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The End of the Tokyo? (Part 5)

Posted on Tue Sep 5th, 2023 @ 10:48am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant Rea & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Commander Thomas Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Febin & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’ & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin & Lieutenant Kylynn Adams & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant JG Amari & Sergeant Major Vespertine D'hetr & Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada & Ensign Talanna Teela 'Nanny'
Edited on on Tue Sep 5th, 2023 @ 10:49am

1,838 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Various

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

Ellie made her way over towards the sound of the alien dialect. She saw the sparking conduit and the upturned chair.

"Somebody shut off the breakers to this power conduit before it kills somebody!" She shouted as she noticed Amari under the chair.

Despite the still-live conduit presenting a danger, Ellie still bent down and grabbed Amari to drag the other engineer away from it.

"Don't worry, I've got you." She assured the other officer as she dragged the other engineer away from the conduit. She would haven gotten Amari back to a more intact area of engineering, but Ellie soon noticed the blue trail from where she had dragged Amari from. Swearing under her breath, Ellie called out again: "I need someone with a first aid kit over here, stat!"

Amari heard voices all around her as Ellie dragged her out from under the conduit but something didn't wasn't right, she couldn't understand a word that was being said. "Diolch anda Ellie" she said, her vision swam with distortion and semi legible symbols flashed on and off weakly.

Lieutenant Rea had been knocked out and was now laid against the rear bulkhead. She had been thrown clean across the engine room and had sustained a head injury in the process. Red blood trickled through her blue hair as she laid in a crumple against the wall.

And now the continuation...

==== Flight Deck Sickbay ====

The flight deck sickbay looked like it had been trashed in a desperate attempt to locate something. Medical equipment usually sat on trays and sides were now scattered around the room. One of the biobeds had collapsed and broken free from one of the walls. The lights flickered and sparked as they attempted to cast light on the badly damage room.

Amu rubbed her head as she sat up. She looked around the dimly lit room. Slowly she used the nearest biobed to help herself upto her feet. "Nurse Miyafuji!" she called as she spotted Yoshika laying motionless by the sickbay doors. She rolled Yoshika over and placed two fingers against her neck, she had a pulse and she was breathing. "Thank god for that..." she sighed as she rolled the petty officer into the recovery position.

The doors were then pryed open and several teal cladded officers rushed in. One of them nearly tripped over Miyafuji as they did so. "Doctor," one of them said. "We thought we'd find you here. Are you hurt?"

Amu looked at her medical staff. "No, I think I'm fine. Move nurse Miyafuji to a biobed. Then lets get cleaned up in here. The pilots are currently not on ship, but we will need to assist the main sickbay. No doubt Doctor Febin is currently recieving injured."

The medical officer nodded. "Aye doctor," he stated simply. He and another officer lifted up Miyafuji by her arms and legs and moved her gently onto the nearest intact biobed.

Amu had located a functional medical tricorder. She soon set to work running the probe up and down the young petty officer. "No internal injuries, she's quite resilient. Looks like she just got knocked unconscious. She should come around in a little while."

With her worries about Miyafuji put aside for now. Amu moved over to the flickering console. "Main communications must be down, so it seems are the turbolift." she sighed. She turned to face the medical staff. "Ensign Pattison, you stay here and help me clean up this place. The rest of you, get out of here and start searching the deck. Any injured bring here. Its time we started saving lives and getting head counts." she ordered.

==== Tactical information center ====

Chief Warrant Officer Roromiya shook the Commander, trying to bring him around. Luckily she hadn't been rendered unconscious by the impact of the vessel into the sand. However Ryuuji had been thrown across the room and had smacked into one of the large windows that looked down onto the flight deck below.

"Commander..." she said simply. Eventually Ryuuji awoke and looked up at Chief Roromiya.

"What the hell happened?" he asked lazily.

"I believe that the Tokyo has crash landed onto the planet we were in orbit of" Roromiya said.

"Crash landed... Why do you say that?"

Roromiya didn't answer, she just indicated to the flight deck with her head. Ryuuji managed to pulled himself up to look out of the windows. "Bloody hell!" he exclaimed.

The TIC which was a domed structure suspended from the ceiling of the double height flight deck usually had a clear view of both doors and the runways below. However now, the bow end was completely gone, only to be replaced with huge amounts of sand. Ryuuji and Roromiya couldn't see the catapult launchers, or the bow blast doors. The flight deck looked as if it had been twisted and several of the deck plates were no longer there.

Hull breaches along the entire flight deck could be seen, some which had light flooding through. The aft door was open, wedged at a strange angle. They could make one sunlight flooding in, making the sand in the area glisten and sparkle. From what they could both tell the flight deck was all but destroyed and buried in the depths of the ship and the Tokyo seemed to be buried at a slight angle into the sands of the planet.

