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Thu Jul 25th, 2024 @ 10:03pm

Lieutenant Iowa Riverside

Name Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost'

Position Squadron Leader

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 469

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9
Weight 161 lbs
Hair Color blonde
Eye Color blue
Physical Description Because she spent centuries in Cryo-stasis, Iowa looks a lot younger than she actually is. She looks in her 30s, but she will be the first to tell you about how old she is.


Relationship Status Single
Father Calvin Coolidge
Mother Natalie Riverside
Sister(s) New Jersey Riverside (in Cryo-Stasis)
Missouri Riverside (Deceased)
Wisconsin Riverside (Deceased)
Other Family Sam D. Columbia (Uncle)
Hayley Representatives (Aunt)
Howard Senate (Uncle)
Sally Supreme Court (Aunt)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Iowa is a playful girl with a larger than life personality, often bragging about all the pilots she's shot down and not at all afraid to demonstrate her skills to any doubters.
Strengths & Weaknesses +A good pilot, with a career spanning centuries

-Is very much a woman out of time, having spent centuries in cryo-stasis. As such, her humor is incredibly dated, and could likely be considered offensive.
Ambitions To be the best fighter pilot
Hobbies & Interests Teaching the folks in the future what was popular in her childhood from the 1920s-1940s.
Advocates the preservation of historic warships for future generations, so that the mistakes of the past could be learned from.

Personal History Iowa Riverside was born on February 22, 1925 as part of a daring new government program: One of the selected individuals born specifically to be drafted into military service on their 18th birthdays.

18 years later, on her 18th birthday of February 22, 1943, Iowa was drafted into the Navy to fight the growing Japanese threat. She was assigned to the Navy's brand new aircraft carrier, the USS Yorktown, as a fighter pilot, where she would fight valiantly through the war's end.

During her wartime service, the US government had also been experimenting in cryo-stasis to preserve the purpose born soldiers for future conflicts. Around the time Iowa was drafted, the government put a volunteer on ice and thawed him out at war's end, indicating the experiment was a success.

On June 30 and July 1, 1948, Iowa's sisters, New Jersey and Wisconsin, were put on ice. A year later, on March 24, 1949, Iowa herself was put under.

On August 25, 1951, Iowa was the last Riverside sister to be pulled from her cryo-stasis at the onset of the Korean Crisis. Her sisters New Jersey and Wisconsin had been thawed out in the reverse order they were frozen, on November 21, 1950 and March 3, 1951 respectively. When Iowa was thawed out, she shared her sisters' shock when they had been recalled: Their sister, Missouri, had never been put on ice, and was still serving in the Navy.

After another eight years' service, on February 24, 1958, Iowa was once again put on ice, following her sisters Missouri three years prior (after an astounding 11 years' continuous service) on February 26, 1955, and New Jersey on August 21 the year prior. Wisconsin would be put in cryosleep again just days later on March 8.

After being frozen in the 50s, three decades quietly rolled by before Ronald Reagan ordered the sisters' thaw in the 80s. New Jersey was thawed first, on December 28, 1982, followed by Iowa on April 28, 1984.

Upon her thaw, Iowa, upon realizing what year it was, proceeded to make jokes about George Orwell's dystopian novel until New Year's Eve that year.

Two years later, Missouri was thawed out on May 10, 1986, and finally, Wisconsin was woken from her cryogenic slumber on October 22, 1988.

Iowa would only see six more years' service before she would be frozen again October 26, 1990 despite growing tensions in the Persian Gulf. New Jersey would follow on February 8, 1991, despite the impending Gulf War beginning to ramp up.

Missouri and Wisconsin would both see service in the Gulf War, though Wisconsin would be put in cryosleep again on September 30, 1991. Missouri held out the longest before also being frozen on March 31, 1992.

When the Riverside sisters were initially put on ice in the early 1990s, the girls were stored in a top secret government facility designed to withstand nuclear war. However, one by one, the girls were struck from the naval registry. When Iowa and Wisconsin were struck on March 17, 2006, the facility closed down and eventually the cryochambers containing the sleeping Riverside sisters were relocated to Los Angeles, Camden, Pearl Harbor, and Norfolk respectively where they would be put on display in museums.

When the Iowa class battleships found their way to these cities, the girls would be relocated to the museums these ships were housed at with the notable exception of Missouri, who remained at the USS Arizona Memorial with the arrival of the USS Missouri.

While the girls were in Cryosleep, World War III broke out in 2026, and all four places where each girl was located was so strategically important they were attacked.

Sadly, Missouri and Wisconsin both perished inside their cryo chambers in the bombings of Pearl Harbor and Norfolk respectively. The girls never saw their deaths coming.

When Philadelphia was attacked, nearby Camden, New Jersey across the Delware River was mysteriously spared, allowing New Jersey to continue her cryogenic slumber uninterrupted.

Iowa had just barely avoided the bombing of Los Angeles, having recently been shipped off to Kansas to have her cryo chamber restored; the USS Iowa Museum having recently raised enough donations to make it happen.

As the dust settled following the war, Iowa and New Jersey's Cryo Chambers were made part of a travelling exhibit sponsored by their respective battleship museums, callled 'IN MEMORIAM', paying tribute to the loss of Missouri and Wisconsin as well as to all United States veterans who had lost their lives on the front lines, which traveled what remained of the United States. The exhibit featured replicas of Missouri and Wisconsin's cryo chambers lit in a special way to symbolize that they were no longer living.

Upon their return to their respective museums, centuries would pass, and the Battleship museums would fight to stay afloat, being threatened multiple times over the centuries with closures by an increasingly pacifistic United Earth government, which wanted all vestiges of war swept from the planet's surface.

Then, one day in 2379, something incredible happened: Iowa's cryo chamber malfunctioned, initiating the thaw process without proper authorization, and Iowa awoke from cryosleep several centuries removed from her birth century.

The timing of this glitch couldn't have been more perfect, as the Battleship Iowa Museum was once again fighting to remain open, and after getting caught up to speed on the current earth culture, Iowa would take the podium at one of the museum's fundraisers and give an impassioned speech about not just the significance of the battleship Iowa, but also the importance of preserving ALL old warships so the future generations could learn from the mistakes of the past.

Now out of Cryosleep with no prospect of going back in anytime soon, as the people who knew how to operate her cryo chamber were long dead, Iowa joined up with Starfleet, where her years of flying aircraft for the US Navy translated well to the futuristic starfighters.

Iowa would spend years running starfighter patrols in Sector 001 before she finally saw an assignment she would deserve: A place in the starfighter wings of the starship USS Tokyo.
Service Record United States Navy service:

1943-1949: First tour of service
1951-1958: Second tour of service
1984-1990: Third tour of service

Honors and Awards:

11 battle stars


24 March 1949: First Cryogenic stasis, 2 years duration. End date: 25 August 1951
24 February 1958: Second Cryogenic stasis, 26 years duration. End date: 28 April 1984
26 October 1990: Third Cryogenic stasis, ongoing [ERROR: POWER FAILURE: CRYOGENIC STASIS OFFLINE: TIMESTAMP: 27MAR23791329]


Starfleet Service

2381-2384: Starfleet Academy (Red Squad)
2384-2390: Sector 001 Starfighter Patrol (Ensign)
2390-2394: Sector 001 Starfighter Patrol (Lieutenant)
2394-????: USS Tokyo (Lieutenant- Fighter Pilot)