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That Awkward Moment Where You Meet Your Crush In The Turbolift

Posted on Fri Oct 8th, 2021 @ 1:35pm by Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Ensign Lynette Bishop 'Highlander'

1,497 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: USS Tokyo (NCC-91101), Turbolift
Timeline: About an hour after "Ready At Anytime"

"Can you believe this horseshit?"

Somehow, Lynette had managed to find herself sandwiched between two brawny pilots on the lift back up to her quarters, a rather unwilling audience to their... colorful rant in regards to the Command Staff masquerading a combat drill as a live threat. She wisely opted to keep her head down and her mouth shut, as getting involved would only result in her getting dragged along for something she didn't want to do. She'd made that mistake once at the Academy, so she wasn't exactly keen to repeat it.

"Seriously; a holographic simulation?" The other pilot groused. "It's bad enough that everyone here's already on edge with all this shit about crossing over into Romulan Space, but if you wanted to run an unplanned drill, just run a friggin' drill!"

The Turbolift suddenly ground to a halt.

"Oh; this looks like our stop," the first pilot remarked before turning his attention over to Lynette. "Say, Ensign; what's say you join us to blow off some steam? Grab a couple Synth-Beers, throw some darts... you game?"

Lynette frowned. She'd seen this coming from a mile away...

"I, um... I think I'll pass," she declined politely. "I really should be getting some sleep before I'm due for my next shift."

The pilots glanced at one another, but shrugged.

"Suit yourself," the first one replied as he and his buddy set off for the lounge.

Lynette waited until the Turbolift doors had shut before she let out a long sigh of relief.

Her relief was short-lived, however, when not more than a floor later, the Turbolift unexpectedly ground to a halt. Lynette could almost immediately feel the heat rising to her face when the doors opened and she discovered that the person waiting on the other side was none other than her unrequited crush, Petty Officer Miyafuji.

With a med kit strap over her shoulder Yoshika smiled at the young ensign. "Good morning Ensign..." she said with a slight yawn. Afterall they had all been woken up early due to the unannounced drill.

"G-g-good m-morning," Lynette stammered, awkwardly attempting to hide her discomfiture as Yoshika stepped onto the Turbolift.

Oh my God, she's so cute up close...

"Deck Four. Main Sickbay" Yoshika commanded. The turbolift doors closed and on it went. She looked over at the ensign who seemed to be distracted.

"Ensign..." she asked "Are you ok?"

"I, um... I'm f-fine," Lynette fidgeted.

No, she really wasn't; who the hell was she trying to kid?

Yoshika stepped towards her and gently put a hand on Lyn's forehead. "You seem to have a temperature Ensign. Whats your name?" she asked as she pulled her hand away. "I'm Nurse Yoshika Miyafuji" she introduced herself with a slight bow.

Lynette tried to contain her sudden urge to squeal like a teenage girl. Ohmygodohmygod her hands are so soft-!

"L-Lynette Bishop," she eventually managed to reply.

"Hmm" Yoshika responded. "You must be one of the new pilots that came aboard at Earth" she said simply with a smile.

Lynette nodded shyly.

Yoshika smiled simply as she returned her attention back to her medkit. She clicked it open and fiddled around with some of the contents. "Darn it..." she said as one of the hypospray vials fell out and rolled across the turbolift floor, finally stopped by Lynette's boot.

"U-um!" Lynette sputtered, quickly bending over to pick up the vial. "Allow me!"

She began to extend her hand out to Yoshika for the Petty Officer to take the vial back, but suddenly stopped mid-gesture.

Wait, if I do it like this, then our hands will-!

She shook her head.

Damnit, Bishop! Keep it together! It's not like she's asking you to...

She bowed her head, trying to mask her embarrassment in regards to where that thought was going.

I really am pathetic, aren't I?

