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Here we go again...(Part 3)

Posted on Fri Jul 3rd, 2015 @ 12:34am by Lieutenant Alex Walker & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Jennifer Daxer & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & T'Shenn & Lieutenant John Stayus & Lieutenant Mimi & Lieutenant Kalmar Okinami Sci.D. & Captain Leo Fox & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Edited on on Fri Jul 3rd, 2015 @ 1:06am

1,896 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Behind Closed Doors
Location: Breifing Room

Previously on Star Trek: Tokyo:

"Ok" Taiga said. "Is there any questions regarding your orders?"

and now the continuation...

T'Shenn looked at Jennifer and Leo. "I would like to schedule some hand to hand combat training with your squads. Also I recommend everyone carry a bladed weapon on them. The Borg adapt pretty fast. Blades are not laser projections and therefore cannot be easily blocked by personal force fields."

Leo nodded. "Actually blades and older projectile weapons are their weakness, they can't adapt at all. So knowledge on what some would consider 'old school' weapons would make someone a borg-defeating-master. I'll begin scheduling training for all whom want to participate. Y'never know, someone may be rusty."

Taiga nodded in agreement. "Start training the crew in hand to hand combat" Taiga said. "I want everyone to know how to defend themselves should this ship be boarded". She used a serious tone, she knew that most of the crew had never handled a situation like this, no matter a bladed weapon. She herself being a security officer knew her way around a blade, and knew exactly where to strike.

T'Shenn looked at the Commander and said, "Yes Commander. I know K'Eltora and I are more than eager to help train. Perhaps Karlassa as well. She has trained in no less then fifteen bladed weapons since she was two."

Taiga shook her head at the mention of Karlassa. "All civilians will be evacuated to the center of the saucer section around the sickbay area. Its the most heavily guarded and protected. I am not having civilians in the crossfire. Plus she's a young girl, I don't want her anywhere near the enemy, I'm not sending any children to the front lines" Taiga explained firmly her eyes locked on T'Shenn.

"I will begin issuing projectile weapons to everyone." Jen said simply. "I will also provide the needed training to use them."

T'Shenn was doing her best to keep her anger down. She said, "Commander... I wasn't suggesting she fought. I was suggesting she helped train alongside myself and my mate K'Eltora. Also, while I agree that she should be put with the civilians, I doubt there would be any place safe for them on the ship, so I recommend training them as well. Karlassa can't fight a Borg invasion alone."

"She will not be alone, Lieutenant, and in this, I agree with Commander Aisaka. As Starfleet officers, it is our job to protect civilians, not put them in harms way." Jen saw where this was going, and decided it was best to step in. "I will hand pick a group of security officers, whom I will specially train myself. They will be armed with bladed, and projectile weapons, and will give their lives to protect Karlassa, as well as the other civilians on the ship, should the need arise."

T'Shenn growled and said under her breath, "She can protect herself, Commander." She then said aloud, "Perhaps you should come see one of our family training sessions, Commander."

"I don't care Lieutenant" Taiga said back her tone changing. "She is a four year old child, she is not a Starfleet Officer and I am not putting her life at risk on my ship!" Taiga was now standing even though it didn't make much a difference in her height. "Is that crystal clear!"

"I will include her in my training sessions." Jen chimed in again, all but ignoring Taiga's statement. "If she is as able bodied as you suggest, then the training may be a good avenue for her to gain the proper discipline that she will need when putting those skills to use." She didn't bother looking at Taiga right then, as she knew the short woman would likely be fuming mad at this reply. "However, her use of those skills must be a last resort, as she is young, and still a civilian. Are we clear on this?"

T'Shenn looked at Jen and sighed. "So we come back to what I was trying to say to begin with." She shook her head. She moved her hand to rub her bad eye then stopped herself and slammed her fist on the table. "Sorry. Just... not doing well right now."

"No one is suggesting that Karlassa cannot defend herself." Jen explained, ignoring T'Shenn's outburst. "What we are saying is that Starfleet is not in the habit of placing civilian lives in danger."

T'Shenn smirked. "We never do. Unfortunately, when people invade, they don't live up to the same Standards as Starfleet. I am just saying everyone should be prepared."

Jen looked between Taiga, and T'Shenn, making a decision on the spot that she inwardly dared Taiga to challenge. "I will inform the civilian population of the danger, and offer weapons and training to the adults who want it." She finally said. "I will not take it further than that."

If looks could kill then Taiga's glare at Jen would have been a death sentance. She was opposed to arming civilians as it was Starfleets duty to protect them at all costs.
"You better not screw this one up" she said simply. "Because if a Civilian has a weapon and misses, panics or gets in the way... I am not being held responsible and they could endanger the entire ship. There is a reason why Security and Marine officers spend four years at the Academy" Taiga explained her tone rather low like a large cat stalking ready to pounce.

