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Posted on Thu Dec 26th, 2024 @ 11:06pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Commander Thomas Johnson & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling & Lieutenant JG Connor Carey & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini'

1,605 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Nursery
Location: Various
Timeline: Concurant with "In The Tubes"

The Tokyo hovered over the Elachi nursery, her weapons still on standby as the away team made progress into the facility. The Starfighters circled around the area, keeping a close eye out for any enemy ships. There wasn't much to do on the Tokyo itself apart from keeping watch, the main battle was happening below.


Taiga monitored the away team on the viewscreen. It wasn't going well at all. So far they had lost several people. She expected resistance, but she didn't imagine this much.

"Commander Johnson, I need a status report." She said over the comms.

"Not going as planned Captain, lost more than half the team... I sent Commander Chisato running through the tubes of this place, which may be a trap, but given our..." Thomas began, shots could be heard over his COM. "It was the safest way. Im trying to divert enemy forces away from them so they could continue the mission. So far... it seems to be working... Should be noted..." He stopped to fire once more, before taking a shot to the shoulder. "Fuck... They aren't only using those transporter weapons. We pissed them off Captain... recommend securing the bridge, they ain't going to play nice after this."

"Do you need some backup?" Taiga asked in response. "Tokyo remains secure, but we can send down more officers if you need them."

"Theres a lot more elachi here that we figured, sending more will just get more casualties, keep the ship safe. We have an oceana survivor leading the Commander to the other surivivors. With any luck our lost people will be there as well."

"Keep me updated Commander. If the risk is too high, we'll pull you out of there." Taiga replied simply.

Suddenly without warning some sort of bright green light swept across the bridge. It was like some sort of scanning beam screening the entire ship room by room.

"What was that?!" Taiga asked standing up from her chair.

"Some sort of scanning probe Captain." Connor replied as he ran diagnostics. "They are trying to figure out how to weaken our shields." Turning to another screen to his right. "Activating shields around all major areas of the ship." He tapped his Combadge. "Alpha team to the bridge please."

"Change our shield frequencies!" Taiga ordered.

"Attempting to now Captain... to no affect... the scanner they are using... its disrupting our shields, not enough to drop them, but enough to enable transport." Connor replied as he ran his fingers over the console.

"Captain, we have reports coming in from all over the ship. People are being..." The young ensign behind her said from Mission Operations.

"People are being what Ensign?!" Taiga asked.

"Beamed away..."

Taiga's eyes opened. The Elachi had somehow managed to get past the Tokyo's shields and were now directly abducting her crew. She sat back down in her command chair. "Jased! Get us away from the nursery!"

"What's going on Captain..." still on the intercom. Finally able to find cover.

"The Elachi have penetrated our shields. They seem to be 'beaming' the crew away. We're pulling away from the Nursery. Sorry Commander, you're on your own! You have a few more people to get back!" Taiga replied hastily.

Lieutenant Yuvek slammed his fist on his console in anger and surprise. All of the simulations they ran and never once did it dawn on him that the Elachi might utilize a method to beam through their shields the same way the Tokyo planned on doing with the survivors onboard the nursery.

"Tokyo Helm to All Starfighters, we are orbit with the facility, I say again, we are breaking immediate orbit with the facility. The Elachi have some transporter device that is able to penetrate our shields and capture crew members." The Helmsman said as he tried to coordinate the ad-hoc fleet as the Carrier broke away from the nursery and tried to evade the reach of the transporter device.

"Captain, I may have a way to envelop the entire ship with the same shield that the bridge and other main areas of the ship are shielded. It may take a little time... and it probably won't last long... but it may work." Connor replied as he looked over the read outs... "I'm reading 73 missing crew members... Captain... make that 80..."

"Do what you can!" Taiga replied.

Nodding, "Will need to wait until we are out of distance. I'd have to physically change some of the shield emitter parameters."

[Flight Deck Sickbay]

Down in the flight deck sickbay there wasn't that much to do apart to prepare for any injuries the Pilots and Marines may have upon returning. Amu was busy pottering around as she prepared, making sure the hyposprays were ready, the biobeds all working perfectly. She had even prepared for incoming casualties.

