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Team Tokyo. Beach Style! (Part 1)

Posted on Sat Feb 18th, 2023 @ 8:15am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant Rea & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Ensign Mikko Ishigami & Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Mikoto Roromiya & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Sergeant Major Vespertine D'hetr & Lieutenant Chrirhc Chihc & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling & 1st Lieutenant Hann Rudd & Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket' & Alice Shimada

1,054 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Risa Beach

It had been three days since the wedding of Taiga and Ryuuji. The soft white sands of the Risian beach were warm and pleasant to walk upon as the aqua water lapped on the shoreline. Palm trees and exotic plants lined the beach providing a barrier between the land and coast.

Taiga stood hazing upon the bay. She had organised for the small bay area to be reserved just for Tokyo Personnel. It was good to be a Starfleet Captain sometimes.

Dressed in a blue and orange bikini, with a seathrough white jacket over and a large sun hat, she walked slowly down to the water. The Captain paddled lightly in the cold water, she wasn't a swimmer, in fact she could hardly swim at all.

Taiga had requested the crew of the Tokyo to join her on this beach today. She wanted to become closer to her crew, her plan of running some beach games and competitions would hopefully bring them together. She understood they had it all rough the last few weeks, but now she saw this as a fresh start.

Even the crew that had remained aboard the Tokyo had been invited at her personal request.

"I wonder who will attend... this should be fun. Plus, team building exercises should be good for us all," Ryuuji said as he approached from behind.

One of the first people to arrive was 1st Lieutenant Elizabeth Beurling, lugging a rented parasol over her shoulder and in her other hand she lugged the two bags of herself and Captain Shimada. Liz had volunteered to go ahead and stake out a spot for the three of them while Captain Shimada remained behind in the changing room to deal with her daughter's body insecurity. Liz wore a bikini that evoked the part of Earth she was from; with a white top with red maple leaves positioned where her nipples would naturally fall and a solid red bottom.

Finding what she felt was a decent spot, Liz planted the parasol in the sand and dropped the bags to set it up. Once the parasol was folded out, Liz reached into her bag and pulled from within it a folding beach chair, setting that up next to the parasol. Once her beach chair was set up, she settled into it, pulling her bag alongside it.

Before leaning back, Liz reached into her bag's front pocket and pulled out her pack of cigarettes and her lighter. Bumming a cigarette, she put it into her mouth and lit it with her lighter before dropping both back into the pocket from which she retrieved them. Since Captain Shimada and her daughter were lagging behind, Liz felt that now was the perfect time to have her smoke before Captain Shimada arrived.

Liz took a moment to reflect on her situation as she stared out across the water, cigarette in hand. Normally, after a hellish assignment like the last one, Liz wouldn't be kicking back having a smoke on a beach on Risa, she would instead be preparing for her next assignment, and the shore leave was admittedly a nice treat for a marine who was usually go go go all the time.

"This is nice." Liz muttered aloud as she slid on a pair of aviator shades. "Looks like we're the first ones here, and not a reg around to bother us..." She knew the peace likely wouldn't last long, as from how she understood it, the beach had been reserved for Tokyo Crewmembers, and no doubt there'd be a reg who would come along wanting Liz to put out her cigarette.

"I'd say so." A familiar voice said beside her.

Liz turned to see herself looking at 1st Lieutenant Rudd, whom she and Captain Shimada had left in charge of Marine operations back aboard the Tokyo.

"Rudd?" Liz gasped. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Personal request from Captain Aisaka." Rudd responded with a shrug, beginning to set up a towel next to Liz. "Besides, it's not every day that a Rheuysian gets a chance to experience a natural tropical climate. There's something about them that holodecks just don't get right."

"I suppose you're right." Liz admitted. "But who the hell's in charge back on the ship?"

"By my account, nobody." Rudd responded. "The rest of the guys flew out here with me, took a transport that Captain Aisaka chartered for us."

"I see:" Liz muttered. "Well, Captain Shimada will be in for a shock to find the entire marine compliment here."

"She sure will." Rudd said, settling onto her towel. "Say, think you can spare a smoke?"

"Sure." Liz said, reaching for the cigarettes and lighter. Rudd smoked a lot more casually than Liz did, but after introducing Rudd to it, Liz was happy to have a smoking buddy.

One of the next groups to arrive was a group of four; two of the four were Iowa Riverside and Nozomi Kusuda. Iowa had chosen a classic American flag bikini paired with an oversized sunhat, purchased compliments of Nozomi, as the sunhats had been on sale for buy one, get one free. Nozomi, on the other hand, was showing much more skin, having elected to wear a navy blue micro bikini with her sunhat.

"Ah, now this takes me back," Nozomi sighed as she took in the salty sea breeze. "Reminds me of the summers we used to spend at Maki's villa out in Chiba. Poor Maki always used to make such a fuss when Honoka would decide out of the blue that the nine of us were going to spend a weekend down at the villa, but there was just something about the whole atmosphere down there; even as we eventually signed ourselves over to a record label, it become something of a place where we could just hang out and be ourselves without our parents or managers listening in."

"I get that feeling." Iowa responded. "When me and my sisters got joint shore leaves, we'd have ourselves a hell of a good time. Of course, Wisconsin had a less full figure than New Jersey, Missouri, and myself, and she always hated whenever we decided to hit a beach, because she always got less looks than the rest of us."

To be continued...


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