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The Final Countdown (Part 3)

Posted on Fri Jul 14th, 2023 @ 8:03pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Commander Thomas Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Febin & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’ & Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant JG Amari & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling & Ensign Kehl th’Kaaliq & Ensign Talanna Teela 'Nanny'
Edited on on Fri Jul 14th, 2023 @ 8:04pm

1,703 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: Station

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

His fingers ran across the smooth glass surface of the control panel. "I'm diverting all non-essential power to the transporters. Bringing all of our transporters online," he announced as he powered up not only the personnel transporters, but the ones in the ships cargo bays, flight deck and emergency transporters.

"Locking onto all life forms. I'll be beaming everyone into the cargo bays, shuttlebays and onto the flight deck. The largest areas possible," he said as the operations console protested against his actions.

"Wish me luck..." he said as he initiated the transport.

And now the continuation...

There a sudden flash of light, and before anyone had time to process what was going on, nearly 3,000 cadets, faculty, and rescue workers who had just a few seconds before been aggregated in the main operations center aboard Gamma Zednor now found themselves standing aboard the USS Tokyo

"Well, I'll be," Chisato remarked, gazing around in amazement. "They actually did it!"

Kehl beamed in not far from Chisato. It appeared many who had been standing near Kehl before transport had been beamed to one of the larger cargo bays. "What a day", Ensign th'Kalliq said.

He had experienced his first major combat experience alongside Chisato. Now he also experienced his first mass cyclical transport.

One by one, the three frightened Andorian cadets found Kehl and resumed following him. They spoke amongst themselves, worried about having their classes delayed.

Having unknowingly made the mistake of perching herself partially on the edge of a console just before the beam out Amari rematerialized with her feet not flat to the floor, the instant she fully regained her form and gravity took over she landed on the back of her heels and tumbled backwards to the floor, landing with a thud. "Ow."

Nezuko checked herself over, making sure she still had her respirator and PADD. She was fine. Everyone was fine and gathered together.

Chiyo and Liz beamed in together, both still brandishing their phaser rifles.

"Liz, get any injured marines to one of the sickbays." Chiyo ordered. "I'll be on the bridge."

Petra seemed surprised that the mass beam out had actually worked. She stood there in stunned silence before bribg ushered away by a medical officer.

[Flight deck]

"Let's go people!" Amu called to the small army of medical officers who were rushing onto the flight deck. "We need these people out of here ASAP. We still have Starfighters in the air and we're taking up their deck," Amu said.

"Anyone critically injured, get them to one of the sickbays. Everyone else, get then to the assigned evacuee areas," Amu said simply.

"Anyone who requires emergency surgery should be sent to Main Sickbay. Triage will be at the infirmary on the flight deck with additional medical personnel in the cargo bay," Febin added.


"Takasu to Johnson. We have everyone, however we burnt out a few of the transporter relays doing so," Ryuuji's voice emanated out of Thomas's comm badge. "We're ready to beam you now, but we have one shot at it."

Thomas looked around, the ops was indeed empty, save for him. "Going to need to give me a few minutes Commander, its not a one button boom, more like a series of sequential buttons and overrides then go boom." He could feel the station tremble slightly. "Get out of here need be, do not risk the ship."

"We're not leaving you behind sir. We'll be out of transporter range in three minutes," Ryuuji replied. "How long do you need?"

"Slightly longer Commander, to do the self destruct properly," He paused, running his hands over the console. "Blowing up a station isn't meant to be an easy process. Otherwise a visit from Captain Riker and his insistence on leaning onto consoles could cause problems. In three minutes, if you see explosions thats your cue... if not... you have my orders."

Ryuuni nodded. "Understood sir," he said as he cut the channel. "I've got a lock on him. Ready for some fancy flying?" He asked Yuvek. "When that station goes boom, we'll have twenty seconds to clear the area..."

Lieutenant Yuvek merely gave a simple "Understood" in response to the senior officer. The Helmsman was focused on the massive task in front of him. In the span of 20 seconds he would have to coordinate a complex maneuver involving multiple Starfighters that were in the process of clearing the dense amount of debris, next he had to maneuver this massive carrier close to the decaying orbit of a space station without getting caught in the nearby planet's gravity well, and if that wasn't insane enough, then he had to manage to put all of that stress on the ship's maneuvering thrusters while an immense amount of power was being diverted to ship transporters to get out the remaining starbase crew members, and finally, the absolutely GRAND FINALE would involve him doing all of this in the span of three minutes otherwise the ship would be out of transporter range and everybody still remaining on the station would be dead.

