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Thu Nov 30th, 2023 @ 8:28pm

Ensign Talanna Teela

Name Talanna Teela 'Nanny'

Position Fighter Pilot

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Orion
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9
Weight 142 lbs
Hair Color Red-Copper
Eye Color Red
Physical Description Athletic build. Talanna walks quickly and carries herself with military bearing. Emotions expressed quickly drain as she fights to keep a stiff upper lip. Brilliant hair the color of red copper frames a slender verdant face. Ensign Teela wears her hair close to her scalp and up in a tight bun.

Ruby red eyes shine brightly above her pearly smile. Her face is expressive, soft laugh lines often furrowing alongside delicate wrinkles. A dark brown birthmark spots her left cheek.


Relationship Status Single
Father Rotun Teela - Freighter Commander
Mother Zhasu Teela - Botanist
Brother(s) Nammor Teela - Starfleet Marine Corps
Sister(s) Jevnaaso Teela - Starfleet Science Officer

Personality & Traits

General Overview Talanna is a thinker. The observant lady is quick to share her point of view. She listens attentively and emphasizes to as many people as she can relate to. Ensign Teela could be described as brave and kind hearted. She was raised to be selfless.

Talanna is fond of relaxation and pampering herself. She has an affinity for visiting ornate, remote spas to relax. Her vices are few, but she needs rest. Ensign Teela still tries to push herself when necessary. In these times she can feel overwhelmed.

Her sense of humor is dry and can be playfully teasing.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Bold, Somewhat Confident, Extrovert
+Emotionally Balanced, Nurturing
+Willing To Learn
+Minor ‘Operations’ Skills

-Easily Overwhelmed Or Distracted
-Inexperienced Officer
-Avoids Close Relationships
-Anxious About Her Past
Ambitions Ensign Talanna Teela wants to traverse as much of the Galaxy as possible. She enjoys having the freedom to explore. There is much for her to see and learn. Talanna is not sure how long she will remain in Starfleet. Friends from her Academy class have been trying to convince her to transfer to Starfleet Flight Control.
Hobbies & Interests -Interstellar Travel
-Orion Calisthenics & Stretching Rituals
-Music From Across The Orion Colonies
-Crafting Pottery & Ceramic Art
-Fine Wine & Fresh Fruit

Personal History Talanna Teela was born on an Orion trading vessel. The ship was not afforded the luxury of stopping or taking on additional medical personnel at the time. She was born into the life of a low caste clan working for an agricultural caj. Her early life involved tending to vineyards and packing freighters for transport. She grew up surrounded by a large family.

She spent little time living on the Orion homeward of Vondem. Even while working fields there, she was bound to a ship ready to depart at a moment’s notice. She grew to pilot shuttles and freighters full of wine, produce and other assorted goods between the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.

Enjoying some of the more relaxing ways of the Orion lifestyle were never in the cards for Talanna. She knew the best opportunity to advance her Caj was to join Starfleet. Flying became her passion since her first chance in the cockpit. It was only natural that she pursue a career in flight.

Initial qualification testing marked Cadet Teela as a fighter pilot candidate. She showed great potential throughout her time in the Academy. Her records suggest she needs guidance and mentorship to reach her full potential post graduation.

Ensign Teela has been given the challenging assignment of flying with Squadron A. There she will fly alongside the CAG and some of Starfleet’s most promising young pilots.
Service Record 2391-2395: Starfleet Academy, Fighter Operaions & Tactics
2395-Present: USS Tokyo