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Sun Oct 21st, 2018 @ 4:59am

Lieutenant Mimi

Name Mimi

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Nekomi
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Hair Color Dull black compared to her fur
Eye Color Dark green
Physical Description Mimi is a little bit above average height for a female of her species but other than that is the epitome of typical for her species, with light brown sandy coloured skin and glossy black fur on her big ears and tail she wouldn't stand out amongst members of her species.


Spouse/Partner none
Children none
Father Timor
Mother Naria
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) Tali - twin sister
Other Family Mimi does not know if any of her family survived the attack on the colony. The only family she knows is her foster mother Maria Harker an operations officer on the USS Charleston, who rescued her from the colony.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Mimi has a sweet and innocent look to her and the way she acts.
Gets embarrassed easily, especially if she says the wrong thing after misunderstanding whats being said or done.

Nekomi are very passive and will defend themselves if attacked only long enough to escape but if they are sufficiently provoked they will respond with bouts of extreme violence and aggression although it takes a lot to provoke them.

Takes great pride in doing things to the best of her ability
Has a strong sense of family.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Strong analytical mind, naturally very lithe and nimble

Weaknesses: until she was rescued by the USS Charleston Mimi had almost no previous interaction with anyone other than members of her own species and even after several years aboard a starship is still meeting new species and learning about them so she doesn’t always know how to act around different species.

Has a very strong disliking of Klingons

Dislikes being wet and cold

Can't swim

After living among humans for about 10 years Mimi is good at English but doesn’t understand some words and phrases

Her species are a semi pacifist species. They will only ever deliberatly attack someone if they are extremely provoked, something which takes a lot of doing, however when they are sufficiently provoked they will become hyper aggressive
Ambitions To find her homeworld gain and to discover if any of her family survived the attack on her colony.
When/if he finds her homeworld again Mimi hopes to be able to persuade the government with the help of her trinket collection and her experiences in the federation and starfleet that there are friendly species out there in the galaxy and they should end their decades of almost complete isolation from the outside world.
Hobbies & Interests Mimi likes to explore, growing up she frequently snuck out of the colonies perimeter to explore the area around it which led to her finding the cave that catapulted the colony to prosperity.

Collecting trinkets that belong to some of the species she has encountered.

Reads a lot, partially to increase her language skills and because she uses it to help her understand about different species.


Personal History Mimi was raised on Kemi colony a small far flung colony of her species homeworld situated near the Klingon border. Her family were administrators and stores people responsible for ensuring the initially limited supplies they had were distributed efficiently and as Mimi grew up she was schooled and trained to follow in their footsteps.

During her pre teen years Mimi became rather mischievous and frequently snuck out of the house and the colony perimeter to explore on one such voyage she stumbled across a cave and overwhelmed with curiosity went inside and found the cave was full of outcrops of a glittering crystal that she thought she recognised from when she snuck into the colonies power generator room, going back to the colony she got caught by her mother who had been looking for her for several hours, Mimi told her what she had found and a survey team was sent to investigate the cave.

Several days later the survey team returned with news the cave was rich in dilithium.

A year later the colony became extremely prosperous and was selling the dilithium mined from the cave to nearby worlds. Mimi’s family were allowed to run the mine and in her early teens she began learning how it was run and how its produce was traded with the nearby planets and organisations.

After several years the prosperity of the colonies dilithium mining soon caught the attention of the Klingon empire who came to the colony in a flight of birds of prey, a party transported down to the colony and the colonies leader Hikay went out to meet him and a large crowd of Nekomi gathered to watch their first contact with the species, the Klingon commander explained that the world had been annexed by the Klingon empire and by that order they were now ‘members’ of the Klingon empire and demanded a large portion of the colonies output be given to the empire on a monthly basis.

Hikay told the Klingon that they would not do that and that anything the colony produced would have to be paid for in full and that the colony would defend itself if they tried to take it by force.

Hikay turned to address the crowd who as one let out a cry of shock as the Klingon raised his Bat’leth and embedded it into Hikay’s back. The crowd scattered in panic as several of the Klingons opened fire indiscriminately on them before transporting back to the birds of prey that started bombarding the colony from orbit.

The colonies meagre defences were decimated extremely quickly and general panic spread across the entire colony however they were able to send out a general distress signal.

