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The End of the Tokyo? (Part 4)

Posted on Tue Sep 5th, 2023 @ 10:26am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant Rea & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Commander Thomas Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Febin & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’ & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin & Lieutenant Kylynn Adams & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant JG Amari & Sergeant Major Vespertine D'hetr & Ensign Talanna Teela 'Nanny'
Edited on on Tue Sep 5th, 2023 @ 10:35am

1,580 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Various

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

Moklor and Teela had one last glance at Fubuki and Silica before being torn away from each other. "We'll link up on the surface", Moklor called to the others frantically. "Remember your survival training."

Velocity increased at a nauseating speed, the darkness of space fading into a brighter light as they entered the atmosphere along with an audibly booming crack of speed. Moklor noticed Teela's fighter spinning downward, rolling and looping along the same whirlpool-like current towards the ground as his own. The top-of-the-line star fighters were essentially reduced to tumbling leaves.

Each fighter's computer came alive with atmospheric stabilization procedures. "Squid, I'm scared", Teela confided in Moklor as their fighters rolled along the same path.

"Do not fear adversity", Moklor shouted. "Adapt. Survive. This is not a good day to quit and die."

"Aye sir", Teela creaked as the ground began to seem much closer. Gravity was pulling them down, but the computer assisted glide-slope eventually took over their rate of descent.

And now the continuation...

Meanwhile Fubuki was trying her best to regain control of her fighter. "Come on!" she shouted as she tried to pull the sticks up. The fighter didn't respond as it entered the atmosphere. She could see the burning on her foward nose as she began to plummet towards the ground.

"COME ON!" she shouted again. She reached to the small locker to her side to find the EVA suit. She could eject if necessary, but in her haste she heard the suit rip against one of the sharp edges of the fighters controls. She swore knowing it was useless now.

"Warning. Rate of descent is too fast" the onboard systems warned her. But her engines were useless. She braced as her fighter began to barrel roll in the air, luckily the stabalisers leveled off some of her descent. But then it was too late, she ploughed right into the soft sands below.

The fighter rolled over on its side and continued to roll over and over, flipping high into the air before eventually come to land on its top end. Its thrusters still firing helplessly as it laid upside down with Fubuki still inside, now buried under her craft.

==== Bridge ====

Jasad's gaze shifted from the limp and lifeless body of Ensign Castro to the battered face of Captain Taiga. He could see her lips were moving and that she was obviously speaking words directly towards him, but he did not hear any sounds as he looked at her face. His gaze then shifted back towards the body of Ensign Castro. As he looked around the bridge he saw the same limp and lifeless forms of other Bridge officers that had not survived the crash landing.

This wasn't Jasad's first time being amongst a pile of the dead and dying. As a child he and his brother had survived a similar scene as children when a Klingon raiding party had attacked their mining colony. The only reason he and his brother were left alive was because they hid under the bodies of the other Cardassians that had been brutally beaten and killed by the Klingons.

He still remembered the sensation of having a dead body on top of him. The difference was that this time he did not have his frightened brother several feet away from him covering his mouth with a dead woman's sleeve so that the Klingons could not hear his terrified cries.

The Captain's flashlight in his eyes caused Jasad to snap out of his flashback and to come back to the present. As he relaized the the Captain was examining him, it caused him to jerk away from Ensign Castro's body with a jolt as he tried to compose himself.

"I-I....I will be fine, ma'am." Lt. Yuvek replied to the Captain.

Taiga placed a reassuring hand on the Cardassians shoulder. "Easy there," she said softly. She visually inspected his head for signs of injuries. "Take a few moments. Medical will be here soon." She assured him.

Talia had been thrown out of her seat with the force of the impact, catapulted across the bridge she awoken with a groan. She’d gotten the wind knocked out of her but fortunately she’d managed to avoid a midsection impact given her pregnancy. Her arm was definitely broken, and she’d taken a blow to the head which was bleeding. She blotted her headwound with her sleeve as she moved to sit up. “Lieutenant Johnson....awake Captain.” She looked around for Thomas breathing a sigh of relief as she saw him.

