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Sat Oct 15th, 2022 @ 5:20am

Commander Alora Knight

Name Alora Tau'Ri Knight

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Second Position Second Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Vulcan/Orion
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 4"
Weight 115
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Hazel Brown
Physical Description Alora is slight of build, almost looking Puckish. She moves silently and with the grace of a dancer.

She dresses simply and wears her uniform only when she has to, preferring to wear more comfortable clothes. As she often spends a great deal of time in front of a computer doing research, comfortable dress is important.

Her hair is short, more in an Orion style than Vulcan. Externally she resembles her mother more than her father. However, she is still very much a Vulcan.


Spouse/Partner Alexander "Alex" Knight
Father Danal Tau'RI
Mother Tanara

Personality & Traits

General Overview Alora doesn't have the pheromone levels of full-blood Orions, but she still has enough to cause problems. Especially when she hit puberty. It made her self-conscious of her innate allure and her her Orion heritage.

To help counter this, she threw herself into Vulcan studies. It gave her a balance to her more volatile nature and allowed her to maintain an inner calm -- usually. Under her father's tutelage she perfected the use of the Vulcan nerve pinch, Vulcan concentration and meditation. This has been a great help to her in her career.

For the most part, she is quiet and stays in the background, watching others. Because of this, most people think she is less intelligent than she actually is, so they overlook her. This allows her to learn things and get into places most others cannot.
Strengths & Weaknesses Highly intelligent. She will puzzle things out for days until she works them out. Vulcan meditation often helps in this as it allows her to clear her mind and focus on the problem.

Although she is uncomfortable with her Orion side, she will use it as needed when undercover.
Creative and inventive.

Quiet. Prefers to keep to herself. Self-conscious about being half-Orion. Prefers to spend time with computers than people.

As much as she tries, she can lose her temper. While she is generally pleasant, she will occasionally shows a flash of temper before again regaining her calm demeanor.
Ambitions Although she is now first officer, she still wants to learn more skills and be better at her job as a computer and infiltration specialist. With the arrival of Alex in her life, she is now hoping to be able to balance both her career and relationship.
Hobbies & Interests Reading. Listening to classical music. Meditation. Near Eastern dancing.
Plays the lyrette and harp.
Loves to study computers old and new.

Personal History Alora was born on a small colony near the Romulan Neutral Zone. Her father was a Vulcan computer specialist who helped set up systems for new colonies. Her mother was a former Orion slave. The two met on a transport while she was trying to escape her master. In spite of his better judgment, he helped her escape and later married her.

They settled on a small colony where Danal took care of the colony's computers and Tanara took care of him and their home.

The other colonists were mostly open and welcoming, but some of them had strong prejudices against Orions. Enough to make Alora's childhood difficult. She was picked on a lot and, as a result, spent most of her childhood wandering through the woods or taking apart computers. As her father had many, she had a lot to choose from and soon became an expert in many forms of computer programming, repair and, most important for her hater career, security, hacking and cracking.

She also spent time every day studying Vulcan mind control and meditation under her father's watchful eye.

When she finished school, Alora's father spoke of his daughter's talents to a Starfleet Captain who sponsored her into the Academy. She passed the entrance exam on her first try and was soon on her way to Earth.

It was a culture shock to her. She'd never seen so many people. Many of whom avoided her because she was Orion. She used her well-practiced skills of keeping out of the way and remaining unobserved to avoid trouble. Although there were a few times when she would escape into the computer lab or library to avoid trouble

An understanding instructor, helped her learn how to use her unique gifts as an Infiltration and Computer Specialist. It gave her a career that she loves and does well. She still feels like an outsider in a world she doesn't understand, but in the world of computers and Intel, she feels she has found not only a calling but a home.

While serving aboard the USS Niagara, she was promoted from Chief Intelligence Officer to Executive Officer. It was not a position she sought, nor one for which she is the best choice, but she tried to do her best and she committed to learn how to improve, both as an officer and a researcher.

When Admiral Vance recalled the Niagara for a formal investigation into Captain Johanson's activities, the crew disbanded. Alora refused to testify against Alex, who went missing while she was in quarantine on a small moon, she was demoted to Commander andwas transferred to the USS Tokyo.

On October 23, 2394, Alora and Alex finally married while on leave from the USS Tokyo.
Service Record 2384: graduated Starfleet Academy
2384: served as infiltration and computer specialist aboard the USS Galahad
2386: served as computer specialist and archivist aboard the USS Trifoil. Promoted to Lieutenant JG.
2387: served as Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer aboard the USS Mercury. Demoted to Ensign.
2389: briefly served aboard the USS Overseer as Infiltration Specialist and Computer Specialist. Promoted to CIO and restored to rank of Lieutenant.
2389-2393: Served aboard the USS Niagara as Chief Intelligence Officer. In 2391 she was promoted to Executive Officer.
2394-continuing: Serves as Executive Officer aboard the USS Tokyo.