"Was anyone down there?" Ryuuji asked.

Roromiya didn't show any emotion as she replied. "Yes. There were flight deck crews down there before impact. They are most likely buried under the sand towards the fore of the flight deck." she told him cooly.

Ryuuji sighed. There must be hudreds of tonnes of sand that had blasted into the flight deck, settling at the bow. Anyone under there would have either been crushed or suffocated, leaving no chance of surival. He lowered his head sadly and tried to put it out of his mind. "We need to find a way to contact the bridge..."

==== Bridge ====

Taiga was still at the main engineering console. She had been working through the pain, trying her best to ignore it. "Nezuko. Can you get Ops back up and running?" she asked. She knew that most of the bridge crew were injured, but they needed to ensure that the Tokyo wasn't about to face more disaster.

"I need you to get engineering and internal sensors back online. The last thing we want is for the anti-matter tanks to rupture. We can then at least see how many people are still alive and start co-ordinating search and rescue efforts," Taiga told her.

Nezuko nodded and raced back to her console. She slid underneath and opened the access panel. On her back, tricorder in one hand, she began to work among the EPS wires and gel pack connectors in an effort to restore power to her console and ideally the systems it was connected to.

"Commander's. If you're both ok. Take who ever you can, start to search the ship for survivors. Ascertain if sickbay has sustained damage. No doubt if Doctor Febin is still alive he'll need any help he can get." Taiga ordered as she looked over at Thomas and Chisato.

"Understood," Chisato nodded, before turning her attention to Thomas. "Commander; I'll follow your lead."

Feeling some thick liquid start building up in his mouth, he quickly took out his cloth, and wiped it. "Lt Johnson, with your medical knowledge, grab a medkit. We will go deck to deck, jeffries tubes will be the safest."

Suddenly, the lights in the bridge briefly flickered and then immediately the Ops console came online. Nezuko had managed to reallocate power from a backup battery source. From Ops, they could indeed use internal sensors (mostly; it appeared that some internal sensor units were damaged) and open direct comm lines to critical infrastructure, namely engineering.

She tapped her panel with her long nails to get the Captain’s attention and then waved her to the console.

Taiga nodded. She understood from Nezuko what she meant. "Looks like we have internal ship comms." she said. She left the Engineering console and made her way back to her command chair to access the communication system from her chair arm controls.

"Bridge to Engineering come in Engineering." Taiga called as she manually opened the comm channel.

"...Say that again in English?" A thick New York accent responded. The confused tone gave the implication that the engineer on the other end had heard Japanese and not Federation standard.

Taiga switched to English, not her native tongue. Obviously the Universal Translator wasn't fully operational. That was something that Taiga hadn't been expecting, but made sense due to the damage to the ship's systems. "This is Bridge. Captain Aisaka. Report status."

"Bridge to Sickbay." She asked next after the line with the engine room fell silent.

"Go for Sickbay," an unfamiliar voice came over the commlink. It was Nurse Dogrov who was speaking slightly more raspy than usual.

Taiga didn't recognise the voice that answered, but it sounded like one of the medical staff. "Where is Doctor Febin?" Taiga asked simply.

"I'm afraid its not good, Captain."

That wasn't what Taiga wanted to hear. She understood that such an impact was bound to cause casualties amongst the crew. But if they lost their Chief Medical Officer it just made the whole situation worse. "Go on," Taiga said simply.

The Tellarite grunted. He was used to death, in the infancy of a Tellarite litter there's 1 in 4 death. He was the sole survivor of a litter of three but this loss was unlike the others. This hit him harder than anything before. The Doctor was a friend and a colleague, "He's dead. There's minor brain activity, but he's beyond resuscitation."

A brief moment fell upon the bridge. "Understood," Taiga replied simply. It wasn't that she was emotionless, however right now she needed to be looking out for every member of the crew who was still alive. "You'll need to prepare sickbay without him then. We have multiple injured, use whatever you can."

"Yes, Captain. We're working on it, Sickbay out."

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer

Major Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commander

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Chief Strategic Operations Officer

Lieutenant Commander Chisato Nishikigi
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Commander Febin
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’
Commander Air Group

Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lieutenant Kylynn Adams
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Chief Counsellor

Lieutenant Rea
Acting Chief Engineer

Lieutenant JG Nezuko
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant JG Amari

Sergeant Major Vespertine D'hetr
First Seargant

Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada

Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D.
Flight Deck Chief Medic

Lieutenant JG Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake'
Fighter Pilot

Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails'
Fighter Pilot

Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji

Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya
Air Boss

Ensign Talanna Teela 'Nanny'
Fighter Pilot


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