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To Taiga & Ryuuji (Part 3)

Posted on Wed Feb 1st, 2023 @ 6:14am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Captain Kagami Izumi & Captain Minori Kushieda & Captain Yusaka Kitamura & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Lieutenant Kylynn Adams & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Captain Maho Takahashi & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling & Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket' & Ensign Lynette Bishop 'Highlander' & Alice Shimada
Edited on on Wed Feb 1st, 2023 @ 7:30am

1,351 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Risa Resort

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

Ryuuji nodded as he stood up and held out his hand to Taiga. Blushing Taiga took his hand and allowed herself to be led towards the middle of the room. Everyones eyes were now upon them, waiting for the music to start.

"You ready?" Ryuuji whispered.

Taiga looked up into Ryuuji's eyes. "I've been ready for fifteen years" she whispered back. "Lets do this..."

And now the conclusion...

A sweet melody began to play, filling the room. Ryuuji placed a hand on Taiga's waist, pulling her in closer. She reached up and held him in close as the steady beat of the music began.

'We'll do it all,
On our own.

We don't need.
Or anyone.'

Slowly Ryuuji led Taiga in a circle as he stared into her hazel eyes. He couldn't help but smile as he held her closely. The beat of the music began to pick up a little as more instruments joined in the melody.

'If I lay here.
If I just lay here.
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

I don't quite know.
How to say.
How I feel.

Those three words.
Are said too much.
They're not enough.'

Taiga rested her head on Ryuuji's chest as she danced with him. She could feel a warmth, a sort of glow rising inside her as she felt safe and secure.

'If I lay here.
If I just lay here.
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Forget what we're told.
Before we get too old.
Show me a garden that's bursting into life.'

"Ryuuji..." Taiga said as she looked up at him. Ryuuji looked down at Taiga. "I really love you Ryuuji... I'm really happy now. Thankyou".

'Let's waste time.
Chasing cars.
Around our heads.

I need your grace.
To remind me.
To find my own.'

"Taiga..." Ryuuji answered back. "So am I. I am the luckiest man in the galaxy... because; I have you". There was a brief pause in the song. Long enough for Yusaka to offer his hand to Minori. "Ladies, Gentlemen. You may now join the bride and groom on the dancefloor!" he announced loudly as he led the Head Bridemaid to the floor.

'If I lay here.
If I just lay here.
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Forget what we're told.
Before we get too old.
Show me a garden that's bursting into life!

All that I am.
All that I ever was.
Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see.'

Once again, Ryuuji looked down into Taiga's eyes. Small sparkling tears had appeared in those beautiful hazel eyes of hers. She smiled up at him as she allowed herself to be held close.

Talia remained in her seat, she was wishing that Thomas was here so she could dance with him. As it was she didn’t have anyone to dance with.

'I don't know where
Confused about how as well
Just know that these things will never change for us at all

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?'

As the song was winding down, Tristana made her way over to the DJ and had a brief conversation with him, sliding a piece of paper the DJ's way before returning to her table. When the song concluded, the DJ took the mic before beginning the next song:

"Ladies, gentlemen, and non-gendered species, I've received a request for the next song to be played. Person requesting it gave me a note to read beforehand here:" He said.

Clearing his throat, the DJ began to read from the piece of paper Tristana had handed him:

"Captain Aisaka: You don't know me, but I know all about you through my boss. Her name is Maho Takahashi, commanding officer of the Starship Myogi. And quite some time ago, she too was gearing up for the biggest day of her life. Unfortunately, her day did not go as planned, thanks in part to your actions: You sent one of today's speech givers, Jennifer Daxer, to arrest the best man. Argument as to whether Nakazato's actions constituted treason or free speech aside, it's safe to say that because of Daxer's actions that day, the wedding was completely ruined. As Daxer was under your command at the time, Captain Takahashi has since held you partially responsible for Daxer's actions. Unfortunately for you and Daxer, Captain Takahashi has a strong resolve, and we reclaimed your victory by holding a second ceremony on board our ship, closed off to the public. Captain Aisaka, I salute you for providing me with my single biggest failure as a Starfleet officer, and to this end, I dedicate this request to the bride and groom whose big day you had a hand in ruining."

Setting the unsigned note down, the DJ began the next song; a power ballad:

'The winner takes all.
It's the thrill of one more kill.
The last one to fall
Will never sacrifice their will!

Don't ever look back
On the world closing in,
Be on the attack
With your wings on the wind.
Oh, the games will begin!'

From her seat, Tristana sang along in her native Spanish. She didn't want to be dancing along and give herself away. Fortunately for her, the music was loud enough that she couldn't be heard over it.

'And it's sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah.
And it's ours for the taking,
It's ours for the fight.
And it's sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah.
And the one who's last to fall...
The winner takes all!'

'You don't win no silver.
Ooh, you only lose the gold.
You push with a fever,
For your time keeps tolling on!

Against all the odds, against all your pain,
Your back's on the wall, with no one to blame.
Wild hearts won't be tamed!'

And it's sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah.
It's ours for the taking,
It's ours for the fight.
And it's sweet, sweet, sweet victory,
And the one who's last to fall...
The winner takes all...'

The song entered a guitar heavy break.

'And the one who's last to fall...

Sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah.
It's ours for the taking,
It's ours for the fight.
Sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah.
And the one who's last to fall...

The winner takes all...

Taiga stood there stunned. She looked as if she was about to burst into tears as she looked up at Ryuuji. It was evident that the anger was brewing deep inside.

"Uh oh..." Minori said to Yusaka. She rushed over and gently placed a hand on Taigas shoulder. "Leave this up to Kitamura and I. You just enjoy the rest of the day. I'll be having a word with Captain Takahashi." She glanced over at Kitamura.

He walked over to the DJ and took the microphone. "Well people, that was a good joke wasn't it?!" He laughed slightly nervously. "Obviously, someone thought it would be funny to crash the wedding! Shame it didn't work!" He laughed.

"Well, as they say in showbiz. The show must go on!" He paused for a moment. "Oh, as best man, all drink at the bar are on me! Put your latinum away!"

Amu who had Ikuto shook her head. "How petty of Takhashi to do that..." she sighed. Ikuto looked down at her as he tightened his grip on her waist.

"Dance" he instructed her simply. The music had started playing again, but no one had started to dance again. Obviously Ikuto had read the room and had decided to lead by example.

"Yeah OK..." Amu said as she allowed herself to be led by Ikuto. It didn't take long until the room was back to normal, people drinking, laughing, dancing and having fun.

To be continued...


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