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Beach Volleyball! Assembling teams (Part 1)

Posted on Fri Mar 17th, 2023 @ 6:59pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Ensign Mikko Ishigami & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Lieutenant Commander Febin & Lieutenant Kylynn Adams & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Sergeant Major Vespertine D'hetr & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling & 1st Lieutenant Hann Rudd & Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket' & Ensign Talanna Teela 'Nanny' & Alice Shimada
Edited on on Fri Mar 17th, 2023 @ 7:08pm

1,173 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Risa Beach

[Volleyball Pitch]

"Ok people!" Taiga called out loudly, she had found a step stool to stand up on so she could be seen. "Lets form some teams and get this volleyball tournament going!" she said with a slight evil smile. "Teams of six!" Taiga suggested to them all.

"And did I ever tell you about the one time Rin ran off with the ball?" Nozomi chuckled as she made her way over to the pitch with Iowa. "That was the last time Honoka invited her to play volleyball, though she certainly didn't mind watching from the sidelines..."

"Oh, that's nothing;" Iowa giggled. "Have I told you the time when New Jersey was such a sore loser she set the net on fire? Yeah, I think that was the last time we all played beach volleyball together. Nobody likes playing with someone who resorts to arson when they lose."

"She what?!" Nozomi practically burst out laughing. "Where the heck did she get the idea to set the net on fire?!"

"Well, that day she brought her service lighter, smuggled it off in her bikini bottom, and that day we decided to pair her with Wisconsin." Iowa explained. "Missouri was getting tired of losing because Wisconsin couldn't play worth shit, so we paired her up with me and we proceeded to beat New Jersey and Wisconsin's asses, and New Jersey was just beside herself. I don't know what washed over her, but the next thing I know, she's pulling her smuggled lighter out of her crotch and holding an open flame to the net."

Iowa put a finger to her chin.

"You know, come to think of it, I think all our beach problems could be traced back to Wisconsin." She admitted.

A micheavious smile spread across Taigas face. "Ok. Let's make this interesting, let's determine teams by assignment. Team Bridge, Team Sickbay, Team Flight Deck, Team Starfighters etc..." she suggested. "That should develop some Team building!"

"W-wait, that would mean..." Lynette stole a nervous glance in Yoshika's direction. "They wouldn't have us competing against one another, would they?"

"Why not? Competition is fun" Yoshika replied.

Nezuko bounced with joy at the prospect of participating in this game. She’d watched others play earlier, so she was fairly sure she understood the rules. She found a spot near the Captain, presuming she’d be on Team Bridge.

Upon hearing the captain request; in Vespertine's mind set, order, the crew to gather she slung her ditty bag over her shoulder and made her way up to those gathering. She had one question "Sir, will this be conventional or combat volleyball?"

"C-Combat Volleyball?" Lynette replied, shooting Yoshika a nervous glance.

Yoshika simply shrugged.

"Combat? I don't know the combat one..." Taiga responded.

Chiyo smirked at the mention of Combat Volleyball.

"We should teach you how to play it sometime, Captain." She said. "There's certainly not enough regs playing it."

"Maybe another day." Taiga responded. At the moment she wanted to have some fun, and combat volleyball sounded a little too competitive.

Chiyo then turned to Liz, Rudd, and Alice.

"Alright, you heard the captain; Team Marine is officially forming;" She said. "Let's show these regs how we play volleyball in the Corps!"

"Hell yeah!" Liz and Rudd exclaimed in unison, pumping their fists into the air.

Chiyo turned back to Taiga, as the thought of having Alice on her team had just crossed her mind.

"Oh, Captain; would it be possible to have a civilian child on my team?" She asked. "I'm sure it would do my daughter good to participate."

"Of course" Taiga smiled.

Vespertine walked up to Captain Shimada, 1st Lieutenant Beurling, and 1st lieutenant Rudd "Sergeant Major Vespertine D'hetr reporting Sirs, as First Sergeant it will be my pleasure to join the Marines in this Volleyball competition." She then reached up and drew her long coal black and silky hair into a ponytail. This exposed her ears which slowly and gracefully came to a point, very unOrion ears. As she was pulling her hair into a ponytail it showed off hard packed body and stretched her abdomen making the six-inch scar on her left abdomen even more noticeable. Looking at the young lady the captain had mentioned she inquired "Plan on becoming a Marine one day or a Regs. Also, captain may I recommend Gunnery Sergeant Aren Na Eth to our team, the Edosian will give us a leg up with his three arms and legs; plus, I happen to know he is an excellent volleyball player.

"Well, yours and the Gunnery Sergeant's inclusion would bring us up to the number of players we need, so make it so, Sergeant Major." Chiyo said before turning around. "Team Marine is ready to rock and roll!"

Having announced that her team was ready, Chiyo turned back to face her teammates. "Now, let's show those regs why we're the best of the best: Esprit de Corps!"

"Esprit de Corps!" Liz, Rudd, and Alice all exclaimed in unison.

A few moments earlier, Silica and Fubuki had joined the crew at the beach. Silica had opted for a plain white bikini, whilst Fubuki a short tankini in light blue. Both pilots stepped forward.

"Team Starfighter over here!" Fubuki called out. Now she was a squadron leader, she seemed like the perfect person to Captain the team.

"Team Starfighter, that sounds like us." Iowa said, stepping towards her old rival's call.

Before joining her Starfighter comrades, Mika turned to Mikko.

"Well, it looks like we're going to be on separate teams if we're being sorted by duty assignment." She sighed, extending a hand. "Best of luck to Team Flight Control."

Mikko smirked. "Yeah... I'll find some others around here somewhere," she said nervously.

"Lynette!" Nozomi called out. "You coming? We still need one more on the team!"

Lynette shot Yoshika an "I really don't want to, but I'm conflicted on what to do here" sort of look.

Yoshika looked at Lynette. "Well, I'm on team medical. So its likely we'll be against each other at some point..."

"A...gainst?" Lynette whimpered, evidently not all that appealed with the prospect of driving a wedge between her and Yoshika so early into their relationship- even if this was all supposed to be in the name of good, clean, competitive fun.

"Well, if you don't want to go against me. Come watch instead" Yoshika smiled as she took her hand and led her over towards the other medical officers.

"Ah, young love," Nozomi grinned as she watched Yoshika take Lynette off and dragged her off to go meet up with Team Medical. "Too pure of heart to betray the other's trust... what the lot of us wouldn't give to be so young and naive..."

She glanced back over at the other five pilots. "Of course, I guess that means we're now short a player..."

To be continued...


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