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Thu Mar 3rd, 2022 @ 1:35am

Commander Nicolas Trigman

Name Nicolas Theodore Trigman 'Trigger'

Position Executive Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 6 ft
Weight 210 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown


Spouse/Partner Lily Halden (Trill)
Father Jason (Deceased)
Mother Helen (Deceased)
Sister(s) Nicole (3 Years older)
Other Family Estel (Grandpa) The Grands
Ola (Grandma) The Grands

Personality & Traits

General Overview Nicolas is a very dedicated persona that will follow his plans and goals to the end. He has the discepline to maintain his code of orals. What stands out his the protectiveness over those he decides ot protect. Unlike many of the Pilots who are out for the combat he is a decisive sort in his natural skill but where he differs from most is in his not wanting to be praised for his actions. HE has determined that it is his duty in life to protect those he puts in his care; usually the ship that he serves, and will do everything in that format. He fights to keep others alive and has to kill to do so. In that simple equation he does not have the guilt feelings as he rationalizes his actions. Also he will not kill indiscriminately; he has his moral boundaries and will not cross them.

His passionate contouring to these morals allows him latitude to be expressive in his emotional senses, he is not one to be half way in anything. He is a champion dancer in the Tango with his Sister Nicole. The two ; despite three years her little Brother, learned to dance competitively. During this he coin the Phrase 'A Tango Never lies in the passion of the dance.' He has this type of black and white beliefs in his dealings with the opposite sex. He is known as a passionate man in many circles. He has an Artistic passion in all he does and is unwavering in his trust once earned and his devotion to those he trusts is without measure. Where his downfall rears is in his protective nature; if that is proven wrong he will 'punish' those that broke his trust. Only in his being betrayed does his dark side come to the surface.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Skilled tactician
+ Leadership Qualities
+ Gifted natural combat pilot
+/- Protective of those in his care

- takes risks
Ambitions To build the most elite Combat Flight in the Fleet.
Hobbies & Interests Old style photography
Visual arts
Formal Dancing
Motorcycle riding
Vintage aircraft mechanic
Air racer (Planes)

Personal History Nicolas Trigman was a humble birth; his father was a Chief of Flight Operations for a Station in Earth Orbit. Nicolas learned to be around machines at an early age. He also attended flight shows and became enamored with ‘Vintage’ Aircraft.

One thing his mother taught him while growing up; once he discovered the difference between boys and Girls was dancing. He went through several classes and even got to point where he compete for a time in his teens ‘to meet chicks’ and he enjoyed it. He also swam and discovered Volleyball. Being a competitive type he took Volleyball seriously. Even in high school he was the Captain of the Volleyball team.

What kept him going was his love of Vintage things; he helped build a mustang Fighter with an uncle at age twelve and by age sixteen was flying that same aircraft in Races on Earth. He also learned about percussion weapons as the Mustang was ‘restored’ to former glory and a show piece.

When he could apply to the Academy he did under ‘fighter contingent’ to use his love of flying. He also took with him the unique vantage of machines having a type of ‘being’ that was their character; what made each of them unique even off same production line. He treat his machines like entities and became almost obsessive. A counselor realized he was respecting the machine and knew they are machines. Not unlike firemen see fires as ‘living’ Trigman also gave the machines uniqueness.

On his first Cadet station he excelled in his trials and quickly moved to a station where he could patrol for Pirate activity on a boarder. Several actions scored him a status and earned the Call Sign ‘Trigger’ Trigman as when one least expected it he would ‘trigger’ his weapons or temper. Never abusive but he is known to sneak up on people.

The Star Base Edison had a contengent of Fighters on the edge of the Cardassian boarder and even decades after the war there are still incursions by raiders and pirates. Trigman was a newly 'winged' Pilot and was both Eager and ready to make his fighter a 'Vetren. SOme thought he was 'Trigger Happy' as he was one to expend phasers a lot in combat. It was also giving him a higher score of enemy. Thinking it was 'Throw enough shots and you hit' type flying it was latre noted when in a scissor; criss-crossing Dog fight, Trigger used the shots to 'guide the evasion of the enemy to a set up 'box' of targeting. Then a torpedo to down shields and finish with phasers.

During his time on the USS Edo he was made an Element Leader on an Akira class. Here he distinguished himself in his patrol patterns and gunnery. He was said to have an ‘Eagle Eye’ when it came to observing things. His mind was set and he would track things with ease; often taking the upper hand. He had a knack for 'Reading' how combat seemed to play out; noting when several friendlies were being herded away. WHile on an escort enemy attacked with hit and run maneuvers. The fighters chased down the enemy ships leaving openings for a second wave to attack. Trigman tended to 'drive off' enemy fighters and stick close to the convoy rather than being led away from the protective CAP. This meant the convoy were better protected and could fight off enemy attack ships more easily with limited support from the civilian armed ships. The practice to 'Mop Up' was quickly discarded and the safety of convoys increased.

Star Base 114; Moscow Station, Had Trigman as a Sqadron Leader. His tendency to use Fighters for scouting, CAP and even escort earned attention as he would use his ‘Birds’ rather than probes for better results. He found ways to use the Fighters to protect and support the Base finding multiple roles for pilots adn expand the Operational Effectiveness of the Fighter wing.

On leave while waiting for his transfer to the Renown he met a Trill woman; it was a seduction on the dance floor, he had one of his most passionate dances with Lily Halden; a Trill Yeoman. The two had a wirlwind romance weekend, and then she went back to her Sister whom she helped with raising her two nephews and niece. After the weekend she did not return his calls and he went to his next command with only fond memories.

The USS Renown was a Fast response ship with a larger Medical staff, Marines and Fighter contingent. It was a Fast Attack style Carrier design and would go where needed

Fate had a hand in things as Halden was also transferred to th e Renown as a Translator Yeoman. It was Halden that made the connection again.