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Wed Aug 21st, 2024 @ 4:59am

Alice Shimada

Name Alice Shimada

Position Child

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 14

Physical Appearance

Height 4'6
Weight 110 lbs
Hair Color dirty blonde
Eye Color light brown
Physical Description Alice is a pale-skinned girl with light brown eyes who keeps her blonde hair tied into twin shoulder length ponytails with black ribbons. She bears a striking resemblance to her mother, Chiyo (with the latter lovingly referring to Alice as her 'mini me') though her hair color has been described as 'a mix of her father's blonde and her mother's light brown'


Relationship Status Single
Father Tatsuo Shimada
Mother Chiyo Shimada

Personality & Traits

General Overview Alice is a very shy girl. She often has difficulty making friends with her peers, largely because she could run circles around them with her high intelligence without even trying. It's because of this that she tends to feel more comfortable in the presence of adults. Also because of her shyness and embarrassment, she prefers remote learning over in-person learning.
Strengths & Weaknesses +High intelligence
+Keen tactical mind
+Accepts change fairly easily

-Trouble making friends around her age
-Prefers remote learning over in-person learning
-Possibly Autistic
Ambitions Currently, Alice is obsessed with Tabletop RPGs. Her biggest inspiration is from a live stream show called 'Paper Fantasies', where a group of professional voice actors sit down and play their favorite Tabletop RPG. Alice's current ambitions are to host an epic and engaging RPG campaign as the GM.
Hobbies & Interests -Tabletop RPGS
-J-Pop music

Personal History Alice Shimada was born on October 24, 2382 aboard the USS Redemption A to then-2nd Lieutenant Chiyo Shimada, a member of one of the Redemption A's fire teams. And though her father wasn't there, Chiyo would say that he was there in spirit, as the Redemption A was the direct successor of the original Redemption, which was destroyed with her father Tatsuo Shimada on board.

Alice grew accustomed to moving aboard different Starships with her mother, coming to accept relocation as another factor of life from a very early age.

By the time Alice was old enough to attend school, she was with her mother aboard USS Morgan. However, partway through her first year of Elementary school, Alice was mocked for her great understanding of subject material. One day, after she gave a middle school-level dissertation to her first grade classmates, Alice was sent to sickbay, where the Morgan's medical staff attempted to diagnose her with Autism, leading to a heated argument between the medical officers and Chiyo.

From that point on, Alice developed a dislike for in-person learning, and Chiyo would make arrangements with whatever educational institution she attended to have Alice learn remotely as opposed to in-person.

As Alice grew older, she began watching episodes of a live stream show called 'Paper Fantasies', and she quickly became obsessed with both the show and the Tabletop RPG that the cast played, and in time, other TTRPG systems. After she played a few games with her mother and the few friends she occasionally made, Alice decided that she wanted to take on the greatest challenge of any Tabletop RPG: Being the game master.