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Fri Apr 28th, 2023 @ 4:40am

Sergeant Major Vespertine D'hetr

Name Vespertine D'hetr

Position First Sergeant

Rank Sergeant Major

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Vulcan/Orion Hybrid
Age 75

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5" (1.7 meters)
Weight 132.3 pounds (60 kilograms)
Hair Color Long coal black silky hair
Eye Color Violet/Purple
Physical Description Vespertine is an attractive Vulcan/Orion hybrid woman, with long, dark hair that she normally kept in a bun; a trim, athletic physique; and dark brown eyes. She has a 6-inch scar on the lower left side of her abdomen, from a Jem'Hadar Kar'takin. Though she does not often wear makeup, she is considered attractive by many humanoids, and has an easy smile.


Relationship Status Single
Spouse/Partner None
Children None
Father T’Konyc D’hetr (Vulcan)
Mother Villassuuss D’hetr (Orion)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Jogam Thenis (Orion uncle, Inmate at Tantalus Penal Colony), Lakkak Thenis (Orion uncle, Warrant Security Officer – Federation Merchant Marine), Layas Thenis (Orion aunt) Kitiuas Thenis (Orion cousin, Star Fleet Science Officer), Kasso Thenis (Orion cousin, Provisional Warrant Officer – Starfleet)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Vespertine is generally friendly and personable, and unshakably loyal to the Federation. She was somewhat aimless as a youth, searching for a purpose in life, and only finding real fulfillment in confronting challenges and taking on difficult tasks. She can be a workaholic, and is poor at delegating responsibility, which has led to her being deemed unsuitable for command roles. Her tendency to overwork and propensity to take unusual trains of thought suggests attention-deficit disorder, likely comorbid with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Vespertine is somewhat obsessed with not using her pheromones on others and has bad memories of her pheromones causing problems in her life and her hypersexuality disorder. On duty, she is professional and collected, and takes hormone suppressants religiously to counter the production of Orion pheromones by her body; off-duty, she is leery of romantic entanglements due to a dislike of being associated with negative stereotypes of Orion women and worry over the consent issues associated with Orion pheromones, and preferers to enjoy herself by exercising, practicing archery, or playing deliberately cheesy holoprograms simulating pre-warp television serials. Playing Earth Fantasy holoprograms. She speaks, Federation Standard English, Vulcan, Andorian, Tellarite, Romulan, Klingon, and Ferengi. Passing knowledge of Denobulan, Cardassian, Bajoran, and Breen. so that she could better analyze messages in foreign languages without relying on a universal translator's sometimes-clunky approach to idioms.
Strengths & Weaknesses Str: Highly trained in combat. Orion Dancefighting, Orion Tatharoc (Rigellian Karate), Orion sword-fighting, Kareel-ifla (Vulcan Karate), Ponn-ifla (Vulcan martial art), Taroon-ifla (Vulcan Nerve Pinch), SFMC Martial Arts, Krav Maga

Str: Eidetic Memory

Str: A multitasker

Weak: Can be argumentative

Weak: Workaholic

Weak: Poor at delegating responsibility

Weak: Attention-deficit disorder

Weak: Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Weak: Severe PTSD

Weak: Right ear, Cochlear Implant

Weak: Total left knee replacement

Weak: Total fracture of left side of pelvic, healed

Weak: Compound fracture of left Femur, healed

Weak: Multiple fragmentation wounds, healed – some shrapnel still in place

Weak: 6-inch scar on the lower left side of her abdomen, from a Jem'Hadar Kar'takin.

Weak: Jem’Hadar anticoagulant poisoning, causes scars which cannot be removed and increases bleeding potential.

Weak: Uses a Deltan medication to diminish her pheromonal effect (administered via small dosages in her food through custom programing of her replicator and once a month hypospray injections (at start of her menses cycle).
Ambitions To be a First Sergeant of a Force Recon Unit and to eventually be a Segeant Major over the entire SFMC Force Recon special operations division.
Hobbies & Interests Languages (Fluent in Federation Standard, Vulcan, Andorian, Tellarite, Romulan, Klingon, and Ferengi. Passing knowledge of Denobulan, Cardassian, Bajoran, and Breen). Cooking. Dancing. Playing the Orion Mandolin. Listening to Old time Terran Radio shows (1930’s through the 1950’s, especially the crime, horror, action, and suspense). Cheesy holoprograms simulating pre-warp television serials. Earth Fantasy holoprograms. Reading History/Military History and Strategy.