"Helm ready. . ." The Cardassian said as he viewed his sensor readings one last time.


Thomas worked quickly, however, there were many bypasses he needed to do in order to do it manually. He wasn't exaggerating when he said it was a long process... if it was, and a cadet wanted to, it would be simple. Hit a few buttons. His training kept him cool and collected, "Computer start countdown for four minutes. 30 second intervals of notifications."

"Affirmative. 4 minutes starting now."

Thomas opened up a console, removed a few isolinear chips, after examining each one, placed them in the order they would need to be placed. He looked around, a beep from another console, with a flashing red light showed. With Haste he ran over to the console. He knew even before sending them over, this would be a three person job, however his duty was to the crew. Whether it be the Tokyo or the station.

"Three minutes thirty seconds."

Removing the panel he repeated the sequence as he did the next console. "Redundancy is starfleets policy." He stated as he placed the last chip in. Looking around, yet another console was requesting calibration.

"Three minutes remaining."

The next console was right next to the CO's station. Inputting information into the console, in stead of the necessary chip, there was a buzzing sound. Asking for rank of Captain or higher.

"Two minutes, 30 seconds remaining."

There was another way, but it would cause a larger explosion. "Very well" It would take even more work, but there was a way to convince the computer he was Captain. Quickly over to a working station, other than he had sequenced, he had to forge an admiralty promotion to a Captain into a working system. Not a quick task. "

"Two minutes Remaining"

A loading screen came on for the last time given a count down of 1 minute. , of course, its not like things were going to fall apart if it was immediate... oh wait...

"One minute Remaining"

Thomas tapped the console, "Leave now Commander, that's an order. Its taking too long."

He stared at the loading screen, If they left as he expecting to, this was it.

"Thirty seconds."

Finally the console agreed and went to waiting on orders.




"Computer" he replied hastily. He finally noticed the heat had started to rise. There was a trembling on the plates, just noticing. "So my calculations was off... we had shorter time. Oops..."


"Set self destruct order"


"Code, Thomas Alpha nine one three apple pie."


The Tokyo swept close with a port bank over the very top of the station. The station was soon engulfed in a huge explosion as the self-destruct blasted it into millions of pieces.

A shockwave shook the Tokyo, luckily they had got far away enough to suffer any damage. It did however knock a few people off their feet.

Ryuuji held the Ops console. "I got him. Station has been destroyed."

Ensign Kehl th'Kaaliq had just entered the bridge moments before the wave struck. He had been granted access despite the upgraded security requirements placed earlier by the bridge staff. This was because they needed a science officer to cover down on bridge duty.

Kehl scanned the former area of the wreckage with the Tokyo's powerful science scanners. It pained him to detect readouts showing the pulverized materials which once made up the station.

The shockwave almost tossed him out of his seat as he studied the displays.

Lieutenant Yuvek gripped the side of his console as he adjusted the rapidly declining attitude adjusters for the ship. He had miscalculated just how close the ship was going to be when the main portion of the station began to explode. The expanding electromagnetic pulse from the rupture of the station's powercore caused several thrusters to go offline as the carrier tried to gain enough momentum out of the planet's gravity well to clear the immediate area of destruction. As he looked at the damage report, he could tell that the Engineering department was going to have a field day repairing the aft and port engines.

Nezuko had come onto the bridge behind Kehl and stood next to Ryuuji at Ops. She let him finish up, knowing that there would be a lot coming for her soon.

Behind Kehl and Nezuko was Chiyo, who proceeded to assume her seat in the second officer's chair.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Thomas Johnson
Execitive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Febin
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Commander Chisato Nishikigi
Chirf Intelligence Officer

Major Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commander

Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’
Commander Air Group

Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lieutenant JG Jasad Yuvek
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant JG Nezuko
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant JG Amari
Engineering Officer

Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling
Marine Executive Officer

Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D.
Flight Deck Chief Medic

Ensign Kehl th’Kaaliq
Astrometrics Officer

Ensign Talanna Teela 'Nanny'
Fighter Pilot

Lieutenant Commander Petra Ral
Executive Officer of Gamma Zednor Station

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Chief Strategic Operations Officer


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