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Posted on Fri Jul 3rd, 2015 @ 12:44am by Jennifer Daxer & Captain Taiga Aisaka
Edited on on Sun Aug 11th, 2019 @ 10:22am

1,117 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Behind Closed Doors
Location: Daxer's personal quarters

Finally having a bit of time to herself, Jen sat at her desk in her quarters. She'd spent the last 15 minutes gathering all the data she had amassed concerning the Commander, and was ready to present her initial findings.

"Computer, seal this room, and open a encrypted, tight beamed channel to Starfleet Intelligence, using the warp core's static energy signatures." She knew this kind of transmission was the only thing that wouldn't be detected by the Tokyo's sensors, as it would appear to be the normal static background noises made by the warp engines.

"Authorization is required to proceed." The computer replied.

"Authorization Daxer alpha delta 24." Jen gave her authorization, and a moment later the COMM terminal came to life with a spinning Intel logo.

Admiral Jepson sat on the other side of the channel.
"Lieutenant Commander. What do you have to report?" he asked simply getting straight to the point.

Without hesitation, Jen tapped her console to send the gathered data across the channel to the Admiral's terminal, as she gave the man a summary. "Based on her recent mission, and her actions, my observations show that Commander Aisaka to be wreckless, dangerous, and has a tendency to torture suspects during interrogations." She said simply. "In short, at this point, I do not believe the Commander is fit for Command, and I have been putting in a lot of effort to keep the woman in check."

"I see" Jepson said putting his hands together and leaning on the desk. "Commander Aisaka is an... unusual personality. However she gets the job done does she not?"

"Indeed she does." Jen replied simply. "However, you know as well as I do that Starfleet is not in the business of torturing suspects, or deliberately putting their entire crews in mortal danger." She said, showing that she knew the difference between Intelligence missions, and standard Starfleet missions.

"Is that really how you see Starfleet Commander?" Jepson asked his tone becoming lower and darker. "Sunshines and rainbows all the way?"

"No, but I have spent the last year studying, and scrutinizing Starfleet laws." Jen replied without hesitation. If Jepson's change in demeanor bothered her, she didn't show it. "Quite a few of which, the Commander has outright broken already."

"You reported that she assaulted a Freighter Captain correct?" he asked his impression unchanged.

"Correct." Jen replied simply. "Including threatening to vaporize him with a phaser. I had to step in to ensure his safety, because I was not certain of the Commander's true intentions at the time."

"I see" Jepson said. "I have to ask a question" Jepson leant back in his chair slightly. "I'm not defending Aisaka's actions, however did you consider that she was just using empty threats? Its a human term called bluffing and Aisaka is known well for it" he explained. "Or, were they genuine threats on his life?"

"After I ended the interrogation, and detained the suspect in the Brig, I learned that the Commander was apparently bluffing." Jen explained. "However, further interrogations have been delegated to me in order to properly ensure the safety of future suspects. I pushed this matter, because she is unstable, and doesn't seem to have much self restraint."

"Unstable?" Jepson asked. "Have you determined a reason for this, or are you still investigating the matter?" It was like Jepson was testing Daxer, as if he knew more than he was letting on.

Jen hesitated for a moment, before replying. "Her most recent instabilities appeared to come from an early stage pregnancy, which was violently terminated at the end of the mission." Jen replied. "I am still investigating, but it's possible that her lack of proper restraint may have stemmed from this as well. If that is the case, she should be more stable now that the pregnancy was accidentally terminated."

"Accidently terminated?" Jepson asked curiously. "You may have to define that more, to allow us to understand the viewpoint on the situation of course" he explained with a rather strange smile. The head of Starfleet Intelligence was a strange slick man who was hard to read most of the time.

Jen raised an eyebrow at the man's reply. "She was shot in the stomach with a high yield discharge from a Romulan disruptor." She replied. "Since the Romulans could not have known she was pregnant, I would classify this as an accidental termination."

"Yes, that would do it" Jepson said simply. "Are you aware that the Tokyo will be soon departing the area for Romulan Space. I imagine that you've already been briefed on the situation at hand" Jepson explained.

"Yes Admiral. I am well aware of the Commander's orders, and the possible Borg involvement." Jen replied, somewhat evenly. "A possibility that I will be training this crew for, since I do not fancy becoming part of the collective."

"None of us want to become part of the Collective" Jepson responded. "I want you to watch Aisaka carefully during this mission, but give her some slack. I want to see just how far she might go. She's a fairly new commander and I want to see what she's like on a longer leash"

"Understood, Admiral." Jen replied simply. "I will lengthen her 'leash' within reasonable limits... There are still laws I will not allow her to break... such as murder."

"Thats understandable" Jepson replied. "Also, the USS Yamato is going to be calling around in a couple of hours. They are offloading several supplies, including brand new Anti-Borg equipment and medicines" Jepson explained. "Captain Kayano has been briefed on the situation. I want you to ensure that any of this new equipment doesn't fall into enemy hands" he said with a more firm voice.

"When I was working on ways to counter Borg technology, several new weapons were being designed." Jen replied simply. "Should I assume these are those very same weapons?" She remembered several new weapon designs that were still in he planning stages. They'd gotten plenty if input from her before she'd been sent off, but they hadn't been finished yet.

"Some of them are still being tested. Right now we're sending some special chips for your phasers" Jepson said. "But you will find that out when they arrive, you don't know about these supplies until they arrive understood?"

"Understood." Jen replied. "The crew is being given projectile weapons, but I will have these chips installed and tested as well."

"Good" Jepson said. "I'm afraid I'm having to cut this conversation short. I have a meeting in five minutes" he explained. "Good day Commander". The screen turned blank as the communication was cut.

Posting by

Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Daxer
Chief Security Tactical Officer / Executive Officer

Admiral Jepson
Starfleet Intelligence


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