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Fri Feb 21st, 2025 @ 7:29pm

Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling

Name Elizabeth F. (Frederica) "Liz" Beurling

Position Marine Company Deputy Commander

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human/Vulcan
Age 101

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4
Weight 140 lbs
Hair Color black
Eye Color blue
Physical Description Liz is rather strange for a Vulcan hybrid, as her facial features are more resembling of a human, and though she has pointed ears, she tends to wear her hair longer to cover them, more in the style of a human. It is said that at times, her front most bangs of hair can resemble the ears of a human Dachshund dog


Relationship Status Single
Spouse/Partner none
Children Expecting first child
Father Gustav Beurling (Vulcan; real name considered unpronounceable to non-Vulcans)
Mother Henrietta Gibbs (Human)
Brother(s) T’Chuus (Older Vulcan half-brother; full name considered unpronounceable by non-Vulcans)
Polak (Older Vulcan half-brother; full name considered unpronounceable by non-Vulcans)
Timothy Gibbs Beurling Sr. (Younger full brother)
Sister(s) Victoria Beurling-Lambert (Younger sister)
Other Family T’Pana (Father’s ex-wife; biological mother of T’Chuus and Polak)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Liz may come off as cold and cynical, appearing a textbook example of a Vulcan. However, once one gets to know her, they come to realize it is merely her sense of humor, for Liz largely rejects her Vulcan side, believing (even though she is half-Vulcan) that “Life’s too short for logic.”
Strengths & Weaknesses +Vulcan Strength
+Good with a phaser

-Rejects logic
Ambitions Liz’s ambitions are to be the best soldier she can be, as well as to prove herself in the eyes of her Vulcan half brothers, who resent her and her younger siblings for being part human.
Hobbies & Interests -Growing tobacco
-Making cigarettes

Personal History Elizabeth Frederica Beurling, or Liz, as she prefers to be known by, was born in Lac-Megantic, Quebec in 2295 to Gustav Beurling; a Vulcan man whose real name was considered unpronounceable by non-Vulcans (even all possible abbreviations of the name sounded to more rounded ears like unintelligible gargling) and Henrietta Gibbs; a Canadian woman of English descent. Though Liz was the first child of Gustav's marriage to Henrietta, she was the third overall of five children fathered by Gustav.

From an early age, there was a rather tense dynamic in the Beurling household, as her two older brothers, who were full Vulcans and furthermore grown adults, though they did well to hide it in their veils of logic, deep down resented their father for divorcing his first wife, their mother, and then marrying a human. When they spoke to their father, it was almost exclusively in Vulcan, and done seemingly deliberately to either anger Liz's mother or belittle the human woman when her back was turned.

At first, Liz tolerated the abuse from her brothers, who called her a "meager halfling" as one of their more colorful insults. However, that all changed when her little brother Timothy entered the picture. Liz begged her parents to take her with them to the hospital to avoid the 'care' of her brothers, promising to be a good girl and sit quietly in the waiting room. She was the first one besides her parents and the hospital staff to hold little Timothy in her arms, and when she did, she made a vow to not let Timothy become a victim of her Vulcan brothers' insults like she had been for so long.

For Liz's tenth birthday in 2305, she was given her first universal translator by, of all people, her older brother Polak. While Polak shared his older brother, T'Chuus' sentiments concerning his father's second marriage, he was slowly warming up to his human stepmother (unlike T'Chuus) and felt it the logical thing to do in an attempt to make up for past actions he was increasingly viewing as illogical.

The translator would allow Liz to listen in on her father and brothers' Vulcan language conversations by providing translations of what they were saying. Furthermore, the device worked both ways, as it would interface with the translators all three Vulcan men carried on them, so if she decided to butt in on the conversation, it would sound to them like she was speaking fluent Vulcan.

As a teenager, Liz began to gravitate towards the old Earth subculture of outlaw motorcycle gangs; wearing dark colored (mostly black) clothing, driving fast, loud motorcycles, listening to hard rock and heavy metal, and smoking. It is not known exactly when Liz had her first cigarette, but it's likely she had it sometime when she was in high school, and thanks to an old friend of hers who happened to be related to a tobacco farmer, Liz learned to grow her own tobacco and make her own cigarettes from it.

Liz graduated high school in 2313. After which, she applied for, and was accepted into the Universite du Quebec a Montreal. To save money on public transport fares going to and from Montreal and Lac-Megantic, Liz decided to lease an apartment in Montreal and move there. However, not too long after moving out to Montreal, due to the rising costs of real estate in the area due to some Starfleet-related venture in Montreal, her apartment became too expensive for her to afford by herself, so she agreed to co-lease with a roommate. The selected candidate, upon getting to know her half-Vulcan roommate better, revealed that she was friends with a Japanese woman who had married a Vulcan man, just like Liz's mother and father, and that they had recently had a kid together.

Liz graduated in 2317, earning her 4 year degree. Liz's parents hoped that she would use this degree to become a professional artist like her father. However, Liz had other plans, as she was hired not too long after graduation by a freight company as a freighter pilot. Liz garnered a reputation among her employer, and the freighter which she served on was often the one her employer called upon whenever they had a client that needed cargo moved 'no questions asked'.

