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Ready at any Time (Part 1)

Posted on Fri Oct 8th, 2021 @ 12:33pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Commander Marcus Decius 'Gladius' & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling & Alice Shimada
Edited on on Fri Oct 8th, 2021 @ 1:33pm

1,518 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: USS Tokyo - Various
Timeline: 0347 hours

[USS Tokyo - 0347 hours]

The Tokyo was at cruise speed heading towards the Romulan Neutral Zone. The Armitage and the Oceania each side matching speed and course. It was all peaceful and uneventful as the ships made their way towards the Neutral Zone.

Captains Quarters

Taiga had been asleep with Ryuuji for several hours by now. Curled up next to Ryuuji, she seemed delicate and fragile in her current state. Her eyes fluttered as she slept, obviously deep in the land of her dreams. She was comfortable, warm and felt safe next to him.

Suddenly without warning, the Tokyo shook voilently, shaking Taiga and Ryuuji awake quickly. Taiga jumped up out of the bed quickly as the red alert klaxons began to sound and red lights began to illuminate the ship. She crossed the room quickly and grabbed her uniform. She pulled it on, followed closely followed by Ryuuji as she crossed their quarters only finishing fastening it up when she reached the door.

"All hands" she said as she tapped her comm badge. "Report to stations immediately" she announced. "All hands, report to stations immediately" she repeated. She looked back at Ryuuji giving him a smile before heading towards the bridge.

Trigmans Quarters

Over a decade as a Squadron and then CAG had Trigman a heavy sleeper with certain 'Triggers' that jolt him. AN alert is at the top of the list, being called to alert stations did not take him by surprise. Blinking only a couple of times he is alert.

Leaning to his beloved wife he gave her a kiss not out of reflex but tradition with a wink as he rolled out of bed and hit the floor almost fully awake. All but jumping into his uniform he noted as Lily was also scrambling to get dressed, he glanced at her covering the 'Waypoints' that he tracked; the spots of her Trill Heritage, being covered with exception of her legs that are not covered by the Skirted Uniform. He did take that second to zip her back of the uniform closed and quick nuzzle. One second to let her know he cared, it was enforcing his love should the worst happen.

"My Love." He said after he was dressed just half a moment later and before he would depart, a wink with his sly smile. "See you around Love."

He was out the door.

Shimada family quarters

Chiyo had been sleeping soundly, dreaming about Tatsuo when the Tokyo suddenly shook. Chiyo was awoken by the sound of her picture of Tatsuo hitting the floor after falling off the night stand. Chiyo got up and replaced the picture in its correct spot before changing into her uniform as the red alert klaxons sounded and the captain gave the order for all hands stations. She emerged from the master bedroom around the same time Alice was stumbling out of her bedroom, still in her pajamas.

"M-Mommy?" She called out groggily. "W-what's going...?"

"Alice, sweetie; I know it's hard to comprehend, but there's a situation going on right now that needs my attention:" Chiyo explained. "I don't know what it is, but I need you to stay here until mommy gives the all clear password, which is 'suppertime'."

"Wait, what?" Alice asked, still obviously half asleep.

"I'll seal the door behind me on the way out." Chiyo continued. "Whatever you do, don't open it for anyone other than authorized Starfleet personnel."

"Mkay..." Alice muttered. "Wait, where are you-?"

However, Chiyo was already out the door, stopping to seal it behind her like she said before making her way towards her office. After sealing her quarters, Chiyo tapped her combadge:

=A="Shimada to Beurling:"=A= She said. =A="Rally the troops at their battle stations!"=A=

=A="Aye, ma'am..."=A= Came Liz's response.

[Knight Quarters]

Alora groaned and buried her face against Alex' back. "Can we just shoot Aisaka instead? Her timing for a drill is terrible." But she knew better. As senior staff, they both had to report to stations. She was grateful hers was intel. "At least I can run some drills with SWORD. But when this is over, I'm coming back here to get more sleep."

She dressed quickly, kissed Alex, and headed for her office.

