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The End of the Tokyo? (Part 2)

Posted on Tue Sep 5th, 2023 @ 10:23am by Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Thomas Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Febin & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’ & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin & Lieutenant Kylynn Adams & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant JG Amari & Sergeant Major Vespertine D'hetr & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant Rea & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Ensign Talanna Teela 'Nanny' & Ensign Rin Kagamine 'Twin 2' & Ensign Len Kagamine 'Twin 1' & Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji
Edited on on Sun Sep 10th, 2023 @ 8:35am

1,026 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Various

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"I've just lost inertial dampeners! Attitude control is gone as well! Something is dragging us down to the planet surface." He shouted over the cacophony of the alerts on the Bridge.

"Grab on to something, because we're going to pick up more speed as we enter the planet's gravity well!" He added.

Thomas glanced over at Talia, "I doubt blowing the ship up is an option..." Considering he was in the same predicament last mission. "Talia, get over here and sit down." It would be better cushion should it not crush the ship. He stood up and braced the railing.

“But...” Talia was worried about her husband getting hurt where he was, but she wasn’t going to argue with him about it. She nodded as she moved to his seat and held on tight.

And now the continuation...

==== Engineering ====

The lights in engineering flickered repeatedly and the warp cores usually continual rapid thrumming dropped to almost a snails pace, the whole bay creaked and shuddered. Warnings and other alarms blurted from every console that was still working.

"Impulse engines are offline." A voice called out.

"Inertial dampeners too, back up generators aren't responding." Another added.

Having come down to the main level of engineering Amari held on tightly to the rail around the warp core as the ship tilted slightly downwards, shuffling herself towards the warp cores diagnostic panel she found it completely blank. She pulled a tricorder from her belt and tried to scan the core but the results were all over the place.

"Somebody get those damn structural integrity fields back online, or we're going to break apart!" Ellie shouted.

Rea ran over towards Ellie. "Show me," she said simply. The console only had one panel barely functioning. Her fingers ran across the panel. "Throw all power we have spare into the structural integrity field. We can't stop her going down, but we can at least stop us from being a giant fireball!"

Unable to get any diagnostic equipment to work Amari decided there was only one way to do it. She ducked under the railing and approached the warp core, taking a deep breath she pressed her hand against it.

Rea spotted the other engineer touching the core. "Lieutenant?" She said quickly. She wasn't too sure what she was doing.

Amari didn't look back, her attention focused on keeping her footing and listening to the warp core. "I know you're in pain but talk to me please." Her body tingled from the cores vibration and residual static, a small tear came from her eye the warp core was in great pain but there was worse. "Lieutenant." She shouted above the noise. "We need to shut the core down."

The Chief Engineer hesitated for a brief second. "Ok!" She announced to the room. "Emergency shut down of the warp core. Get away from the engine systems, it's going to get awfully hot in here!"

Nodding, Ellie turned to the other engineers.

"You heard her! Let's get a move on!" She shouted.

"Automatic shut down isn't responding." Amari said, she wasn't that surprised given how everything else in engineering and no doubt the entire ship was functioning. Manually shutting down a warp core was something she'd only read about.

"Manual shutdown now!" Rea shouted over the commotion. "Pull the plug before we all end up in millions of pieces!"

==== Bridge ====

The Tokyo entered the upper atmosphere. The friction of the Starship cutting through scorched the hull as the ship's bow led the way.

The viewscreen on the bridge showed the planet below, covered in sand dunes and endless desert. There was nothing the crew could do as the Armitage Class started to fall to this barren, inhospitable world below.

"Evacuate the lower decks!" Taiga shouted over the noise.

"All hands, brace for impact!" Chiyo shouted.

The Helm console began to shake violently along with the rest of the deck as the Tokyo entered the planet's atmosphere at such a violent angle. A vessel of this size was never designed for atmospheric entry, let alone at such an uncontrolled rate of speed. The Cardassian held on to one side of his panel as he tried to at least getting back control of manuvering thrusters to try to even out the ship's profile and make the crash less devastating.

Talia could only hold on and hope for some kind of miracle.

"Shit!" Was all that could be heard coming from Chisato's station. "Shit shit shit shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit-!"

==== Planet's surface ====

On the planet's surface, a group riding through the endless desert on the backs of mounted creatures and wearing heavy cloaks fashioned from scrap fabric to protect themselves from the harsh desert sun saw the unmistakable glow in the sky that signified another unfortunate ship had gotten caught in the planet's gravitational pull. The group's leader watched the glowing ship streak across the sky as the desert breeze rustled his shaggy blonde hair and beard under his cloak.

"Alright:" He declared. "New plan: If we hurry, we can intercept the new ship and help ourselves to some of their stuff before the others get to it!"

==== Tokyo ====

The Tokyo plummeted through the atmosphere, finally breaking through the cloud layer. The sandy surface of the planet below showed on the viewscreen as the ship's thrusters fired to try and level its descent.

Then it was too late. The Armitage Class Starship ploughed bow first into one of the giant sand dunes. The ship bounced off the dune, blasting sand high into the air, as the ship started to skid through the sand. Sand was thrown in all directions as the ship ploughed through the sand, causing a huge wake.

The sound of metal creaking, breaking and twisting could be heard as the large Starship was slowed by the friction of the sandy surface. A large sand dune towered above the starship. The circular hull plouged directly into its base coming to a gradual stop. The main foward hull now completely buried, upto the ships name on each side.

To be continued...


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