took up the Deck Crew Supervisor Position. It wasn't much different from her previous assignment, the Kanzaki was a newly refitted Akira Class Carrier Vessel. However to Karuta it was simply the same. However on the Kanzaki she started to grow close to one of her colleagues, Kimito Roromiya.

Her friendship over the course of three years turned into a romatic relationship. She wasn't expecting to have these feelings again for anyone since the loss of her previous husband. However in 2383 she announced that she was going to marry Kimito as their relationship progressed. They married several months later. Although at first Karuta's father was dubious about her marrying a Human, it only took Karuta to remind him that he had done the same for him to accept him.

in 2385, Karuta once again fell pregnant, with her third child, but first child to Kimito. She gave birth to a girl, who looked more Human than Vulcan including not having pointed ears. Mikoto Roromiya would be a totally different challenge for Karuta as she showed more Human traits than Vulcan so she found it difficult to connect with her. However Mikoto seemed to prefer her father to her. That was difficult for Karuta, but she still loved Mikoto and accepted her for what she wanted to be.

In 2386, Karuta was made the Deputy Air Boss of the Kanzaki, with a promotion to Master Warrant Officer. She was responsible for landing of the starfighter crafts, as well as managing the flight deck during operations as well as assisting in flight operations in a set area around the vessel; much like an air traffic controller. She stayed aboard the Kanzaki for the next nine years.

In 2395, the USS Tokyo returned to Earth and the position of Air Boss Opened. She immediately applied for it and was successful. Karuta, Kimito and Mikoto transferred over to the Tokyo while it was docked at Utopia Planetia Fleet Yards. Luckily the Tokyo allowed Civilians so she could keep the family together whilst serving in a more senior role, one which came with a promotion in rank to Chief Warrant Officer.
Service Record 2328 - Starfleet Academy Enlisted Course
2330 - USS Tripoli - Relief Officer - Crewman
2335 - USS Tripoli - Shuttlebay Crew - Petty Officer 3rd Class
2340 - USS Aoba - Shuttlebay Crew - Petty Officer 3rd Class
2343 - USS Aoba - Shuttlebay Crew - Petty Officer 2nd Class
2350 - USS Vermillion - Shuttlebay Supervisor - Petty Officer 1st Class
2357 - Temporary leave of Absence for personal reasons
2358 - Nico - First Daughter Born aboard the USS Vermillion
2360 - USS Vermillion - Shuttlebay Chief Officer - Chief Petty Officer
2365 - T'Lem- First Son born aboard the USS Vermillion.
2367 - Battle of Wolf 359 - USS Vermillion Destroyed
2367 - Leave of Abscense to recover from the Battle of Wolf 359
2369 - Resignation from Starfleet
2373 - Rejoined Starfleet
2373 - Assigned to the USS Vindicator - TIC Officer - Warrant Officer
2375 - Dominion War Ends
2375 - USS Vindicator - Deck Crew Supervisor - Staff Warrant Officer
2378 - USS Kanzaki - Deck Crew Supervisor - Staff Warrant Officer
2383 - Married Kimito Roromiya
2385 - Second Daughter - Mikoto Roromiya Born aboard the USS Kanzaki
2386 - USS Kanzaki - Deputy Air Boss - Master Warrant Officer
2395- USS Tokyo - Chief Warrant Officer - Air Boss