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Thu Feb 22nd, 2024 @ 7:01pm

Lieutenant Commander Moklor

Name Moklor ‘Shell Squid’

Position Commander Air Group

Second Position Squadron Leader

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Klingon
Age 48

Physical Appearance

Height 6’3
Weight 265 lns
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Reddish-brown
Physical Description His height and size are typical of a Klingon warrior. As he’s gotten older, Moklor’s shape has thickened somewhat. Long, jet black wavy hair cascades down his shoulders. Dark brown eyes contain crimson and gold filaments. Long arms meet a matching torso, where staunch legs are held up by massive feet.

Moklor’s expression was often a mix of cheerful scowls and toothy smiles. He speaks loud in a gruff, scratchy voice. His vocabulary has improved throughout his Starfleet career. He sometimes speaks quickly, relaying complex information quickly.


Relationship Status Single
Children K’lar - KDF Transfer to Starfleet, Science Officer
Father K’raQ - Ambassador
Mother LadaQ - Ship Commander
Brother(s) M’Kolar - KDF Warrior
K’Tarn - KDF Warrior, Pilot
Sister(s) Gr’zka - KDF Marine
Gr’Kel - Imperial Intelligence
Other Family The House of K’raQ

Krag (59)
Gelussa (55)

M’RaQ (56)

Korg (50)

M’lthQa (48)

K’To’Va son of Krag (40)

Kor son of Krag (40)

B’eQ daughter of Krag (38)

Sto’Kot son of Krag (35)

Personality & Traits

General Overview This Klingon lives life in a bold, daring way. Everything he does is centered around feeling alive. Even the fresh, live food he prefers is due to the way he embraces life itself. It feeds his body with the nourishment of Qo’nos. Moklor believes in feeling connected to the stars around him. It is this connection which influences his warrior’s intuition.

Moklor lives a life dedicated to combat as a marine pilot of his heritage. Fighting, battle and training still only define a small part of this diverse man. Moklor is a lover of music and a collector of slightly old Klingon artifacts. Traveling between the stars illuminates and inspires him. Life is seen as a journey and he sees himself as a settler… A voyager.

Now getting older in life, Moklor is finally gaining control of his mentality. He can be aggressive, but never seems to lose control. Moklor is likely to interact as a silent professional within a group, fighting to focus his thoughts and help construct the plan.
Strengths & Weaknesses His transition to working with humans has never been easy. Moklor’s often seen as aggressive or moody. Only after time do many of his crew mates truly understand him. His attitudes are rarely personal. Moklor is aggressive towards life itself. The good thing is that he’s been known to be even more fiercely loyal. There is something trustworthy and reliable about the old gruff Klingon.

He’s a brave pilot, but this puts him in risky situations. Moklor isn’t the best technical pilot. His instincts are top notch and help accentuate his skill set.
Ambitions Moklor hopes to increase the standing of his house in the public eye of Qo’nos. He has made a career out of flying fighters for the Federation. Along with other House elders, he is in the process of negotiating for the family’s command of their first vessel.

Moklor is committed to his Starfleet career. He’s getting older. As CAG, he must guide the next generation as he was shown long ago. He brings a passion and intensity to the flight deck he hopes inspires the warrior mentality in others.
Hobbies & Interests The Klingon is obsessed with technology. Flight is his passion. Understanding as much as he can about as many different types of starships was part of that. He spends several hours each day studying ship specifications on his PADD. Moklor usually does this while busy with other tasks, distracted by his quizzical love for starships.

Moklor embodies the culture of his people. He enjoys singing their songs and telling Klingon tales. Homeworld cuisine is a way to connect taste with the land where he was raised. Rituals, rites and physical training are all integral to Moklor’s lifestyle as a Klingon.

Personal History Moklor was not always excited about his Klingon training and culture. In his earliest days, Moklor only cared about shuttle racing. There were races run between a Klingon governed asteroid belt. Competitors traveled from across the galaxy to race here.

The lights and glamour distracted young Moklor momentarily. Discipline from a strict Klingon House eventually brought him back into the fold of more mature Klingon ideals. He never forgot his love for flight.

After passing the final Rites of Ascension he was assigned to fly shuttles off the House’s Vor’cha cruiser. Gruff, experienced pilots were rough with him and forced him to adapt. Hard lessons were taught in the cockpit long before he entered the Academy.

Moklor had the mentality of a scrappy fighter. He fought hard to learn. It took a major effort just to keep up with the middle of the pack. His physical scores were excellent. Moklor was brutal in space. He truly excelled in atmospheric flight, where even advanced systems didn’t mitigate all effects of g-forces.

Moklor has also risen to prominence within his Imperial House. He is set to take over the family after his father K’RaQ reaches Sto’Vo’Kor. He is studying Klingon bridge crew tests on holodeck simulations between training. He has time to learn, but will be expected to command House of Moklor branded B’rel vessels once his Starfleet time ends.
Service Record 2370-2373: IKS Tor’Vol
2373-2377: Starfleet Academy - Fighter Operations and Tactics
2378-2380: Starbase 24 - Fighter Pilot
2380-2384: Starbase 24 - Flight Commander
2385-2386: Transfer Assignment to KDF - IKS K’Rel
2386-2387: USS Hiryu - Fighter Pilot
2387-2389: USS Hiryu - Flight Commander
2389-2390: Fighter Operations & Leadership Development Course
2391-2395: USS Lyon - Squadron Commander