
  • 44 Mission Posts

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Fri Oct 26th, 2018 @ 2:10am


Name T'Shenn

Position Security Officer

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Hefestian
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 175
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Long legs, short hair in Romulan style, medium bust, long nose, pointed ears, smile that could brighten a dark room and eyes that shined like the moon.


Spouse/Partner (Partner) K'Eltora
Children Karlassa (Adopted Bajoran Daughter)
Father D'Reddix
Mother T'Felo
Brother(s) Kelto, Dreax (deceased), Mochar, Oliver Vinn (Adopted Brother)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Happy person but can be serious in times of crisis. She wants to keep happy around humans and others rather than fighting like a Klingon.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: She has a joy of life and a strong sense of duty and honor. Also hand to hand combat.
Weaknesses: Inablitiy to understand Vulcans and other species that do not believe in honor.
Ambitions Wishes to serve with honor and distinction and maybe get a statue to honor her honor.
Hobbies & Interests Enjoys spending time with people and her lover K'Etora and their new daughter, Karlassa. She likes to read and practice her combat.

Personal History T'Shenn was an unusual child. Though she followed the rules and was filled with honor like the rest of her kin, she was happy rather than grim. She also had an affection for femles. Part of this could be blamed on being raised with three brothers. Before joining the Academy, T'Shenn discovered her brother Dreax was a traitor to her people. She fought and killed him before leaving. It was not a good time for her, but honor demanded it. She entered security at the Academy. Though she did not distinguish herself with glory, she was the martial arts champion three years running. She also spent a year studying on the Klingon homeworld where she met K'Eltora. She loved that woman and K'Eltora loved her. They spent much time together and found ways to bring honor to their respective families though they had to hide their love. She served aboard Starbase 24 before being assigned to Starbase 519. While on Starbase 519, T'Shenn made friends with the Chief of Marines and made it so the two learned to work together to keep the station safe. They were able to meld their two squads to be more efficient not matter who ran which department. Also, while on Starbase 519, she took a young officer that hated Klingons and helped ease him into liking them and now the two are brother and sister. However, She soon had to leave Starbase 519 even though she didn't want to. Mostly because the station was being converted into something else by Starfleet. So she was transferred to Starbase 218 with K'Eltora her partner and mate. She was promoted on 218 and the commanding officer allowed her partner to join her as a tactical officer. While investigating the disappearance of the civilian personnel, she found a Bajoran girl who's parents were killed. T'Shenn felt it was her duty to raise the girl and thanks to some contacts at Starfleet and the Bajoran government's acceptance, K'Eltora and T'Shenn adopted her. They named her Karlassa as a nod to her shared Bajoran, Hefestian, and Klingon history. However she was again forced from the Starbase, this time, by the very ones she had been ordered to protect. When she was transferred to the USS Tokyo, she had to leave Karlassa behind and that pained her deeply. She and K'Eltora served with some distinction, but eventually, T'Shenn realized where her place was. She took a Leave of Absence from Starfleet so she could spend time with her daughter. Those were some of the best years of her life. She also spent that time studying to become a qualified pilot, which is something she did do. She and K'Eltora trained Karlassa as best they could and both loved her. However, K'Eltora was recalled by her government for reasons she could not disclose. After a couple months raising Karlassa with her parents, she realized that she needed to get back in the game and earn glory for herself. She would return to Starfleet. She discussed this first with Karlassa who took it all in stride. She was happy for her mommy and supported the decision. Her parents also supported it. So she made her way back to Starfleet on her runabout to head to a new ship.
Service Record 2381-2385: Starfleet Academy
2385-2386: Starbase 24
2387: Transferred to Starbase 519
2387: Transferred to Starbase 218
2387: Promoted to full Lieutenant
2387: While on Starbase 218, found and adopted a Bajoran girl with her mate
2387-2391: ELOA from Starfleet to raise daughter.