"We're all ready here Doctor," Nurse Thellin said as he approached with a PADD. He had been a great help since Nurse Miyafuji had been reassigned to the away team.

"Ah thankyou Thellin," she said addressing the Andorian nurse. He simply smiled. "Just a few things to finish and we...". He was cut off as the PADD fell to the floor, in a instant the Andorian nurse disappeared in a haze of green light.

"What the..." Amu exclaimed in confusion however was also cut off as she too was whisped away in green light.

[Enroute to the bridge]

With Thomas off ship Talia has been finding it stressful waiting for his return. Taking a few minutes off the bridge after her husband’s departure she was enroute back to the bridge, moments later she vanished in a haze of green light, leaving a nearby crew member standing nearby open mouthed in shock and surprise.

Chiyo had kept Liz off the away team for her safety. And it was a good thing too, because the motion of the ship had brought on another bout of morning sickness. One moment, Liz was throwing up into a toilet, the next, she was throwing up into green light.

[On Elachi Nursery]

Meanwhile Talia had arrived in the deeper depths of the nursery along with the other abductees from the Tokyo. Looking around all she could do was try and keep those with her calm, which didn’t work out quite as planned as the Elachi entered and began sorting the group, dragging women off in different directions.

A strange energy beam swept through the room, knocking the captive unconcious without any resistance.


"We're away from the nursery and outside of weapons range." Lt. Yuvek said. "But that means we can't beam anyone out if they call for us." He said as he turned his chair to face the Captain.

"So not only are the original hostages stuck, but now we have over 80 new hostages that the Elachi have just collected." He said in a frustrated tone.

"We need to report back to Admiral Nakamura and have Starfleet send an entire task force out here!" He added.

"We're in Romulan space..." Taiga reminded him. "I'll try to see of Starfleet can help us. But right now I need a list of everyone who's missing."

Lieutenant Yuvek turned back around to his console. ". . .right, we're in Romulan space alone....with no reinforcements. . .what a great idea that was." He grumbled as he tried to coordinate with the Starfighters in the new position they had taken up.

While they were certainly outside of the Nursery's weapons range, they had completely lost the element of surprise. There was no telling who else what other ships were aware and on their way to the area.

"Snowflake to Tokyo." Fubuki called. "None of the pilots seem to have been taken. I don't believe they can lock onto smaller craft." She explained.

"It sounds like you have a suggestion?" Taiga responded.

"Yes Captain. If we can locate their transporter emitter arrays. We can take it out, stop them from using the transporters against us." Fubuki suggested.

Taiga placed her chin between her thumb and forefinger. "Standby Snowflake. For now pull back, we'll see what we can find."

"Roger that Tokyo." Fubuki responded.

"Mister Carey. Go over those tactical scans again. Look for anything that resembles a transporter emitter array." Taiga said looking back at the tactical station.

Connor went through the scans of the facility. "I have three possible locations Captain. Sending the information to the fighters now."

"Put it up on the viewscreen," Taiga said. "I want to see those locations."

Nodding, Connor placed all three on the screen.

"Ok then," Taiga said as she studied the sensor readings. "All Starfighters, engage those targets and destroy them!" She ordered.

"Copy that, Tokyo:" Mika nodded, noting which location her fighters were closest to: "Harley Squad, on me!"

"Let's hit hard and fast!" Fubuki called.

=A=Triumph Squadron, fall in!=A= Nozomi adjoined. =A=Noses down, prepare to execute a dive toss!=A=

On the viewscreen Taiga watched as the sixty Starfighters ran at the asteroid base. A few moments later in the distance small explosions could be seen as the pilots unleashed hell on the Elachi's transporter emitters.

"Right." Taiga said. "Take us back in. Keep an active watch for Elachi vessels or transporter activity. Full power to shields!"

Posting by:

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Chief Counsellor

Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling
Marine Executive Officer

Lieutenant JG Connor Carey
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake'
Acting Commander Air Group

Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini'
Squadron Leader


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