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The Final Countdown (Part 2)

Posted on Sun Jul 9th, 2023 @ 9:42pm by Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Commander Thomas Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Febin & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’ & Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin & Lieutenant Kylynn Adams & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant JG Amari & Sergeant Major Vespertine D'hetr & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling & 1st Lieutenant Hann Rudd & Ensign Kehl th’Kaaliq
Edited on on Sun Jul 9th, 2023 @ 9:45pm

1,367 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: Various

Previoisly on Star Trek Tokyo:

"What happened?" She asked. "One minute we were kicking Elachi ass, the next.... Poof... Out like a light..."

"I gave Commander Chisato the go ahead to give us a quick nap." Thomas replied beating back anger. "Including the hostiles, we need to contact the Captain." Walking over to a different console. Within seconds the screen of the bridge appeared, albeit staticy. "Captain, hows everything going on your end."

And now the continuation...

[USS Tokyo]

"She's not here." Ryuuji's voice replied simply. "Captain Aisaka and several others have been transported by the Elachi, at least, that's the theory. Lieutenant Yuvek is in command of the Tokyo as the last remaining bridge officer."

"We have approximately 40 minutes before the station enters the atmosphere. Its going to get very turbulent, and very hot very soon, before that even happens. I suggest maybe 20 minutes before most of us are unconscious 'again'. I'm going to see about getting the transporters to start transporting down to the planet. Once everyone is off, I'll self destruct the station to stop any significant damage to the planet."

Listening to the first officer, Ryuuji turned to Yuvek. "Lieutenant, you mentioned before that getting the Tokyo close to the station is dangerous, but not impossible right?"

The senior Helmsman turned to Ryuuji and stared for a moment or two. We have a class-4 starbase dropping into the atmosphere of a planet, said station is ALSO breaking apart into thousands of large-size pieces," Lt. Yuvek said, looking at the viewscreen.

"Flying a shuttle through that debris field would be dangerous, flying a carrier vessel this size and displacement is as close tot he world impossible as I could possibly imagine." Lt. Yuvek said. "If we don't even up colliding into the station itself, we'll burn out just about every maneuvering thruster just trying to stay in high orbit and not be pulled into the planet's gravity-well." He added.

"We can make it one piece, but I don't think you'll like what that piece is gonna look like afterwards." Lt. Yuvek said grimly.

"If we do get close, I can power every transporter on this ship. We can try a mass beam out..." Ryuuji suggested. "It'll be risky though."

"Do it Commander, I will work on the transporters here to assist. With the ship and the stations transporters, it will be cutting it close, but I think its doable." Thomas replied as he looked around. "Have our brig ready to take prisoners... he have numerous... if it was up to me, they would remain here. But its not our way."

"Aye sir," Ryuuji replied. He turned to Yuvek. "We're going to need your skills back at the helm Lieutenant."

Lt. Yuvek gripped the side of the Captain's armrest as he pushed himself back to his feet. "Aye, sir..." he said incredulously. He made his way back to the chair and relieved the junior officer that was keeping the seat warm.

"I would suggest directing all of the Fighters to converge on the shuttle and target any large-scale pieces of debris that will undoubtedly be coming our way." Lt. Yuvek suggested. "We'll need all the space we can get." He added.

"Tokyo to all Starfighters," Ryuuji opened a wide hail. "We're taking the Tokyo closer to attempt a mass beam out. We're going to need a path clearing, close on our position and take out any debris or rocks that get in our way!"

[Fighter Operations]

After deploying the response force of Harley Squadron, all four fighter squadrons were space-borne. The call from the Tokyo came over the fighter comm-net. Moklor jumped on the network immediately afterwards.

"All fighters, Shell Squid here... Prepare to form a box formation around the Tokyo on my mark... Yamaha will fly center topside. Harley, fly Starboard. Ducati, port side. Triumph, cover the under deck central position."

The fighters had been flying a wide, spread position fairly close to the Tokyo's movements. Now Moklor would barely draw them into a tight position where fire could be maximized directly surrounding the Tokyo.

"Form up and move out on my movement", Moklor added. As his fighter dove, rolled and banked to fly closer towards the Tokyo, his three wingmen followed suit. "Break", he shouted out after completing the maneuver.

The next squadron committed their maneuver carefully and well timed, as well as the next two groups until the fighters closely surrounded the Tokyo. By the time Triumph formed up underneath the Tokyo, the fighters had already begun blasting debris. Multiple pilots would target the same larger pieces to help them break up faster.

Each fighter fired while in close proximity to other fighters. Pilots had to keep an eye out for each other as they adjusted their fire. Bundled streaks of red light pulsated outwards from alongside the Tokyo while bursting brightly forward, overhead and below.

Asteroids and torn pieces of the station were being blasted apart.

A large chunk of debris bounced off Ensign 'Nanny' Teela's fighter after slipping past the group. Her cockpit sounded alarms, with three different warnings shown on her HUD... Hull Integrity, Shields, and Environmental displays.

"This is Nanny. Fighter is damaged structurally, shields recharging at 8 percent."

"Roger Nanny", Moklor called up in his characteristically gruff voice. "Stick with us."

The fighters kept up a steady pace of fire surrounding the carrier.


"Did he say 20 minutes?" Amari asked as she tried her hardest to drag a large still asleep cadet closer to another gaggle of cadets. "They're not going to be able to get everyone off here that quickly."

Thomas turned. "If we are lucky, I kind of exaggerated it. He turned to the group assembled. Its going to be close. But if it doesn't go our way... its been an honour." He tapped a few buttons on the console. Frustrated with what he was seeing. "Johnson to Tokyo, the stations self destruct sequence has been damaged. I can set it off, but not on a timer. Have everyone else beamed ill take care of the station myself. The devastation to the station crashing will be catastrophic to the ecosystem, especially to the area where its estimated to hit."

"Best of luck to you, sir", said Kehl.

Three Andorian cadets had begun to follow Ensign th'Kaaliq as he moved about the larger group of gathered cadets. One of the female Andorian cadets, a freshman, began to sob upon hearing the Commander's words. The male Andorian visibly fought to hide his fear. The other female Andorian let off a nervous cackle of laughter.

"We will be fine", Kehl told the cadets. "The Tokyo is planning a set of mass transports. The timing is just.. Precise."

"Do we have any of them...." Amari murmured as she thought for the thing she was thinking of, she'd read about them when looking at transporter technology. "For helping with transports."

Kehl turned to Amari. The three cadets stood behind him in tow. "Ah, you must mean the transport enhancers, ma'am. There may be some in station supply. That is.. If there are any in this particular section. One of these cadets would know if so.. An Ops cadet..." Perhaps boosting the signal with a pattern enhancer would help the Tokyo's transporters cycle the rapid transportations faster.

The Starfleet officers were surrounded by cadets of different types, each showcasing varying states of distress.

[Tokyo Bridge]

Ryuuji had made his way to the operations console and relieved the junior ops officer there. His initial department had always been Starship Operations, and he had once manned this very console when he had first boarded the Tokyo.

His fingers ran across the smooth glass ruface of the control panel. "I'm diverting all non-essential power to the transporters. Bringing all of our transporters online," he announced as he powered up not only the personnel transporters, but the ones in the ships cargo bays, flight deck and emergency transporters.

"Locking onto all life forms. I'll be beaming everyone into the cargo bays, shuttlebays and onto the flight deck. The largest areas possible," he said as the operations console protested against his actions.

"Wish me luck..." he said as he initiated the transport.

To be continued...


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