"Anything else?" she asked looking around the table at everyone.

Though she hid it, Jen's temper flared. Without waiting for another response, she grabbed Taiga by the elbow, and led her across the room.

T'Shenn didn't smirk. She had nodded to Jen when she mentioned training civilians and wanted to add to the comment about having them safely cordoned off in one section, but having them trained helped in other ways, but it didn't seem to be necessary. She had a newfound respect for the XO though.

Once they were somewhat away from the others, Jen spoke in hushed tones. "I am not stupid, Commander." her voice was laced with venom as she spoke. "I know how to properly train people to use weapons, and deal with combat. If one of them screws it up, then I will take responsibility for it. In the meantime, I'd appreciate it if you'd quit disrespecting me so openly!" She looked to the others, who were watching them. "We'll talk more a little later, because I know you want to lose your temper, but now is not the time." She said, then moved away from Taiga, back to the table. "Does anyone have anything else to add to this meeting?"

Taiga watched from the other side of the room her eyes fixed on Jennifer and her fists clenched. Safe to say she was as happy as the bunnies from Watership Down. If humans could emit an aura then she would be englufed in flames, this was not a good day to be on the bad side of her.

"While we're on the subject of civilians, Commander, I'm going to need all civilians onboard the ship to sign an agreement to confidentiality regarding all matters that relate to the current mission." Kalmar slid the PADD he had been typing on across the table towards Commander Aisaka. Taking on a more icy tone, he continued "The alternative option to signing is that the individual would have to be sent to the nearest starbase until the conclusion of our mission."

Taiga slid the PADD over towards Jen. "You're going to be talking to the civilians. So, you should be able to do this" she said simply staring her right in the eyes.

With her being part of an undercover operation to investigate Taiga, Jen decided that thumbing the PADD to provide credentials was a bad idea. She also knew that feigning ignorance of Intelligence procedures was wise. She glanced at the agreement that Kalmar had put on the PADD, then looked at him. "Forgive my ignorance, Lieutenant." She said with a light sigh, showing the senior officers that, unlike typical Vulcans, she didn't completely suppress her emotions. She set the PADD back down on the table, and looked back at Kalmar. "I'm going to need you to explain to me why this is necessary."

Kalmar's single, grey eye flickered over to fix a gaze on Jennifer. He didn't know exactly what was gong on in her mind, but he found it more than a bit odd that she asked such a question. After the mission had been explained, he figured the reasons for the confidentiality agreement were quite obvious. But actually explaining why to the senior staff would have placed the mission, and Kalmar himself, in a very bad light. So he took another route. "Lieutenant Commander Daxer, if you have a problem with this course of action, I'll get the civilians to sign it myself. And I don't exactly have the same level of... charisma that you have."

Jen gave Kalmar a look that said she was instantly annoyed. "The point was not that I have a problem, Lieutenant. It was that I'm curious as to why this is needed." she replied with that same hint of annoyance. She wasn't about to give him an inch in this, because doing so now would compromise her position. "I will make this request to the civilians, once I'm made aware of the need for this... So you can either humor me now, or you can do so in private, after the meeting." She crossed her arms, making it obvious that she was annoyed. "Pick one."

Kalmar crossed both pairs of tentacles in response, still glaring at her behind his rectangular mask. He would not budge either. "I think we'll have to talk about this some other time," he replied coolly.

Alex glanced around at the assembled officers. "Commander Daxer. If I may add something related to security. My wife Meru is technically still part of Starfleet though not on active duty. She would have to re-qualify with the Type 2 and TR series weapons but she could be pressed into service to assist in the defense of the civilian population."

Jen glared at Kalmar for a few more seconds. "We'll talk after the meeting." She told Kalmar with all the authority of someone who meant business. She turned to Alex, raising an eyebrow at his statement. "I doubt she would be happy about such a thing, but I will look into her service record to get her qualifications."

"Commander. I know my wife well enough to know that she'd have no concerns about being re-certified on starfleet weapons if she was aware of the threat we are flying headlong into." Alex responded.

"Ok then. With all that said and done. You have 48 hours to prepare this ship starting from now. Lieutenants Mimi and Stayus hang back, but for the rest of you all dismissed!"

Posting By

Commander Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Daxer
Chief Security/Tactical Officer - Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Nicolas Trigman
Starfigter Commander

Lieutenant T'Shenn
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant John Stayus
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Mimi
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant Kalmar Okinami Sci.D
Chief Intelligence Officer

Captain Leo Fox
Marine CO

Lieutenant Alex Walker
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant John Hawk
Chief Medical Officer


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