Personal History Vespertine D’hetr was born to T’Konyc of house D’hetr, a Vulcan Diplomat, and Villassuuss Thenis, a linguist working for the Vulcan government’s Diplomatic corps. She grew up on Vulcan, in the city of Ta'vistar in the Tat'sahr province. She was raised in a mixed fashion, educated in the Vulcan fashion, but allowed to experience the emotions of her Orion side. In fact, her parents went so far as to find a follower (monk) of Tu-Jarok (The way of Jarok) and a monk of Hakihr to help her gain discipline of her emotions, while still allowing her to experience them; and mind-body unification in hope of preventing hormonal surges or other limbic reactions that might involuntarily trigger an emotional response. She was frequently teased by the other Vulcan children but found acceptance with the children of the diplomats from other worlds. She proved to be exceptionally intelligent, with a mind that grasped mathematical and linguistic concepts quite readily. At ten years of age her father, T’Konyc, insisted she participate in the Vulcan ritual of Kahs-wan. She barely survived the ordeal but came out stronger because of it. Four years later she completed her Secondary Education on Vulcan and applied to the Vulcan Science Academy and was accepted. She spent the next eight years in intensive study of both chemical engineering and applied chemistry, as well as mechanical engineering and applied mechanics. Still feeling aimless and without direction Vespertine went and studied further with adepts of Hakihr. Again, the wanderlust bug hit her, and she journeyed to Xen’tal and requested to attend the Vulcan Institute of Defensive Arts. Here she honed and polished her hand-to-hand combat and archaic and melee weapons training, becoming a certified master. She grew bored and decided, to the dismay of her family, to enlist in the Starfleet Marine Corps. She was shipped to the SFMC Recruit Depot in San Diego, California (Earth) for initial recruit training. She then shipped out to SFMC Explosive Ordnance Disposal School at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida for basic explosive ordnance disposal training. She showed such exceptional talent in both basic marine training and her in her military occupational specialty school, earning the SFMC Achievement Medal, she was recommended for SFMC Ranger School, which she accepted. After completing her training, she was assigned to the 501st Marine Strike Group, where they were engaged in anti-pirate interdiction. She was then assigned to the 832nd Marine Strike Group, whose mission was the eradication of the Orion Syndicate. Two years into the mission she was injured in an explosion and had to be medevacked. While in recuperative care on Earth she attended both Star Fleet Secuity and SFMC Armorer schools, and then was recommended to the Advanced Joint Armorer School. After Healing from her wounds and completing the Armorer schools, she was assigned to the 7th Marine Strike Group. She was assigned as the units Armorer and quickly grew bored of the assignment. Upon seeing a recruiting advertisement for the SFMC Force Recon, she applied and was accepted, she again shipped back to Earth to begin the grueling training to become a Force Recon Marine. After completion of the SFMC Force Recon school Vespertine was assigned to the 911th Marine Stike Group, just as relations between the Dominion and the Federation heated up to full out war. She participated in several battles and raids until the Dominion Raid on Coridan, where she was again injured and required evacuation. She recuperated and was assigned to 724th SFMC Marine Strike Group where she was again wounded in combat by a Jem'Hadar Kar'takin in the bloody hand to hand combat on AR-558. She was one of the lucky few to be evacuated. She recuperated from this wound and was assigned to the 86th Marine Strike Group, just in time to participate in the Kalandra Campaign all the way up to the final Battle of Cardassia. After the Dominion war ended, she was sent to SFMC SNCO Career School. She then found herself assigned to the 791st Marine Strike Group. After a six-year tour she was sent to SFMC SNCOA Advanced School. She then was assigned to the 555th Marine Strike Group. She was then sent to Senior Enlisted Professional Military Education School. Promoted to Master Sergeant upon completion of SFMC SEPME School, she stayed on Earth and was an Instructor at the SFMC Force Recon School. After a two-year tour she was sent to two more schools: SFMC 1st Sergeants school, then to the Starfleet Joint Senior Enlisted Professional Military Education School. After completion of these schools, she received her orders to be First Sergeant of a marine complement on the USS Tokyo.
Service Record Highly trained in Melee and Hand to Hand Combat: Adolescence:

