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Return from Risa

Posted on Mon Feb 6th, 2023 @ 12:28am by Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Commander Thomas Johnson

1,212 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: USS Tokyo, Quarters
Timeline: After To Taiga and Ryuugi (part 3)


Having enjoyed being a part of her new Captain’s wedding celebrations, Talia had gotten lonely watching others enjoying themselves. Having headed out for some fresh air she’d heard mention of a departing ship that just happened to be going her way, so she had arranged a quick trip back to the Tokyo.

Having eventually arrived back aboard ship, Talia had decided to surprise Thomas when he got off shift. Making her way to their now shared quarters she put down her promised gift, and her surprise before deciding to sort her boxes to kill time.

The XO’s Quarters were pretty large in comparison to most, the plus point of being the Exec. What it was lacking in homely feel she’d have sorted in no time, as she pulled out some fluffy comfy cushions, a fake fur rug and a few pictures of scenic vistas to stand where space allowed.

It didn’t take long before it was done, her other plan was to organise a bookcase for her books, but that could wait for now. Walking into the bedroom she unpacked the surprise she’d brought, slipping out of her clothing she put on the lingerie nightdress which didn’t leave much to the imagination. She planned to be sitting waiting in the dark when Thomas arrived home.

It had been a rough couple of weeks, but everything was done, the crew had returned. Exhausted he walked into his quarters looked around. Noticing she had been home. Smiling at the small changes she had made already.

"Computer, play mozart." He replied as he got himself a drink from the replicator. Taking the glass, he walked over to the book shelf, noticed a few new books. Glancing over the titles, he chose one of his from before heading to his bedroom.

As the bedroom door opened, the light came on low illuminating Talia who was sitting in an enticing pose on the bed. “Well hello again...” she smiled. “I was wondering when you were going to return.”

Dropping the book. "Hello.... and here all i thought I wanted back from Risa was a totem."

“Ohh there’s one of those as well.” She motioned to his bedside table where a medium sized totem stood. “I thought I’d bring you something else besides that I thought you’d appreciate.”

Picking the book back up, he walked over to the bed and placed it on the side of the bed on the table. Scooting next to her, he kissed her. "I like this a lot more."

Talia smiled as she willingly returned his kiss. “Mmm me too. I think I’m going to like living with you.”

"Coming home to this, I am going to like it too." He responded looking it over. "A bit over dressed for Risians."

“You think so? I thought it was skimpy myself, perhaps I should...” She moved slightly to slip the skimpy item off her shoulders letting it slide off of its own accord. “Is this better?”

"Much" Thomas replied, "If you like those types of clothes... I know what to get you."

“Really? Do tell” Talia grinned as she lay outstretched on the bed her head resting on her hand.

"Well on occasions where gifts are expected... if you like these clothes... perhaps they would be a good option. Although I may like them more than you."

Talia grinned a wry grin. “I’m sure as we get to know each other that we’ll learn what each other’s likes and dislikes are. All I know is Risa was very lonely at night without you.”

"I am certainly liking what I see right now. Did you get yourself anything else."

“Just a few souvenirs, and a sun tan!” Talia grinned. “So how did you get on here?”

"It went well. Got systems updated, and everything repaired for the next battle."

Talia nodded as she moved to get more comfortable. “Since I don’t know the Captain or crew that well yet, our being together isn’t going to cause any problems is it? I am an officer under your command, we’re both professionals during working hours.”

"I honestly worked with couples. They were always professionals."

Talia nodded. “Sorry I guess I worry more than I should, I’m not used to falling head over heels in love!” She grinned.

"I guess its my charming personality, or my sexual abilities?" He smirked as he leaned back against the wall

“Mmm I don’t know” Talia grinned as she moved to straddle his lap. “Maybe you should refresh my memory? I have been on Risa for almost a week after all.”

"It might take a while to remind you."

“It’s not like I’m going anywhere” Talia grinned as she posed in a provocative manner.

"Well, when you put it like that." He replied as he reached over and brought her in.

Talia giggled as she was pulled closer to Thomas. She hadn’t met a man she’d felt like this about before, he truly made her feel happy and loved. Dare she even say she loved him so soon?

"So... question... I know things are fast... But with all things considered. I have been with many women on one nighters, had others for a non relationship kind of thing... but... this seems different."

Talia nodded. “I’ve never met anyone like you Tom, I feel a connection with you I’ve never felt before. I could even go so far as to say... I love you.”

"I have that affect eh? Finally." He replied as he kissed her. "Glad I didnt say it first. I love you too."

“You do!?” Talia gave him a surprised look. “I was half expecting you to run a mile when I said that!” She smiled the warmest, happiest smile yet. “I’m glad we were honest about it, especially as we’re now living together.”

"I look at you, and something just... feels right about you."

Talia nodded as she looked into Thomas’ eyes. “That makes two of us. I used to feel lonely, looking at others wondering when I’d find someone to love, but not anymore.” She gently brushed her fingers against his cheek. “You told me that you don’t do anything slow, correct?”

"Thats correct."

She propped herself up just enough to give Thomas a serious look. “Marry me! No waiting, just you and me. While we’re still on Shoreleave!”

His jaw dropped. "Excuse me?"

“You said it felt right between us, I can’t explain it any better.” Talia paused. “If I’m going too fast just say so, I just... don’t want to lose you. Not ever!”

"You know they may want to send us to the ships chief Shrink..."

“Oh really?” Talia grinned. “It’s a good job I know her quite well then, isn’t it?” She pulled him down for a passionate kiss.

"Oh absolutely," he replied returning the kiss. "What do you think she will say?"

“I think she’ll say if we’re happy then that’s what matters” Talia grinned. “I for one, am very, very happy!”

"Good." He replied as he nuzzed his face in her chest.



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