Nezuko saw that her friend Talia was hurt, so she grabbed a medkit and scanned her arm and the rest of her, to be sure. The arm was indeed broken, and she wasn’t equipped to set it properly, but the kit did have a stabilizer, which she showed to Talia and then applied near the injury.

“Thank you Nezuko” Talia offered her friend the best smile she could muster given the fact that she had a banging headache and her senses were currently totally useless.

Allowing Jased to rest Taiga took to looking at others on her bridge. She helped Ensign McCallister by bandaging a wound on his arm, before assisting crewman Wilson. She had a broken leg and Taiga had used a bit of wall panelling to keep it straight so there was no further damage.

"Commander..." she said to Thomas. "We need to get power back online. At least get communications and turbolifts back. Then we can get the injured to the sickbays," she said as she stumbled across the bridge towards the engineering control console.

The bridge engineer, warrant officer Parkins was dead. His limp body had taken the full blast when the EPS relay next to him had overloaded. "Sorry..." Taiga muttered as she pushed him out of the way. Luckily the engineering console seemed intact and was still fairly functional.

"Warp core offline, main power is gone, main Computer systems are down, sensors, weapons, shields, engines all down. Secondary systems non-functional..." Taiga began to read out. "Damn, do we have anything left?! Ah... there we go. We still have some juice from emergency power." Her hands ran over the console. The lights on the bridge flickered, some of them popping showering down sparks momentarily as Taiga brought online the emergency power systems.

As Chiyo struggled to her feet, she appeared dazed and confused. Everything and everyone on the bridge around her seemed rather distant. The conversations happening around her were muffled, and when the bridge lights showered down sparks, she flinched in an almost feral manner.

=== Engineering ===

When the tumbling and things going flying in engineering stopped Amari gradually opened her eyes and surveyed her surroundings. A broken power conduit crackled only a few inches away from her body, it was only stopped by the chair she had landed under catching it just short of her, as awareness gradually came back to her so did a strong pain from her leg. Slowly she dared to reach down and search for the pain, her fingers eventually settling on the handle of a screwdriver stuck deep in her flesh, blue blood slowly trickling out around it staining her white uniform. "Langutza." she called out.

Ellie heard the strange call and began making her way towards the source of the noise.

"Hey, we've got somebody hurt over here!" The senior chief called out. Ellie noticed when she did that her New York accent was a lot thicker than it normally was. The universal translator dialed her accent back to make her more understandable. If her accent was back in full, then that must mean the universal translator was offline. Ellie just hoped someone understood what she had just said. English was the basis of Federation Standard after all.

Very gingerly Amari tried to shuffle backwards to get away from the sparking conduit but quickly thought better of it when she felt the wet blue patch getting even wetter and bluer. "Li opus nekateri langutza."

Ellie made her way over towards the sound of the alien dialect. She saw the sparking conduit and the upturned chair.

"Somebody shut off the breakers to this power conduit before it kills somebody!" She shouted as she noticed Amari under the chair.

Despite the still-live conduit presenting a danger, Ellie still bent down and grabbed Amari to drag the other engineer away from it.

"Don't worry, I've got you." She assured the other officer as she dragged the other engineer away from the conduit. She would haven gotten Amari back to a more intact area of engineering, but Ellie soon noticed the blue trail from where she had dragged Amari from. Swearing under her breath, Ellie called out again: "I need someone with a first aid kit over here, stat!"

Amari heard voices all around her as Ellie dragged her out from under the conduit but something didn't wasn't right, she couldn't understand a word that was being said. "Diolch anda Ellie" she said, her vision swam with distortion and semi legible symbols flashed on and off weakly.

Lieutenant Rea had been knocked out and was now laid against the rear bulkhead. She had been thrown clean across the engine room and had sustained a head injury in the process. Red blood trickled through her blue hair as she laid in a crumple against the wall.

To be continued...


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