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Thu Jul 25th, 2024 @ 10:03pm

Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto

Name Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket'

Position Squadron Leader

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 5'3
Weight 120 lbs
Hair Color brown
Eye Color light brown
Physical Description Mika is of average height and build. She wears a Finnish vainamoinen hat and carries a kantele instrument with her at all times, even having it in the cockpit of her fighter.


Relationship Status Single
Spouse/Partner none
Children none
Father Bunta Fujimoto
Mother Saya Fujimoto
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family none of note

Personality & Traits

General Overview Mika displays a deceptively calm and refined personality, deceptive being the keyword: One would best keep track of all their valuables at all times around her, as 'Pickpocket' is more than just an intimidating nickname.
Strengths & Weaknesses +A skilled pilot.
+Capable with simple hand weapons.

-Is a natural born thief and liar.
-Introverted, preferring to be left alone.
Ambitions To be a Mafia boss or an equivalent organized crime kingpin
Hobbies & Interests -Plays an instrument, the kantele. Enjoys playing Finnish folk songs on it, though she's branched out into Christian hymns, specifically 'Nearer, My God, To Thee'
-'Borrowing' and 'Liberating' other people's property.
-Tank warfare
-Street Racing, especially drifting

Personal History When Mika was young, her parents split. Despite the traumatic event, her father, Bunta, tried to give her a normal childhood. Around the 7th grade, he let his daughter drive his lightly modified Toyota Sprinter Trueno AE86 to assist with his business. It was driving in such a manner that made Mika exceptionally skilled behind the wheel of a car, and in the final year of high school, she would go on to use the AE86 to defeat several reputable street racers.

Despite being destined to become a racing prodigy, things began to go off the rails following graduation. Mika began committing petty crimes, pocket-picking, swindling, robbery, and the like. Gradually, Mika began stealing bigger things: One day, she drove home in a tank and refused to answer questions as to where she got it.

One day, Mika stole a shuttlecraft and took it on a joyride chase with the authorities. Despite getting shot down and eventually arrested, Mika knew from those moments in the sky that she wanted to refine her technique as a pilot, just as she had done as a racer.

So, Mika bribed some Starfleet officials with some of her ill-gotten gains and was admitted into Starfleet Academy.

Mika was a known troublemaker in the academy, constantly stealing from instructors and other cadets, but they could never kick her out of the academy, as she always had a nice bribe for them. Sometimes, she'd just give people their stuff back to get them to change their mind.

Upon graduation, Mika was assigned to the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, an Akira Class vessel alleged to be a prototype for the Armitage Class carriers, but her bad behavior got her reassigned. Similar stories would be the reason for every subsequent transfer.

Mika's latest transfer brings her to the USS Tokyo. Upon acceptance of her transfer documents, Mika found out that an old friend is also aboard. Maybe, just maybe, this may be enough to get her to give up her thieving ways, and once and for all, find a permanent place in Starfleet.
Service Record 2388-2391: Starfleet Academy (Piloting)
2391-2392: USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (Ensign - Fighter Pilot)
2392-2394: Various jobs aboard various ships (Ensign)
2394-????: USS Tokyo (Ensign - Fighter Pilot)