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Here we go again... (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Jul 1st, 2015 @ 12:38am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Jennifer Daxer & Lieutenant John Stayus & Captain Leo Fox

1,570 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Behind Closed Doors
Location: Breifing Room

Previously on Star Trek: Tokyo...

"This is the signature which has been identified by long range probes. For those who are unsure what they are looking at, this signature has elements of two civilizations and technologies. The first one is Romulan..." she paused for a few seconds as the signature rotated slowly.

"The second signature appears to be Borg".

And now the continuation...

Jennifer's attention was immediately taken when Taiga mentioned the Borg. She had spent a great deal of time looking into the Borg, and learning some of the best tactics this side of the quadrant, when it came to dealing with them. If she was otherwise bothered by the mention of them, she didn't show it.

Halden tried not to gasp, she clutched the PADD closer to her chest, she had not heard that part; analyzing the communications chatter was one thing, her translations of the Romulan traffic showed sign of there being a problem and ships being dispatched then the all but nervous chatter of trying to raise those same ships in the communications flow.

Mimi was surprised to hear that the borg could be involved. She had only what the academy had taught her about the borg and heard some stories, she didnt have the knowledge or experience that some of the officers here clearly had judging by their reactions

Trigman sat up a little more; he had not really run into borg in his career; the lack of experiance was both a blessing and a curse as he had no idea how to play with that? HIs pilots would be reacting to the news as the ship's grpaevine is fawster than warp and soon everyone would know the possibility of Borg involvement.

"Are the signitures assimilated or still separate?" Trigman asked. "I mean are we heading into space where Romulan vessels have been taken and the system comprimised or are we heading into a place where we think the Borg are actively asimilating as we enter?"

"That is what we have been sent to find out." Taiga replied. She hoped that this signature was just a fluke, or that the Romulans had accidently created it. "For all we know the Romulans have tried to adapt Borg Technology and its giving off a strange reading, it could be perfectly harmless. We are going in to find out what it is, and if it poses a threat eliminate it to protect the security of the Quadrant" Taiga explained.

"Which is why I am here," interjected Kalmar. "I am a specialist in warp and impulse propulsion theory, and Fleet Intelligence has sent me to assist in the identification and destruction of whatever device is generating that signature." He raised a tentacle in greeting to the other officers at the table. "Lieutenant Doctor Kalmar Okinami, at your service."

"Indeed" Taiga said. "However first we need to make preparations before we enter Romulan space" she turned her head to look at Mimi and John. "We need to look like a Romulan ship, or even better completely invisible to their sensor network. We have been granted unlimited access to the Starfleet Computer network, so make it happen" she said.

"We'll see what we can do." Mimi said, disguising the ship as a Romulan ship at a long distance was easy enough but fooling someone closer was a lot harder.

"Cloaking devices are outlawed for all Federation starships but I think I have a trick or two up my sleeve. If we have unlimited use of the computers back home that may make everything work a little easier." John started pulling up old materials on stealth technology. "I'll need access to the hull and free reign, I think I can mask us pretty well if I need to."

Next she turned her head and looked over at Alex. "I know this ship isn't equipped well in science, however do what you can to analyse that signature. Go over it with a fine tooth comb and see if we can find anything new. If you can find a weakness then see if we can exploit it, a little background information could be very useful"

"I'll do what I can Commander." Alex replied. His recent review of the science department confirmed the CO's statement that the ship was not well equipped science wise. Coming from a large ship where the departmental staff count was as large as some small starships, to a department of twelve, was quite the change.

Next she turned to Trigman the new head of their fighter wings. "We'll be needing our fighters. Have the modifications from Engineering and Operations installed on all fighters. Have your wings conduct scouting missions around the system. Don't get too close, and have all pilots know off by heart Admiral Janeways tactical patterns for fighting the Borg, just incase things get messy. Not one pilot flies unless they can recite the entire thing from memory and know how to use it in the field" Taiga explained. She was not having any pilots lost during the mission.

Trigman had an idea of what the Captain had mentioned; to know those attack pattern were standard practice basis for any engagement with the Borg. The fact that the Captain had put an order had changed his mindset on this. His pilots would need to do some new learning for a bit, the Borg have not been the threat of the past and it was more of a refresher.

"Of course captain, it will be quoting in their sleep." He assured.

Next she turned her head to look over at Jennifer and Leo. "If there is a Borg presence then we'll be needing ground forces to get inside that base. Train those marines and all security personnel in ground combat verses the Borg. All weapons should be put on a rotating high frequency in order to minimise the time they have to adapt. Also I want the two of you to organise hostile boarding simulations, if the Borg get on this ship we're as good as assimilated and I will destroy the Tokyo than let it be taken over by the Borg.

Leo nodded. "My troops have on minimal experience with Borg, only a few have actually dealt with them. The rest are all training situations on holodecks. I've had dealings with them so I can put them all on the same page. The boarding simulations shouldn't be hard at all in reality. Throughout the years Starfleet Security,Marine and Command has learned some fatal flaws within borg drone defensive capabilities. Using the right tools we won't have to adapt for their adapting." the marine captain grinned.

"Setting your weapons to a rotating frequency will not be enough." Jen said calmly. By her reactions, it was easy to see that she had experience in this field. "The Borg will adapt to them too quickly for them to be of any real use." She reached to her pistol, placing it on the table in front of her. "I recommend that projectile weapons be issued to everyone who will be carrying a weapon on this mission. If the Borg truly are involved, they will have no effective defense against such weapons."

"I see" Taiga said. "Use the replicators to create projectile weapons, issue them out and make sure people know how to use them" Taiga ordered. "I want everyone to be ready"

Taiga turned her attention to the doctor. "Doctor. I need medical ready to rush into action at a moments notice. If we are dealing with Borg then there is a high chance that someone will be assimilated. I need you ready to either save them, or terminate them if that happens, it doesn't matter who they are. Even me" There was an awkward silence for a few seconds before Taiga broke it. "Also, we could have several injuries also occur, so you need to be on high alert"

The CMO nodded. " I already have three medical emergency response teams on each deck on standby, one is stationed at bridge,engineering and the fighterbay. Mostly nurses. But each time has site-to-site transporter medical emergency tags, once someone is tagged they're automatically beamed to sickbay. Of course for those whom are the most critically injured."

She turned to T'Shenn. "I need you to come up with new flight patterns so they can't predict our movements. Also work with Lieutenant Mimi and Strayus in modifying our engines to look Romulan. We need your expertise at the helm so I want to see some fancy flying"

T'Shenn looked at the Captain. "I want control of inertial dampeners, Captain. You want fancy flying, then be prepared to have them become over taxed."

Lastly she turned to their new staff member Kalmar. "As for you" she began. "Since you're in Intelligence I want you to assist all departments with your knowledge about the Borg. Help where you can with our modifications and assist in preparing this vessel. Also, try and dig up anything about that base and system, if we can use a their weaknesses against them I want to be ready to do so"

Kalmar nodded, pulling a small PADD from a coat pocket and awkwardly typing on it by tapping keys with his tentacles. "Certainly, Commander. I already have some information about what we're going up against here."

"Ok" Taiga said. "Is there any questions regarding your orders?"

To Be Continued...


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