
  • 16 Mission Posts

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Wed Sep 9th, 2015 @ 6:18am

Lieutenant John Stayus

Name John "Birdman" Stayus

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human/El Aurian
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9.6
Weight 245
Hair Color Salt and Pepper
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description He stands at 5'9.6, weighs in at an impressive 245 pounds of pure muscle. He shaves his head except for the top that he grows out and down his back. (Think Ragnar from Vikings) His eyes are a cold hard blue color, his skin is the pasty color of someone that doesn't keep the lights on.


Spouse/Partner None
Children None
Father Unknown
Mother Deceased
Brother(s) Possible
Sister(s) Possible
Other Family Unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview His demeanor can be abrupt but he is often joking, but is seen as an offensive jerk most of the time.
Strengths & Weaknesses John has almost more weaknesses than can be named. A fierce inability to test correctly, it took 12 years to graduate Starfleet Academy. His strength is Medicine and Engineering, which he doesn't understand.
Ambitions No real ambitions but to be the best he can be
Hobbies & Interests John loves to work and work on new ways to make a ship run smoothly. He also keeps a small forge in his room that he makes models with. He also does leather working, and can make any sort of clothing.

Personal History The son of a refugee rescued by the Enterprise B, the last place Captain Kirk, John became fascinated with the stars his mother would often tell him of exploring. He joined Starfleet as a Command Major, failed, then rejoined as a fighter/shuttle pilot, failed again, and finally decided that perhaps Medical or Engineering would be better suited for him. Taking a double major, and with eight years experience failing behind him, he graduated middle of his class, exactly four months after his mother had died on a remote outpost she was helping to create medicines for.
Service Record Starfleet Academy- 12 years.

Awaiting reassignment