
  • 4 Mission Posts

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Fri Jul 3rd, 2015 @ 12:34am

Lieutenant Kalmar Okinami

Name Kalmar Okinami Sci.D.

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Xelatian
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 7'1'
Weight 240
Hair Color 'Green'
Eye Color Grey
Physical Description A squid man from the aquatic planet of Xelata, Kalmar has two tentacles where any human arm or leg should be. He has gills instead of lungs, and requires an anti-grav harness to stand in the lower pressure environment of ships. To hide his complex respiration equipment and harness, Kalmar wears a long, heavy gray cloak that stretches from his neck to a few inches from the ends of his leg tentacles. It also serves to preserve moisture, allowing Kalmar to survive in dryer environments.

His face is concealed by a brass coated, rectangular mask, which allows others to see his single, circular eye. Kalmar sees in UV light, and emitters on the mask face allow him to see. His 'hair' consists of long strands of Xelatian seaweed that cover the sides and back of his head, and serve to help conserve moisture in Kalmar's head. He also needs a universal translator since Xelatians normally communicate through bioluminescent pigments on their bodies, and telepathy.


Father Cannot be pronounced
Mother Cannot be pronounced

Personality & Traits

General Overview A haughty, arrogant intellectual, Kalmar relies on his skills of observation and vast intellect to solve problems. He isn't very charismatic, yet tends to be calm and level-headed in every situation. Kalmar is an avid hunter, and has a knack for staying one step ahead of his adversaries. A specialist in fusion technology and the inner workings of stars, Kalmar has a unique skillset that helps him in intelligence work more than one might think.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Intelligent

-Awkward at times
Hobbies & Interests Deep sea hunting, studying quantum physics, checkers, fighting with pole arms, and harpoon gun marksmanship.

Personal History Kalmar was born 8,000 feet below sea level in one of the underwater cities of Xelata. His father was a professional octopus. Xelatian octopi were tricky bastards that evaded nets and traps, and their elusiveness caused wild octopi to be an expensive delicacy on Xelata. Kalmar accompanied his father on several hunting trips during his youth, and proved to be an adept, eagle-eyed Hunter. Kalmar's father wanted him to follow in his footsteps, but Kalmar, an excellent student and valedictorian of his upper secondary school, applied to Starfleet Academy and was accepted in 2381.

As a cadet, Kalmar didn't bother to get accquainted with many of his fellow students, and only had two or three real friends. However, Kalmar excelled in his classes, and aced all but his basic flight control. In his junior year, Kalmar majored in quantum physics. He became president of the physics club, and graduated fourth in his entire class, beating beaten out by three Vulcans. After graduating, he was assigned as an assistant in the quantum physics wing of the Academy, while working on his doctorate. After a few years of working and extra classes, Kalmar finally finished his doctorate in quantum hydrodynamics, with his thesis on possible alternative warp core designs involving helium instead of dilithium.

But then, Kalmar was contacted by Starfleet Intelligence. They wanted him to work as part of the Alien Spacecraft Studies and Observation Group (ASSOG). There, he would analyze 'accquired' Romulan and Cardassian military science documents, and the effects of the documents' ideas on warp and impulse propulsion. After several years of this, he was transferred to the Defiant class USS Delphi, which tested out warp core modifications stolen from Romulan engineers. Now, he was transferred to the USS Tokyo, a new job that would include new opportunity.
Service Record 2381-2385: Cadet, Starfleet Academy

2385-2387: Ensign, Research Assistant, Starfleet Academy

2387-2388: Ensign, Quantum Physicist, Starfleet Academy

2388-2390: Lieutenant JG, Alien Technology Analyst, Earth Station McKinley

2390-2391: Lieutenant, Chief Intelligence Officer, USS Delphi

2391-: Lieutenant, Chief Intelligence Officer, USS Tokyo