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Battle of Alvatar (Part 2)

Posted on Thu Aug 6th, 2020 @ 4:33pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant Sakura Kano & Lieutenant Rinka Hayami 'Sharp-Shooter' & Lieutenant Chiba Ryunosuke 'Bat Eyes' & Ensign Mikko Ishigami & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Commander Alora Knight & Jennifer Daxer & Major Orin Thrix & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter & Lieutenant Commander Phyllis D'lar 'Sorceress' & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket' & Ensign Saeko Busujima 'Crazy Horse'
Edited on on Thu Aug 6th, 2020 @ 4:34pm

1,757 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: Alvatar Colony, Romulan Space, USS Tokyo

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"Bridge to Trigman and Nakazato. Launch all fighter wings" Taiga ordered over the comm. Now it was time for them to really shine, with forty fighter craft in the air it would give the Tokyo a more tactical advantage.

"Commander Daxer. Arm torpedoes, charge phasers" she added. She wanted to be ready. That ship out there was huge, and out massed the Tokyo over a hundred times over.

"Captain, weapons are already online, but I strongly recommend against a direct confrontation." Daxer replied, already knowing what Taiga would do.

=A= "TIC here," =A= Nakazato reported. =A= "Fighter wings in position and at your disposal." =A=

And now the continuation...


Taiga watched as the starfighters deployed in their tactical formation. At least they were out there and ready to act.

"Captain" the officer from helm said. "That ship is sending out its own craft. I read at least thirty. Sensors can't identify their weapons signature, but they are heading right for us" he reported.

Taiga looked back at Daxer before back to the viewscreen. Several small craft heading towards them at high speed.

"Tokyo to fighter wings. We have hostile contacts incoming. Intercept and disable them. I repeat, DISABLE them" Taiga ordered. If she could find a peaceful solution to this she didn't want to blow her chances.

"Ensign" she directed the order towards the helm. "Take us in. Daxer, lay down cover fire" Taiga gripped the arms of her command chair. "Lets go"

"Targeting the starship's weapons." Daxer replied, as she set her targets. She ignored the enemy fighters for the most part, as she didn't want to risk hitting their own fighters. The very moment the larger ship launched torpedoes, Daxer launched a volley of their own, and barked out. "Incoming torpedoes!"

"Fire anti-air phaser cannons" Taiga ordered. Much like the old aircraft carriers carried Anti-Aircraft guns, the Tokyo could do something similar with small mounted phaser cannons located around at barious points around the hull. The system was designed to protect the ship from fighter craft that tried to get too close.

"Activating point-to-point defense turrets." Jen said, as her fingers manipulated the tactical console "Their torpedos are unusually slow, but I'd take a guess they deal more damage than ours, Captain."

"Seems that way" Taiga replied. "Try not to let any of them hit us"

(Fighter Squadron D)

Rinka in command of Squadron D Triumph were on fall back duty to protect the Tokyo.
"D squadron. Incoming torpedoes, lets intercept and shoot as many down as we can" she ordered as she turned her fighter towards the incoming torpedoes which were moving unusually slowly.

The Ducks split into pairs, each team going after a different target. Their job was to stop the enemy fighters from getting close enough to hit the Tokyo. As Squadron D was taking out missiles, they let them be a diversion and went on to the fighters now launching from the alien ship.

Saeko was ready to test out her fighter's new weapons on the enemy. However, word from the CO was for the fighter wings to attempt to disable the enemy craft first, and Saeko was secretly disappointed that her new weapons would be broken in on stun.

Yamaha Squadron made a first wedge style approach and then breaking formation into pairs as they encountered the enemy. The exchange of fire had the lighting effect of an Ion Storm.


The Tokyo unleashed a barrage of anti-aircraft fire from its phaser point defense sysyem. Small phaser cannons and arrays provided three hundred and sixty degree coverage around the carrier vessel in the form of phaser pulses and beams.

"Get us in nice and close to the main vessel" Taiga ordered. She looked back at Daxer, her eyes focused on the Vulcan woman. "Target the forward phasers on one section of their shields. Lets punch a hole through it. Have all fighters available to assist you in making that hole!"

Jen gave Taiga an aknowledging look that showed she would comply, before jumping to action. "Helm, adjust heading to 114.72 Mark 6." She said, then hit the COMM "Tokyo to all fighters, change of plans. Concentrate all phaser fire on the following coordinates." She said, sending along the target coordinates that she had designated. Unknown to Taiga, she also prepped a few torpedos to assist in said hole punching, though she inwardly wondered how this was supposed to help them.

