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Here we go again... (Part 1)

Posted on Mon Jun 29th, 2015 @ 3:55am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Jennifer Daxer & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & T'Shenn & Lieutenant John Stayus & Lieutenant Mimi & Lieutenant Kalmar Okinami Sci.D. & Captain Leo Fox & Lieutenant Alex Walker

1,131 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Behind Closed Doors
Location: Briefing Room

Taiga was aware of their next task and she didn't like it. Once again the Tokyo was due to go behind enemy lines, back into Romulan space but this time with a new more dangerous objective. She had been pacing in front of the large windows of the briefing room that morning waiting for the right time to call a meeting. Today was Wednesday and the crew would usually meet on a Monday morning to discuss and plan the week ahead for the ship, however she had received new orders which she had to let her crew know about.

The ships chronometer clicked over to 09:00 hours and she let out a sigh. She stared out into space and the stars deep in Romulan space. The area seemed darker than the space she was used to seeing, maybe it was her imagination but Romulan space didn't appeal to her at all, especially after what she had to go through last time.

She tapped her comm badge lazily as if she didn't want to touch it.
=A= All senior staff report to the briefing room =A= she said her voice now going shipwide alerting all staff who ran the departments on the ship. At least now she had a full senior crew to rely on unlike the last mission where the Tokyo had been dispatched early without half a dozen of its officers. She seriously hoped that this mission would go smoothly now that they had a wide variety of talents and field specialists aboard.

Mimi was the first to arrive, her tail swishing idly behind her as she walked into the briefing room with a mug of tea in hand. "Morning Captain."

Alex was the second to arrive, holding a cup of strong black coffee in his hand. The family was settling into their quarters while Engineering sorted out adding a possible room or two onto the suite. For now though, the place was a disaster of boxes & toys and bedding while everyone camped out where they could find space. Prerogative of being the father he'd gotten the bed alongside his wife. The kids had argued over the remaining bed but in the end Kala & Mira won out, the two youngest got to sleep on the floor for now.

"Morning." He announced as he arrived, smiling at both Taiga and Mimi. Taking a seat about midway along the table, he sat to await everyone else.

Next entered Kalmar, lowering his head to pass through the doorway. He silently walked over to a seat near the foot of the table. Without looking anybody in the eye, he awkwardly sat down, adjusting his harness to a comfortable position under his long overcoat

'What on earth is that' was the overriding thought that came to Mimi's mind when Kalmar walked in, he looked like a giant version of some seafood her foster mother had tried to get her to eat once. She managed to keep the words from coming out of her mouth though as she watched it walk over to a seat.

John came in after that, his clothing stained while he muttered about wanting to get his hands on the people who built this ship. "Captain, if you and Lieutenant Mimi could speak to me after this?"

Taiga nodded at John to give her approval of a private meeting. Obviously the young engineer was concerned about something.

"Captain." Trigman said as he went through the doors with a PADD in his hand outlining his projected capability for the fighter wing.

This was compiled from past reports and his limited interaction with the pilots. HE had neglected his bride a bit while making the report but then it was not all that much time as her exotic spots were distracting and she herself kept his attention.

Lily Halden had been in the corner near the Captain; trying to be unobtrusive; not to be really noticed was her goal. Only when she saw Nicolas enter did she sigh a little relief, it was the first time she had been in a meeting with him officially. She held a mug tightly in her hands of hot tea, sugared to a sweetness she knew would be right. Halden had gotten the most popular warm drink from the replicator records of the captain, it was the most likely to have her on better footing and less likely for Halden have to distract the Captain. She took the moment to move over and hand the mug to Nicolas.

He looked p and met his wife's eyes and gave her a quick wink in that 'casual' moment before she returned to her corner close to the Captain where she could observe and pass along the details and items the Captain had arranged to for.

T'Shenn slowly walked in last. She had just been cleared for duty a couple days ago, but the Doctor had wanted her to take it easy for a day or two. She still had the scars from battle on her face from the conn console exploding on her on the last mission. She just nodded to everyone as she walked in and sat down at her customary spot. Her left eye still looked a bit green. The Doctor didn't know if she will lose it or not and she didn't care. T'Shenn had lost some of the smile she had come with. She was hard pressed to find it at this time.

Jen had been the last to arrive for the meeting. She walked into the briefing room, and quietly took her seat next to Taiga's.

Once everyone was seated and settled Taiga tapped her fingers a few times to get everyones attention. The room fell silent as she looked around at each and one of their faces.
"Starfleet Intelligence is sending us back into Romulan Space" she started with. With a few touches of her fingers a holographic star system appeared in the center of the table. "This is the Praxa System. Located twenty lightyears from where we are now"

The map zoomed in on one of the smaller planets in the middle of the system. "This is Praxa Four. Three days ago Long Range probes picked up unusual energy signatures emanating from this planet. Also several Romulan ships have left this system but then disappeared. Those ships were giving off a similar signature"

She tapped her controls again to bring up a schematic of the energy signature. "This is the signature which has been identified by long range probes. For those who are unsure what they are looking at, this signature has elements of two civilizations and technologies. The first one is Romulan..." she paused for a few seconds as the signature rotated slowly.

"The second signature appears to be Borg".

To Be Continued...


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