Orion Dancefighting

Orion Tatharoc (Rigellian Karate)

Orion sword-fighting

Vulcan Science Academy: twelve (12) years

Ph.D. - Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry

Ph.D. - Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics

Vulcan Institute of Defensive Arts: eight (8) years:

Kareel-ifla (Vulcan Karate)

Ponn-ifla (Vulcan martial art)

Taroon-ifla (Vulcan Nerve Pinch)


Trillpa (Vulcan Sword)


Khaiya (Vulcan Compound Bow)

Khaiya-tal (Zen Archery)

SFMC Recruit Depot in San Diego, California (Earth): six (6) months:

*Starfleet Marine Corps basic recruit training

- Initial Entry Training Award (White Ribbon with Bronze Torch)

- SFMC Exceptional Performance of Duty Citation

SFMC Explosive Ordnance Disposal School (Earth): two (2) year:

*Starfleet Marine Corps Basic Explosive Ordnance Training, Dive School

- Marine Proficiency Ribbon

- SFMC Exceptional Performance of Duty Citation with device (2nd Citation)

SFMC Ranger School (Earth): three (3) years

*Airborne School, Air Assault School, Heavy Weapons Ordinance School, Ground and Space Assault School, S.E.R.E. School

- Good Conduct Medal

501st Marine Strike Group, Fifth Brigade, Fourth Battalion – USS Crusader: five (5) years

- Good Conduct Medal with Star (2nd award)

-SFMC Commandant’s Campaign Award (Unit Citation 501st Marine Strike Group)

* SFMC Leading Marines School

* SFMC Corporals Course

-SFMC Marine Proficiency Ribbon with device (2nd citation)

-SFMC Exceptional Performance of Duty Citation with device (3rd citation)

832nd Marine Strike Group, Sixth Battalion, SFMC Corps Sixth Brigade – USS Fox River: two (2) years

- Wounded Lion Award

- SFMC Legion of Merit

Star Fleet Secuity Armorer School (Earth): six months (6)

SFMC Armorer School (Earth): six months (6)

Advanced Joint Service Armorer School (Jupiter Station): one (1) year.

7th Marine Strike Group, SFMC Fourth Brigade, Fourth Battalion – K'Ehleyer Station: two (2) years

* SFMC Sergeant School

- Good Conduct Medal with Star (3rd award)

SFMC Force Recon School (Earth and Undisclosed parts of the Federation: four (4) years.

*Advanced Airborne School, Advanced Air Assault School, Advanced Heavy Weapons Ordinance School, Advanced Explosive Ordinance Disposal School, Advanced Dive School, Advanced Ground and Space Assault School, Sniper School, Advanced S.E.R.E. School

911th Marine Strike Group, 3rd Battalion, 15th Brigade SFMC

^ Battle of Torros III

^Battle of Rumarda

^ Operation Blue Room

^ Raid on Coridan

-Wounded Lion with device (Second award)

-Heart of S’em-loh

724 Marine Strike Group – USS Thor

^Raid on Tohvun

- SFMC Commandant’s Campaign Award (Unit Citation 724 Marine Strike Group)

-Tristar Cluster

^Siege of AR-558

-Wounded Lion with device (3rd Award)

86th Marine Strike Group, 4thbattalion, 7th Brigade SFMC – USS Justice

^Kalandra Campaign

-SFMC Star of Gallantry (Bronze Star)

^Battle of the Three Suns

-SFMC Shield of Gallantry (Bronze Hourglass)

^Liberation of Betazed

^Battle of Cardassia

-Preantares Ribbon of Commendation

SFMC SNCO Career School (Earth): one (1) year

791st Marine Strike Group, 6th Battalion, 7th Brigade SFMC – USS Sovereign: six (6) years

SFMC SNCOA {Senior Non-Commissioned Officer} Advanced School (Earth): one (1) year

SFMC 555th Marine Strike Group – USS Antares: five (5) five years