She looked next at Alora. "You have three minutes to get a strike team together. I want you to be ready to board that vessel and disable it from within" Taiga ordered. Commander Knight given her background in intelligence was perfect to lead it. "Your main prority is to take that ships defensive and propulsion systems offline. Be prepared to get out of there at a moments notice"

It was a quickly put together plan, but it was the only way to save the civilians and halt the hostilities.

"Yes, ma'am." She was already making plans for her team.

"Captain, I should remind you that sensors cannot penetrate their hull." Daxer reminded Taiga. "There is no guarantee that we won't be transporting the strike team right into a bulkhead, or even into their warp core... if they have one."

"Sensors might be able to if we punch a hole through. If not it'll be a lucky guess" Taiga said. "I don't like risking peoples lives but its stop that ship or watch the colony and ourselves destroyed. We must protect the civilians" she explained. Her eyes focused on the ship on the viewscreen as if transfixed on its huge size.

Jen looked over at Taiga, shaking her head, and sighed. "Helm, engage."

"Engaging" Mikko said from the helm, her fingers dancing over the console.

Alora wasn't going to transport blind. The odds were strongly against them surviving. But she could see if Alex had a way to get them in.

Taiga turned to Alora. "I promise we won't beam you until we can see inside. Go" she ordered.

"Bring us around, facing the enemy" Taiga ordered. "Focus all fire on one section of their shields. If we can't punch a hole through we'll have to find another way of disabling them" she ordered.

Mikkos fingers danced across the helm as the Tokyo turned in space coming around, the ships bow facing forward toaards their target. This way the Tokyo cluld use her quad cannons, similar to those found on a Defiant Class at full power.

"Right" Taiga paused. "Unleash hell"

"Fire!" Daxer gave the order to the fighters, as she also unleashed a volley of torpedoes, and phaser fire on a singular point on the dreadnaught's shields.


Iowa had her shot, but one of her wingmates was already well on her way to the target. But, Iowa had recently installed a nasty trick up her fighter's sleeve with an engine upgrade, so she boosted her fighter in front of her wingmate and unleashed her barrage.

"You're going to have to move a little faster than that if you want Grey Ghost's kill, Snowflake!" Iowa told her wingmate over the radio as she began to loop back around for another run.

Fubuki pulled her fighter around. There she goes again. Trying to out do me... she thoughtvto herself as she unleashed a barrage of phaser cannon fire on the selected spot along with the other fighters.

Now this is a battle! Saeko thought to herself as she unleashed the full fury of her upgraded phaser cannons on the selected spot.

Mika's feet danced over the special floor-mounted consoles as she flew her attack runs. This allowed her hands to remain free so she could continue strumming some Finnish folk song on her Kantele even in the heat of battle.

"Watch me, Mikko!" She said as she unloaded another barrage of phaser fire onto the target. "This one's for you!"

As torpedoes, and phasers from the Tokyo, and fighters hit all in the same spot, a hole opened up in the shields, then closed almost immediately, but not before sensors got good readings.


"Holy shit, that's big..." Daxer said, as she looked at the new readings. "We punched a hole, but only long enough to get sensor readings. If we can get their shields down, I can transport a team over." As she said it, the ship rocked hard, when weapons fire from the enemy hit their shields. "Shields are down to 23%, Captain, we can't take another hit like that!"

Taiga slammed her fist down on her arm controls. The battlefield was not good, several of the fighters were disabled and a few destroyed. She hated losing her people.

"Get us out of their weapons range. All fighters fall back to a safe distance" she ordered. She stared at the huge ship on the viewscreen before tapping her comm badge.

"Aisaka to Knight. We failed to get a hole open long enough to get your team aboard. I'm at a loss, do you have any suggestions?". She knew that either her or her husband may have some 'off the records tactics they could use to get aboard.

"I have one, but you won't like it." Daxer chimed in, as she set torpedoes to reload. "It's a long shot, and require sacrificing one of the fighters."

"I don't want to sacrifice any of our fighters if possible" Taiga replied. Another volley of disruptor fire struck the Tokyos shields causing consoles on the bridge to shower the crew in sparks.

"We need to get the ship out of range," Alora said. "Recall the fighters. We're going to need more help." They needed to get information on that ship, and she had an idea that just might work, but it would require Alex and the Prowler.

Taiga took a few seconds to look at the mayhem unfolding on the viewscreen. She took a deep breath, she wasn't one to run away. However with no way of disaing the vessel, or get someone aboard to take it out from the inside she had no choice.

"Bring us around Ensign" she ordered. "We need other options, a full attack isn't working" she said. "All fighters cover our retreat and return to the Tokyo".

"Bringing us sbout" Mikko reported from the helm. The Tokyo began to swing around in space. "Captain, the alien vessel is pursuing. Its slower than us, we can out run it if we need to"

To be continued...


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