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Different kind of orders.

Posted on Tue Jun 23rd, 2015 @ 5:06pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka

916 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Behind Closed Doors
Location: Captains Ready Room

The console on Taiga's desk beeped and raised out of the table indicating she had a message coming in. At the time she was sitting across the room on the sofa bed reading over her daily reports.
"I wonder who this could be" she said to herself as she put the PaDD down on her coffee table and wandered over. Imputting her access code she was soon greeted by the face of a Starfleet Admiral, however unlike most Admirals his collar was grey and not the usual red.

"Admiral" Taiga said. "I'm sorry, but this is an unexpected suprise". The man on the screen was Admiral Jepson and was one of the most senior Admirals in Starfleet Intelligence. "What makes you call the Tokyo? We haven't done anything wrong have we?" Taiga asked curiously.

"Not in the slightest" Jepson replied a small smile creeping onto his face. "Your destruction of the Tal Shiar Starbase has created quite a stir in the beehive. The Romulan ambassador denies that the Tal Shair were responsible and they seem to be denying that the base even existed. Basically they're covering their own ass's" he explained. "You gave them quite a scare. We know they are responsible, however they don't want to break any treaties. Lets just say that they don't want the Tokyo showing up again because they've finally realised that we will protect our borders by any means necessary"

"I see" Taiga said in respone smiling back. "So we hit them in a spot they didn't want us to find?" Taiga asked.

"Indeed. However there's more than meets the eye" Jepson replied as he looked off screen for a minute to some sort of a console. "Intelligence has been keeping an eye on your ship's progress since you left Spacedock" he explained. "We've come across something interesting that needs investigating"

"Keeping an eye on me sir?" Taiga asked curiously. "Does that mean you've been tracking my course or someone on board is literally watching every move and every breath I take?"

"Thats for you to work out Commander. I can't tell you those details. However we do have a mission for you, and its already been cleared with Command" Jepson said his face remaining unemotional like a Vulcan. Taiga knew that when it came to Intelligence missions Starfleet could be sneaky, even in its own fleet and on its own ships.

"Long range probes of the area have picked up another Tal Shiar base, not far from the one you destroyed. We've identified several Tal Shiar Vessels leaving the base, however they are not standard" he explainied.

"Not standard sir?" Taiga asked curious. "As in they've been modified or they are new class of ships"

"All the ships leaving have had strange signatures emitting from them. We can't make any sense of it, but this facility has the same signature. We do however have one positive lead on the situation" he explained. "Tell me Commander, so you know of a Starfleet Officer known as Seven of Nine?" he asked.

"Yes sir" Taiga said. "She's the liberated Borg woman from the Starship Voyager. She's the expert on the Borg, but that doesn't come as a suprise" Taiga explained. She froze and then her eyes opened wide. "Wait, are you telling me you've detected something which could be linked to the Borg?" Taiga asked quickly, a slight tone of panic in her voice.

"We're not sure yet. The signature those ships are giving off shows several similarities to the frequencies that the Borg use in their technology. However they are not identicle" Jepson explained to her. "For all we know the Romulans are testing new propulsion technology based on the theories of Borg Transwarp. However we need to be sure"

"Why not ask them?" Taiga asked rather bluntly.

"After the last time, I don't think they want us knowing about this" Jepson replied. It was obvious he wasn't interested in what the Romulans had to say, they were known for lying half of the time. "I want you to take the Tokyo in behind enemy lines and investigate this Facility. Identify if the Romulans are just playing with new technology and determine if it is a threat to the safety of the Galaxy. If there is any signs that the Borg are in the area, or have been in the area you are to take appropriate actions to protect the safety of the Federation and Romulan Star Empire. Understood?"

Taiga felt like she was been spoken to like one would speak to a child. "Understood sir. How are we getting there undetected?" she asked.
"Thats for you to work out. You did it last time, so do it again. But don't go starting any wars. The last thing we need is the Romulans firing those green disruptors at us" he said. "This is a classified mission, under no circumstances should any other ship be involved. You may tell your crew, but this is an intelligence matter. If there is any Borg, then destroy them. Its as simple as that, if not then get the hell out of there. Jepson out"

The screen went black and Taiga let out a sigh. They had to cross over into the Romulan territory again and this time they were looking to see if the Borg happened to be around. She didn't like the look of this new mission, it was going to be interesting to say the least.

Posting by

Commander Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer


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