Yoshika gently took the vial. "Thankyou Ensign" she said giving her a cute smile. "Are you sure you're ok? You're breathing is slightly off, and you seem flustered. Did the Drill get to you?" she asked as she moved a little closer as if visually examining her.

"Do you want to come to sickbay with me?" Yoshika asked. "I can see if I can help you calm down a little. Space is very scary you know" she added.

Lynette almost seemed in a trance-like state as she nodded compliantly before realizing what she had just agreed to a full 3 seconds later.

Wait; holy crap, what have I done?!

The Turbolift chime sounded, notifying them that they had reached their stop.

"Ok" Yoshika said. "This way then please" she told her indicating for her to step out of the turbolift with her arm. "There's no need to feel ashamed, if its your first time out. Unannounced drills can be scary, and can cause some shock" she explained as she led the young woman into the ships main sickbay.

The sickbay was now more or less empty, only a few minor medical staff wandering around finishing things up. "Here, use this biobed. Do you mind if I scan you? See whats might be the matter?"

"M-might as well," Lynette replied as she took a seat on the biobed Yoshika had directed her to.

Yoshika flipped open her tricorder. "You seem very nervous" she said simply. "There's no need to be. I don't bite" she smiled.

Easier said than done, Lynette thought to herself.

"A little flustered" Yoshika reported. "Just try to calm down a little bit thats all" She said as she closed the tricorder. "Those drills must have really shook you up. Try to relax ensign, get some sleep and you'll feel fine in no time. All good health wise though" she said with a smile.


Of course, Lynette knew the reason she was flustered; but like hell if she was going to share that sort of information with someone she'd hardly ever spoken to.

But then again... if she couldn't even bring herself to try and get acquainted with Petty Officer Miyafuji, when was she going to get that chance? Her mind circled back to her conversation with Nozomi the morning prior:

"Lynette, listen to me; there is not a doubt in my mind that you're her type, but I'm not the one who needs to prove it. You've got to take the initiative and put yourself out there, because if you don't, the status quo isn't going to change."

But how to go about changing the status quo? It wasn't as straightforward a matter of leaping from point A to point B; it was a long, curvy road full of potholes that she was going to have to navigate if she hoped to get anywhere with Petty Officer Miyafuji.

Deep breaths, Lynette; you've got this.

"U-um... P-Petty Officer-?" she imposed somewhat shyly.

"Huh, yeah?"

"If you were, um.... if you didn't have anything planned after your shift was over, I was wondering...." Lynette stammered, her thumbs twiddling nervously as she racked her brain for something that wouldn't sound too terribly awkward. "Perhaps we could... have some breakfast together? I, um... since I'm new here, I'm thinking it would, um, be a good idea to get acquainted with some of the staff here. And, um... you seemed nice and all, so I-!"

"Well, my shift doesn't really start until eight, but we're all up early due to the drill" Yoshika replied. "I can go for breakfast, plus coffee sounds nice too" she smiled.

Lynette's heart skipped a beat. No, it couldn't have been that easy; she must've misheard it, or she was dreaming, or-!

"Y-you sure?" she responded meekly. "I mean... I don't want to interrupt you if you're busy or anything-!"

"Yeah, it's fine" Yoshika replied a little red coming her cheeks. "I don't often get invited out, so it's... Nice... you know"

A warm, tingling sensation began to swell in Lynette's chest. It was a new feeling for her, so unlike those earlier feelings of self-doubt that had left her a blathering mess; this sensation was... comforting, in a way, like she could take on anything that she put her mind to.

Whatever the case, she was going to owe Nozomi big time if this all panned out... and for the first time she could recall, she was really hoping it would.

Posting by (in order of appearance):

Meathead #1
Fighter Pilot, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Ensign Lynette Bishop
Fighter Pilot, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Meathead #2
Fighter Pilot, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Petty Officer, Second Class Yoshika Miyafuji
Nurse, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Ensign Nozomi Kusuda
Fighter Pilot, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101) (Mentioned in flashback)


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