
  • 24 Mission Posts

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Tue Mar 1st, 2022 @ 3:23am

Lieutenant Commander Marcus Decius 'Gladius'

Name Marcus Decius 'Gladius'

Position Squadron Leader

Second Position Commander Air Group

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Magna Roman (Human)
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 1"
Weight 185 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Ice Blue
Physical Description Tall and Muscular, Hair kept short. Scar on right cheek.


Spouse/Partner none
Children none
Father unknown
Mother unknown
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family none

Personality & Traits

General Overview Confident and assured, he has no problem blending in, whether on the flight deck, the bridge, or a party. He is disciplined, shows proper military bearing at all times, and follows standard protocols. He assumes that everyone he meets is okay until they prove otherwise. He is a loyal friend and commander, and a formidable adversary both in and out of the cockpit.
Strengths & Weaknesses He knows combat, both in space, and on the ground. Former Gladiator in the Circus Maximus on his home planet, he is an expert at hand to hand and melee combat. Also good with ranged weapons. Strong moral compass. Hates slavery. Weaknesses include sympathy for Jem Hadar, because they are slaves to Kitrucel White.
Ambitions To become CAG
Hobbies & Interests Enjoys athletics of all kinds, and old style video games

Personal History Marcus was a street urchin, scrabbling for whatever he could find to survive. At an early age, he discovered that he was good at fighting. A Roman Citizen, Harmos Decius, noticed the boy during a fight with another street urchin, and recognized the boy's potential as a fighter. He took Marcus under his wing and trained him for the arena, and educated him. After several successful tours in the gladiatorial games, Marcus met a Starfleet officer who convinced him to join Starfleet. He was accepted into Starfleet academy at the age of 25. He had an aptitude for thinking outside of the box when it came to strategy, and had an affinity for small group tactics at long range. He played old style video games in his spare time, and developed above average eye-hand coordination, especially with old style dogfighting and flight sims. He decided to apply for flight school and train as a pilot. After earning his wings, he was assigned to the USS Echidna as a pilot, serving with distinction in several engagements. He is working to become an ace. He recently transferred to the Tokyo as a means of gaining a leadership role and commanding a squadron.
Service Record Unremarkable, except for minor disciplinary action involving a bar fight, and not filing a flight plan for his assignment to the Echidna. Given Starfleet Commendation for Conspicuous Gallantry after defending his wounded wignman in hostile space, ensuring that the Wingman landed safely before landing his own fighter, even though he was low on fuel.