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To Taiga & Ryuuji (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Feb 1st, 2023 @ 6:09am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Captain Kagami Izumi & Captain Minori Kushieda & Captain Yusaka Kitamura & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Lieutenant Kylynn Adams & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Captain Maho Takahashi & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & Ensign Lynette Bishop 'Highlander' & Alice Shimada
Edited on on Wed Feb 1st, 2023 @ 7:28am

1,151 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Risa Resort

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

“Thank you” Talia offered a warm smile. “I believe I saw a table over the far side with gifts, and cards on. I can show you if you like?

"That would be great, gracias. (thank you.)" Tristana responded.

“Right this way” Talia smiled as she motioned Tristana to follow her. “I’ll be right back Nezuko.”

Nezuko nodded and waved as her new friends stepped away toward the gift table.

Tristana returned the wave as she followed Talia to the gift table.

And now the continuation...

"Ladies, Gentlemen and Non-Gender species. Please riase the roof with a round of applause for our newly weds. Mister and Missus Takasu!" an announcement over the speakers sounded loudly.

Chiyo put her hands together for the newlyweds. She smiled, but that smile betrayed the pain that she was hiding: Pain of seeing another happy couple having tied the knot while the love of her life was still somewhere out there among the stars.

Talia applauded along with everyone else, it was nice to be celebrating something so special.

Nezuko applauded too, always fascinated by the custom of slapping one’s hands together loudly to indicate excitement — certainly not a tradition among the Amphea; what a great way to scare prey away! — but fun nonetheless.

The doors of the room entered and Ryuuji and Taiga walked in. Taiga had her arm looped with Ryuuji as they walked through to the cheers and claps. Taiga couldn't help but smile, it was a rare occurence to see her similing. Together they made their way to the front of the room and to the top table.

As Taiga took her seat she couldn't help but feel a warm happiness fill her.

Ryuuji stood up, he towered above Taiga and the rest of the top table. He looked around the room. "I want to start by thanking you all for coming today." he took a moments pause. "I first met Taiga in the Academy. We were both young at heart and shorter in height..." he smirked looking down at Taiga. "Well, some of us were shorter... Some of us are still the same" he joked.

Taiga simply smiled, it was a good joke even if it was at her expense.

"Okay, that's actually a good one," Nozomi chuckled.

One particularly loud laugh came from the uninvited guest, Tristana. She felt that Captain Takahashi would have particularly enjoyed that joke if she were here.

Talia stifled a giggle not wanting to offend her new Captain, she didn’t know her that well yet so she wasn’t sure how she’d take the joke.

"Anyways. From the moment I met Taiga, I had always wanted to be by her side. It took a while for us to get together. In fact it took a rather large push by both Minori and Yusaka here for us to actually try anything..." he held up a hand behind his head nervously.

"Fifteen years later, we're here and celebrating. Yusaka, Minori, thankyou for 'hooking us up' so to speak. But also thankyou for your help as best man and head bridemaid. I couldn't have done this without you..." Ryuuji then turned his attention to Taiga. "And f course, I need to thank my beautiful wife. Taiga, we've been through so much together. We've seen things no one else has seen, and I've been by your side every moment of it. Of course, I am looking forward to spending the rest of our lives together. I love you Taiga, and nothing or no one will ever change that fact."

Chiyo's hand went to her chest as she felt her heart swell. She looked up to the cosmos as tears began to well in her eyes. She knew too well what such love meant, and she was still waiting for her love to come back from wherever he was among the stars, despite being considered dead in the eyes of the regs.

Being seated at the same table as the Marine CO, Iowa noticed that two of her tablemates were crying. Iowa started with the person closer to her, both literally and figuratively,

"You all right, sugar?" She asked.

"Ah, ceremonies like these always make me a little teary-eyed," Nozomi remarked, pulling out a handkerchief that she'd had the insight to bring with and using it to blow her nose. "I do love me a happy ending every now and then..."

"Uh huh," Iowa said, turning to Chiyo. "And what about you, hun?"

"I'm fine..." Chiyo wavered. "It's nothing you regs would understand, anyway..."

"Oh, please," Nozomi chuckled. "Talk to me some time about how I was blubbering like a baby at Kotorichi's wedding... Or Umichi's wedding, for that matter."

As the applause died down, Yusaka stood up. "Now, to end the speeches. As Best Man, I'm going to keep this short and sweet". Yusaka cleared his throat. "When we 'hooked you up' so to speak, we didn't doubt that you'd both fall head over heels for each other. However, I know now that you've both found the happiness you need and deserve. Today has been a fantastic day, and I look forward to seeing this marriage last a lifetime." he held up his glass of champagne. "I would like to formally raise a toast. To Taiga and Ryuuji, may your course be set true and steady. I wish you both, clear horizons and good friends.... To the bride and groom!"

The room was promptly filled with the clinking of glasses.

Nezuko clinked her glass against those of the people around her — another noisy Terran custom! — and drank of her champagne through a straw that went around her breather. It was all a bit strange, but she could tell that everything was said with love, and so it was all quite beautiful.

"OLE!" Tristana exclaimed as she raised her glass high above her head and spilling some of its contents before proceeding to clink her glass with her tablemates.

The gesture didn't go unnoticed by Liz, who turned to Chiyo and whispered something into her sister in arms' ear. It was a brief exchange that went largely unheard amidst the ambient noise of glasses clinking.

"Now..." Yusaka said with a smile. "I think its about time, you took her out for a little spin on the dancefloor, isn't it Ryuuji?" he said turning to face the groom.

Ryuuji nodded as he stood up and held out his hand to Taiga. Blushing Taiga took his hand and allowed herself to be led towards the middle of the room. Everyones eyes were now upon them, waiting for the music to start.

"You ready?" Ryuuji whispered.

Taiga looked up into Ryuuji's eyes. "I've been ready for fifteen years" she whispered back. "Lets do this..."

To be continued...


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