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The End of the Tokyo? (Part 3)

Posted on Tue Sep 5th, 2023 @ 10:25am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant Rea & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Commander Thomas Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Febin & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’ & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin & Lieutenant Kylynn Adams & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant JG Amari & Sergeant Major Vespertine D'hetr & Ensign Talanna Teela 'Nanny'
Edited on on Tue Sep 5th, 2023 @ 10:34am

1,497 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Various

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

The Tokyo plummeted through the atmosphere, finally breaking through the cloud layer. The sandy surface of the planet below showed on the viewscreen as the ship's thrusters fired to try and level its descent.

Then it was too late. The Armitage Class Starship ploughed bow first into one of the giant sand dunes. The ship bounced off the dune, blasting sand high into the air, as the ship started to skid through the sand. Sand was thrown in all directions as the ship ploughed through the sand, causing a huge wake.

The sound of metal creaking, breaking and twisting could be heard as the large Starship was slowed by the friction of the sandy surface. A large sand dune towered above the starship. The circular hull plouged directly into its base coming to a gradual stop. The main foward hull now completely buried, upto the ships name on each side.

And now the continuation...

==== Bridge ====

Taiga had been thrown from her command chair with the majority of the other bridge officers. Those who were standing or forward facing had recieved the full force of the sudden stop. Taiga had been thrown clean over the helm console and was now in a crumpled heap at the bottom of the viewscreen.

Smoke filled the bridge as fires chattered from consoles that had exploded during the impact. A main support beam had fallen from the ceiling and had crashed down in the center of the room. The small transparant dome on the ceiling that usually showed the stars above the Tokyo had smashed, and sunlight now flooded through. Debris and smashed systems now littered the floor and several of the consoles were now sparking or flickering.

Taiga sat up and rubbed her head, she could feel some blood running down from her face. "D..." She tried to call out, but the intense pain stopped her for a brief moment. "D..Damage Report..." she asked weakily.

Jasad could not see anything around him as he slowly regained consciousness. It took him several moments to open his eyes. As he did, he saw that the bridge, normally alive with various lights and sounds, now just appeared to be dead and lifeless.

He tried to shift his weight and move, but he realized he was pinned down by something heavy. It was something that was heavy and long and laying across his chest. It took him several more moments to realize that the heavy object that was pining him down was the body of another officer.

"Castro. . .Ensign Cas--tro....." The Cardassian tried to speak, but his voice was strained due to the copious amounts of blood that filled his mouth. Jasad choked as he tried to cough the fluid from his mouth so that he could speak.

"Ens....Ensign!" He said, still whispering, but with a bit more force. It did not make a difference. Jasad could tell by the Ensign's face and slack expression that he was dead.

Jasad eventually was able to push the Ensign's body off of his own and slowly roll over to his left side. As he continued to cough blood from his mouth he saw the condition of the Bridge did not look too much better than he felt.

Thomas moaned as he sat up winced as he did so, flying into the console, he had felt this pain before, broken ribs, and possible punctured lung... not the first time, it wasn't even the worst he's had.

Standing, with another wince, he stood next to the console, and tried to activate it. "This console is offline Captain." He glanced around for Talia.

Taiga managed to pull herself up. The bridge was in ruins. She held her head as she stumbled towards the helm console. The viewscreen had smashed and now showed only a blank dead black image. Emergency power was starting to come back online, no doubt most of the ships systems were offline or destroyed. She tapped at the flickering console, switching the bridge to emergency batteries.

"Anyone who's still alive. Sound off!" She called out "Anyone who can walk or move, break into the emergency med kits!" She ordered. Slowly she limped over to one of the wall lockers and pulled down on the handle. Inside were several emergency supplies, including hand phasers, med kits and flashlights.

"Well, no broken bones on this girl, but I think I'm going to need a clean pair of pants after that landing..." Chisato reported as she picked herself up off the ground.

Chiyo grunted as she struggled to get up. The major barely heard a word the captain said over the high-pitched ringing in her ears. The sound of the crash must have been so loud she blew an eardrum.

Grunting as she moved into a sitting position, Chiyo raised her hand to a particular sore spot on her head, and felt something warm and sticky in her hair. Thus, she knew she had cut her head open even before she saw that her hand was stained red with blood. In addition to her basic motor functions being laborious and causing her massive amounts of pain, Chiyo knew she had taken a good hit when the ship crashed, and likely had a few cracked and broken bones.

Taiga tapped her comm badge. With the comm system down, the comm badges could be used for local communication. "Captain to all hands. Initiate emergency procedures. Report in when you can." She said hoping that her badge could reach everyone.

She grabbed one of the med kits, armed herself with a phaser and then attached one of the flashlights to her arm. She made her way over to Lieutenant Yuvek. "Are you OK Lieutenant?" She asked as she examined him up and down with the flashlight.

Unable to ‘sound off’ in the traditional sense, Nezuko knocked her dead console four times hard, until Taiga looked at her and locked eyes. She gave the Captain a thumbs-up and began scrounging for supplies in the nearest emergency locker.

==== Yamaha Patrol ====

Twin-Tails, Snowflake, Nanny and Shell-Squid cut through the dense, colorful nebula particles in their Valkyrie fighters. Communications with the Tokyo had been spotty since the moment of separation. The transponder signal had always flashed that reassuring blinker in the corner of the HUD.

It was Ensign Teela who first called up the loss of contact with the Tokyo. "Hey Shell-Squid.. Are you getting this? I'm not reading the Tokyo."

Moklor had just noticed the same thing. "I take it contact is lost between each of you and the Tokyo?"

Fubuki checked her instruments. "I'm not picking up any signal from the Tokyo." She looked over at her wingman who shared direct sight to see Silica simply shake her head.

"Okay, we are going to investigate the spot of its last disappearance." Moklor having a combat focused mentality failed to consider the possibility of a navigational hazard. "Our instruments are unreliable in this nebula. Perhaps we just need to get an eyes on... Stay tight... Adjusting course to heading 0151."

The four fighters banked and sped off towards the planet and its gravity wells as quickly as they could muster. The dark gasses blocked their view until they came right up on the planet.

"The Tokyo should be in sight", Ensign Teela called over the fighter network. Just then the fighters were rocked with the swirling mass of stellar eddies before the planet began to set a tighter hold on the Valkyries.

Moklor swore profusely in Klingon over the network before adding, "I'm losing control of this petaQ!" Not only was he trying to manually pull away from the planet, the computer beeped a reaction sound every time he tried to have it enter a correction.

"I'm trying almost two thirds reverse", Ensign Teela screeched over the net. An extremely violent, tightly-packed eddy cut between the squadron, splitting the small ships in pairs headed for different areas of the planet.

Moklor and Teela had one last glance at Fubuki and Silica before being torn away from each other. "We'll link up on the surface", Moklor called to the others frantically. "Remember your survival training."

Velocity increased at a nauseating speed, the darkness of space fading into a brighter light as they entered the atmosphere along with an audibly booming crack of speed. Moklor noticed Teela's fighter spinning downward, rolling and looping along the same whirlpool-like current towards the ground as his own. The top-of-the-line star fighters were essentially reduced to tumbling leaves.

Each fighter's computer came alive with atmospheric stabilization procedures. "Squid, I'm scared", Teela confided in Moklor as their fighters rolled along the same path.

"Do not fear adversity", Moklor shouted. "Adapt. Survive. This is not a good day to quit and die."

"Aye sir", Teela creaked as the ground began to seem much closer. Gravity was pulling them down, but the computer assisted glide-slope eventually took over their rate of descent.

To be continued...


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