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Ready at any Time (Part 2)

Posted on Fri Oct 8th, 2021 @ 1:32pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Ensign Mikko Ishigami & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Commander Marcus Decius 'Gladius' & Lieutenant Lhravitelim th'Endirhc & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling & Alice Shimada

1,284 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: USS Tokyo - Various
Timeline: 0347 hours

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"Bridge here" a voice responded. "Captains on her way now Commander. Standby"

"Standing by," Marcus acknowledged. He hated waiting when he could be fighting.

"Flight deck?" Nozomi repeated, stopping mid-stride as Marcus's announcement came in. "Um... Lieutenant? Where the hell are we supposed to be reporting?! I'm getting conflicting messages here!"

"Standard protocol says we report to the Pilots lounge for deployment, unless ordered otherwise" Silica replied. "Commander Decius must want us on the flight deck ready to launch, so thats where we go" she told her as they made their way through the crowds.

And now the continuation...

Marine training area

The Marine training area, located on Deck 16, also made a great staging area for the marines to muster for briefing by the marine command staff. Most of the marines had preemptively made their way there for staging, and Liz was just finishing the head count when Chiyo arrived.

"And that's all of them?" Chiyo asked as Liz came around the front row.

"There are still a few stragglers unaccounted for." Liz explained. "But if my calculations are correct, that number is currently less than 10."

"How much less?" Chiyo asked.

"By my calculations..." Liz responded. "5 to 7."


On the viewscreen, three Romulan Valdore Warbirds had decloaked and opened fire on the Tokyo, causing the ship to shake as their disruptors bounced off the shields.

Ensign Ishigami who had been manning the helm on the night shift had brought the Tokyo about to avoid more shots. The Armitage and Oceania had also fallen back as well so that they could get into a better tactical position.

Stepping out of the Turbo Lift onto the Bridge he made his way to his chair.

"Status?" Trigman asked aloud.

"Three Romulan Vessels on attack vector" the officer manning tactical replied.

Just then the doors opened again and Taiga walked out onto the bridge. She quickly made her own assessment of the situation. "Commander, have all crew report to battlestations. I think its obvious that these Romulans are not here to talk" she ordered as she made her way down to her chair and sat down.

Telim stepped onto the bridge, walking briskly towards the operations console. He had to check his steps only ever so slightly; correcting his built-in habit of heading towards the fore-most stations of the bridge where Ops had been on his previous ship to move towards the station set slightly further back on the Tokyo's bridge. That habit would take a little while to break, though at least the station was still on the same side of the bridge.

As he settled into the chair vacated by the night duty ops officer, he quickly scanned the read-outs, checking the power distribution status, shields, and other systems were all operating correctly - though he knew that most would all be doubly covered by other stations also. The comm. channel that had been kept open between the Tokyo and the two ships in her escort was still strong, indicating that the Romulan vessels weren't yet attempting to block short-range communications, though he started a diagnostic on the long-range comm systems, just in case. Then his switched his attention to the readiness check-in reports starting to come in from other stations throughout the ship.

"All decks report battle stations," Telim announced, as the final status check came through his console.

"Bring all weapons to bear" Taiga ordered. "Lets show them that we're not going to sit here and let them pound us" she said simply.

"Fire forward phaser cannons, focus on their weapons array. Once we stop them from hitting us they may be willing to talk" Taiga ordered.

The Tokyo fired, the phaser blasts bouncing off the Romulan vessel. Several more phaser shots from the Armirage and Odeania followed. One of the Romulan ships took damage and began to cloak.

"Can you pinpoint them?" Taiga asked.

The eerie silence fell upon the bridge as people worked to find the ships.

Flight Deck

Nozomi and Silica were a little late by the time they arrived at the flight deck, having had to divert their course mid-route and practically shove their way through the hordes of officers who had been scrambling to get to their battle stations. Fortunately for them, the pilots were still gathered around in the main foyer, eagerly awaiting orders from their superiors.

"Sorry we're a little late" Silica explained quickly as she fell into line with the other pilots. She glanced over and smiled quickly at Fubuki.

"Glad you made it," Bobbie Sue said, raising her mug of herb tea in salute. "Now, we sit and wait for orders."

Marcus Looked at his pilots. He opened the briefing room and motioned the pilots to their seats. He tapped his comm badge. "CAG to Bridge. Pilots and crews at battle stations. Standing by for orders." Turning to a console, he tried to pull up tactical data in order to be prepared when the orders came down. "So, anybody up for a quick game of Stratagema?" he joked, trying to break the tension that hung in the air.

Following an awkward silence, Nozomi was the first person brave enough to raise her hand.

"Do we know what we're up against?" she inquired, having yet to hear any concrete details in regards to their situation. "For all we know, there could be a dozen Warbirds breathing down our necks as we speak."

Marcus grimly shook his head. "We're still standing by for a sitrep from the bridge. They must have their hands full, or they'd have given us something by now. Until we hear from them, we'll have to sit tight. We're at our assigned battle stations until we receive new orders."

"This could be a drill," Phyllis said quietly. "You'd think the fighters would be out there by now otherwise."

Marcus eyed Phyllis speculatively. He said, just as softly, "Probably. I can't imagine the bridge waiting to get our birds in the air. And if we're still at warp, we couldn't launch anyway." It was comforting to know that he could count on Phyllis. She really had been through it all. He'd need her experience if he were to be a good CAG.

The pilots fell silent again, though the looks on the faces indicated they weren't one too happy about it being a possibility.

"A drill, huh?" Nozomi whispered, turning her attention to Silica. "What do you make of it, Lieutenant?"

Silica shrugged not knowing what to do next.

Margus growled impatiently, tapping his comm badge. "BRIDGE! This is the CAG! Aerospace group standing by."

A few seconds later Taigas voice answered.

"Captain to all crew. This was a randomly generated drill. However we have cleared all conditions" she announced. "All hands to report to condition green stations and to stand down from battle stations. I repeat all stand down from battle stations"

Marcus sighed. "Well, people, you heard the lady. Back to whatever it was you were doing. Dismissed." He turned to Phyllis. "If anybody needs me, I'll be in the lounge grabbing a coffee."

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger'
Executive Offucer

Commander Alora Knight
Chief intelligence officer

Lieutenant Commander Marcus Decius 'Gladius'
Commander Air Group

Lieutenant Lhravitelim th'Endirhc
Chief Operations Officer

Captain Chiyo Shimada
Marine CO

Ensign Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini'
Fighter Pilot

1st Lieutenant Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling
Marine XO

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Chief Flight Deck Officer

Lieutenant JG Amu Hinamori M.D.
Chief Flight Deck Medic

Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails'
Fighter Pilot

Ensign Mikko Ishigami
Helm Officer

Alice Shimada
Civilian Child


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