[Dillinger's Quarters]

Bobbie Sue opened a bleary eye and looked at the chronometer. She'd only been asleep for forty-five minutes. "I guess we should report to the pilot's lounge. But if this is a drill, we won't be able to launch."

"Come on, I'll buy you a cup of coffee, extra sweet," she coaxed. She would much rather go back to sleep, but they both needed to set an example. She dressed in her jumpsuit and headed out the door with Soren.

[Ensign Kusuda's Quarters, Deck 6]

the blaring of Klaxons was just enough to stir Ensign Kusuda from a sound sleep. Stifling a yawn as she sat up, she attempted to clear her thoughts through a haze of somnolence until her brain could process the full extent of what was going on. And once she finally put two-and-two together, the severity of the situation hit her like a freight train:

Holy shit; it's happening.

Quickly throwing off the covers, she wasted no time stripping off her pajamas, stuffing them somewhat haphazardly in a corner as she donned her flight uniform. So in a hurry was she to get out the door that she didn't even give herself time to do up her low-hanging twin-tails; she simply grabbed a small pink hair band from the vanity and began bunching her hair up in a long ponytail as she made her way out into the corridor.

Officers were already scurrying back-and-forth as the raced to tend their respective battle stations; their complexions were pale, the sheer look of terror in their eyes no doubt reflecting the thoughts and emotions that were presently racing through Nozomi's head.

Amidst the chaos, she just barely made out Lieutenant Tetsuhiko as she rushed past, no doubt making a beeline for the hangar bay.

"Lieutenant!" She called out, hoping to get some answers as to what exactly had been the source of all this commotion. "What the heck's going on out there?!"

Silica turned and spotted the ensign. "Everyone needs to report to stations. We need to get down to the pilots lounge incase we need to launch" she said quickly.

Just as she feared... here's hoping that the training she had gotten in these past few days was going to be enough...

"Lead the way, Lieutenant," Nozomi nodded, quickly falling in behind Silica. "You know the drill is this situation better than I do."

Hinamori Quarters

Doctor Hinamori jumped at the sudden sound of the Klaxons. She swung her legs out of bed and began to quickly pull on her medical teal uniform.

"This is probably just another drill..." Yawned Ikuto her partner from the other side of the bed, clearly not interested. Amu sighed as she crossed the room to his side of the bed. She yanked the collar of his pajamas and pulled him hard.

"Even so" she said. "You also have a station to report to, just as I do" she told him firmly. "Move your ass!"

"OK, OK." Ikuto said stretching. "Just go, I'll see you later. No doubt if this is a drill everyone will be swamping the mess hall later searching for caffeine" he said.

Amu sighed, as much as she loved Ikuto, his alley-cat attitude did sometimes annoy her. "I'm going" she said as she fastened up her uniform.

"You know, you look better without the uniform" Ikuto smirked.

"Get your butt in gear Mister!" She snapped back quickly ignoring his comment before scurrying out of the room to head to the Pilots Sickbay, her main station.

Commander Decius's Quarters

Marcus Decius Woke with a jolt to the unmistakeable shudder of a ship under fire, mixed with the red alert klaxon. He heard the "all hands to battle stations" call from the bridge and threw on his flight suit, then headed for the flight deck. Tapping his comm badge, he barked, "Gladius to all squadrons! Report to the flight deck on the double! Repeat! all pilots and crews to the flight deck! Be ready to fly!"

He then tapped his badge again. "CAG to Bridge! What's the Sit-Rep? How many birds you want launched?"

"Bridge here" a voice responded. "Captains on her way now Commander. Standby"

"Standing by," Marcus acknowledged. He hated waiting when he could be fighting.

"Flight deck?" Nozomi repeated, stopping mid-stride as Marcus's announcement came in. "Um... Lieutenant? Where the hell are we supposed to be reporting?! I'm getting conflicting messages here!"

"Standard protocol says we report to the Pilots lounge for deployment, unless ordered otherwise" Silica replied. "Commander Decius must want us on the flight deck ready to launch, so thats where we go" she told her as they made their way through the crowds.

To be continued...


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