Mimi ran to her home and family who quickly gathered some belongings and began to head towards the mining complex’s hangar where a pair of shuttles were stationed, Mimi tripped on some debris from a destroyed building and as she got up and started to catch up to her family a disruptor shot from orbit hit the hangar just as her family entered it, the hangar exploded sending debris in every direction, she was blown backwards several meters from the force of the explosion and was knocked out as her head hit the ground.
20 minutes later she regained consciousness and stumbled to her feet and went to the wreckage of the hangar to see if her family were there and still alive when another disrupter shot hit very close by and shook the remaining superstructure of the hangar, part of which came down almost on top of Mimi, it didn’t injure her but it pinned her down so she couldn’t move and she wasn’t strong enough to move it.

Night fell and no one found her laying there pinned under the wreckage and Mimi began to lose heart until she heard footsteps nearby and then a woman’s face appear over the wreckage.

The woman was from starfleet and she along with the rest of the away team moved the wreckage and took care of her.

She was taken onboard the USS Charleston who had responded to the distress call but did not arrive in time to stop the Klingons and treated for the minor injuries she’d sustained, they questioned her about what had happened and where her homeworld was so they could return her, but Mimi couldn’t answer that question as she didn’t know as she was barely a few years old when they left. So they decided to grant her asylum in the federation and Maria Harker the woman who found her in the wreckage took it upon herself to adopt Mimi and raise her through the remainder of her teens.

It took time but Mimi eventually opened up to Maria and began to call her mother it took longer however for her to get used to being around usual species she had never seen before. She gradually became interested in how the Charleston was ran and at her mother’s prompting and with the captains permission she started accompanying her mother and assisting her.

Fast forward to age 18 and Mimi decided to apply to starfleet as it seemed the right thing to do, after all she wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for a starfleet ship responding to the distress call.

She passed the entrance exam easily and was accepted and left the place she now called home for the first time.

Mimi spent a lot of her free time at the academy in her quarters and kept to herself a lot it was put down to her being nervous about the new surroundings and people, she did fairly well in each subject apart from tactical training, her species are naturally very passive and despite everything the trainers did she would only ever block and evade strikes, using her natural flexibility and nimbleness to avoid them and escape.

Mimi only ever attacked a fellow student once and that was when she heard him making a comment about the size of the training room and then when she was training with him he grabbed her by the tail and swung her around by it before letting go and turning to the person who made the comment to and said “See there is enough room in here to swing a cat” which caused a wave of laughter across the entire room.
Mimi saw red, hissed loudly and pounced on him, extending her claws she tore huge gashes down his cheeks and was only stopped from biting him with her fangs by the trainers pulling her off of him.

She graduated the academy in the middle of her class though a footnote was added about her abhorring violence unless it was a life of death situation and even then she would only do enough in order to escape.

Mimi’s first assignment was surprisingly to the very ship she left to attend the academy and she got to work alongside her foster mother again.

Alongside her mother she learned more about the demands on a ships resources and how to handle them and make do with what she had along with a whole host of things they don't teach at the academy.

After a few years of excellent service Mimi was promoted to LTJG and was suddenly given orders to leave the Charleston when it docked at starbase 181 and report to Captain Catherine Wolf as her Chief operations officer onboard the USS Carpathia. an Intrepid class starship purpose built for Search and Rescue operations and equiped with a sophisticated cloaking device.

The ship soon received its first Search and Rescue operation, a rogue klingon faction had kidnapped a starfleet Rear admiral and were interrogating her aboard a well protected starbase. A tachyon detection grid surrounded the base and a dozen ships protected the base, it took all the skill of Mimi and the ships chief helmsman to sneak them through under cloak and transport the SAR team onto the base.

The team did their job well despite the odds and got the admiral off safe and the Carpathia safely returned to federation space even after being detected and attacked by the patrol ships.

Mimi served on the Carpathia for approximately a year earning herself a promotion to full Lieutenant. When the Carpathia was reassigned to a sector on the other side of federation space Mimi received transfer orders and was dropped off at Starbase 837 where she had a brief period of leave before travelling to the USS Tokyo on a runabout along with a fresh from the academy Ensign and her civillian boyfriend.
Service Record dates to be worked out

General training by her foster mother above the USS Charleston.

Entered starfeet academy
Graduated starfleet academy in the middle of her class, with a footnote about her abhorring violence unless it was a life or death situation.

Assigned to USS Charleston as Operations Officer.
Promoted to Lieutenant Junior grade.
Reassigned to the USS Carpathia as Chief of operations.
Promoted to Lieutenant.

Reassigned to USS Tokyo.