56 years passed Liz by, and by 2373, she had been honored as one of the company's longest-serving employees; an exclusive club that seemed to be inhabited by mostly Vulcans. And things were looking likely to stay that way until the Dominion War broke out, and her freighter, the Maersk Seleya, was requisitioned by Starfleet to become a troop transport to assist in the war effort. The freighter's crew, including Liz, were allowed to remain, but Starfleet personnel would be stationed on the vessel to coordinate troop movements, and nowhere was this more evident than in who they were transporting: Starfleet marines.

Liz developed an admiration for the folks in the green Starfleet uniforms, and following the conclusion of the war in 2375, when the Seleya was returned to Maersk, Liz retired from the company and showed up to Starfleet to enlist in the marine corps as an officer. After having undergone all of the necessary officer training, Liz was assigned to the original USS Redemption as a part of its rather small marine compliment at the rank of 2nd Lieutenant.

During her service on board the Redemption, Liz met a security officer named Tatsuo Shimada. The two of them hit it off, and for the first time, Liz realized that she had feelings for Tatsuo that went beyond friendship. However, when she confessed to him, she was shut down by him, for Tatsuo was already seeing another woman named Chiyo Mabuchi.

Though she was devastated, Liz respected Tatsuo's relationship, and pressed the issue no further. Instead, she began looking for transfers. However, there wasn't much need for a marine officer, and her search was delayed until 2381, when she finally had a transfer request approved, and she was reassigned to the USS Kanzaki's marine detachment.

As it turned out, Liz's transfer came with silver lining, for just months after her transfer, she caught wind of the Redemption's destruction, and the presumed loss of all hands, including Tatsuo. The news came at the onset of Liz's Pon Farr, and though she hadn't been on the Kanzaki long, she took a leave of absence to mourn Tatsuo's loss.

When Liz came back from her LOA, she was offered a position on board the USS Redemption A in recognition for her service aboard the original Redemption, but Liz refused, electing to return to the Kanzaki, where she was assigned.

In 2386, Liz was promoted to 1st Lieutenant and became a squadron leader. She remained on the Kanzaki for another three years before she was selected to take over watch of the Federation Embassy on Cardassia.

However, shortly before she was meant to ship off to Cardassia, Liz learned of a group of cadets who had yet to undergo their basic survival training because their regular instructor had taken an LOA on short notice. Liz put her name down to volunteer to teach the group their basic survival training, and was selected to do so. Liz chose the Canadian Rockies to conduct the exercise in, due to her being familiar with the area from her youth.

The training exercise went well until an unexpected landslide cut them off, and one of the cadets who wasn't swift enough to get out of the way became trapped. After freeing the cadet from the rubble, they discovered that the Trill cadet had broken her foot and was unable to walk. Remaining calm and following protocol, the group came across a cabin up the trail from the slide, which they gained access to for shelter. Liz spent the next several hours supervising the cadets as they prepared for survival, including lighting the cabin's wood-burning stove, setting up a distress beacon, and tending to the injured Trill.

With the storm outside worsening, they weren't expecting to be rescued until the storm blew past, which was why they were rather surprised when during the worst of the storm, the Danube Class runabout USS Las Vegas showed up, crewed not by regs or other Marines, but rather a group of cadets, who had undertaken a clandestine mission to rescue them. Though the cadets were successful in their efforts, following their return to the academy facility from which they had come, they were led off to be brought before the Academy Commandant for disciplinary action. Writing her report to her superiors over the incident was one of the worst reports Liz ever had to write.

After the incident, Liz fulfilled her duties at the embassy on Cardassia faithfully until she was relieved of her duties and reassigned to the USS Marston as a platoon leader in 2391, whose Marine Vice Commander was none other than Chiyo Mabuchi (who had now changed her name to Shimada). During their four years of service together, the two women developed a deep respect for one another, though Liz never mentioned to Chiyo the feelings she had had for Tatsuo.

In 2395, the Marston was due in for a refit that would take well over a year to complete. By this time, Liz had made up her mind that she wanted to pursue future work as a Marine Vice Commander to further her career. However, before Liz could apply for any vacant Marine Vice Commander positions, Chiyo came to her with a proposal; she had been accepted onto the USS Tokyo as its new Marine Commander, and she wanted Liz to become her Vice Commander. Liz was honored by the proposal, and so, with Chiyo's backing, Liz was accepted as the USS Tokyo's new Marine Vice Commander.
Service Record 2313-2317: Universite du Quebec a Montreal, 4 year (bachelor's) degree
Graduated 2317: 4 year (bachelor's) degree
2317-2373: Maersk Seleya (Freighter Pilot)
2373-2375: Maersk Seleya (Under Starfleet Management - Freighter Pilot)
2375: Retired from Maersk
2378-2382: USS Redemption (Fire Team - 2nd Lieutenant)
2382: Transferred to USS Kanzaki
2382: Leave of Absence (Reason: "To mourn a friend's death.")
2382: Offered transfer to USS Redemption A (Refused)
2382-2386: USS Kanzaki (Fire Team - 2nd Lieutenant)
2386-2389: USS Kanzaki (Squadron Leader - 1st Lieutenant)
2389-2391: Embassy of the United Federation of Planets, Cardassia Prime (Embassy guard - 1st Lieutenant)
2391-2395: USS Marston (Platoon Leader - 1st Lieutenant)
2395-2396: USS Tokyo (Marine Vice Commander - 1st Lieutenant)
2396-present: USS Tokyo (Marine Vice Commander - Captain)