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Tue Dec 3rd, 2024 @ 2:27am

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu

Name Ryuuji Takasu

Position Chief Strategic Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 180lbs
Hair Color Navy
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Ryuuji has dark navy/black hair. This is due to his great great grandfather being half bolian. He is a tall and slender and has a medium build. He keeps his hair usually rather short with a fringe.


Relationship Status Single
Spouse/Partner Taiga Aisaka
Children None
Father Hinata Takasu
Mother Yuri Takasu

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ryuuji is a gentle giant, but most people avoid him because apparently he looks "scary". However he is nice and doesn't like voilence. He also likes cleanliness and can often be found cleaning things when they are dirty. He has a sense of honor and likes to uphold it when he can.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
+ Kind and Gentle
+ Smart has a good intelligence IQ
+ Quick thinker
+ Honorable

- Doesn't like being avoided
- OCD about cleaning
- Can find it hard to express feelings
- Has a temper
Ambitions Ryuuji's ambitions are to do his very best in what he can. He joined Starfleet to prove to his family that he was worth something and that he can do what he aspires to.
Hobbies & Interests Ryuuji likes to play sports. He will like to play baseball and often likes to practice sword fighting. That is how he met Taiga at the Academy. He also likes to clean things, although not a hobby he does enjoy it.

Personal History Ryuuji was born in Japan and at a very early age his parents split up. He lived with his mother who tried her best to support him but it was hard. At the age of sixteen he decided to prove his family that he was going to make the most of what he's got and enter into Starfleet. He was accepted onto the Operations course since he was a good manager of systems.

In the Academy he took up a sport of Sword Fighting and fencing. This is where he met Taiga Aisaka who he had a crush on. In the second year he asked Taiga out on a date and she agreed. This is where his relationship began with Taiga, at the age of seventeen.

Ryuuji graduated the Academy with a first class honours. Luckily most of the top students could choose their assignment, he chose to go to the same ship as Taiga the USS Lexington. He was given the rank of Ensign and a position as Junior Operations officer aboard the Lexington, while Taiga was a Junior Security Officer.

On the Lexington Ryuuji lived with Taiga together as boyfriend and girlfriend. After four years Ryuuji was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade and was given the Assistant Chief of Operations. He was glad that he had got that far in four years and felt responsible for once in his life.

In 2389 Taiga was reassigned to the USS Doncaster and Ryuuji asked if he could go with her. His request was denied. This was hard on their relationship as they were apart, but would talk every night after their duty shift. This is also when Ryuuji was made the Chief Operations Officer after the previous cheif resigned with the rank of Lieutenant.

Taiga brought some good news the year after in 2390. After her ship the Doncaster had rescued the USS Tokyo, a new ship on its training cruise there were now gaps in the ships manifest. She had been accepted as the Executive Officer of the ship with a rise in rank to Lieutenant Commander. She said she could try and pull some strings so they could get back together on the same ship.

Luckily she managed to do so and Ryuuji transfered to the Tokyo as the ships Chief Operations Officer with the same rank, Lieutenant. The Tokyo was nice, especially now that he was back with Taiga in person. The ship finished its shakedown trials in which it did a ten month patrol of the Romulan Neutral Zone and then returned to port to rectify problems that had occured in the ships design and a brief resupply.

Once back Ryuuji proposed to Taiga. She was shocked, but said yes and they became engaged. Shortly after their engagement the Captain of the Tokyo stepped down to real life issues with his family and some of the crew were reassigned elsewhere. Taiga was placed in command of the Tokyo with a field rank of Full Commander. Her first act was to promote Ryuuji to Lieutenant Commander and place him as the ship's second officer until she could find someone to take over the executive officer role, she trusted him with helping her out.

Service Record 2378 - 2382 Starfleet Academy [Operations Department]
2382 - 2386 USS Lexington [Ensign - Operationsy Officer]
2386 - 2389 USS Lexington - [Lieutenant JG - Assistant Chief Operations Officer]
2389 - 2390 USS Lexington - [Lieutenant - Chief Operations Officer]
2390 - 2391 USS Tokyo [Lieutenant - Chief Operations Officer]
2393 - 2395 USS Tokyo [Lieutenant Commander - Flight Deck Crew Chief]