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Tue Mar 1st, 2022 @ 3:23am

Lieutenant Commander Phyllis D'lar

Name Phyllis D'lar 'Sorceress'

Position Deputy Squadron Leader

Second Position Deputy Commander Air Group

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species El Aurian/Human
Age 534

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 7"
Weight 165 lbs
Hair Color White
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Phyllis was pretty in her youth. In fact, when she flew in the early 20th Century she was one of the prettiest pilots around. But she doesn't really mind her looks and will often turn them into a joke or three.
She is average in height and looks and a little pudgy, but if you ask her, it's not the age, it's the mileage and baby, she's got a lot of miles.

She looks middle-aged, but flies like she was half that. Her centuries of experience get her out of a lot of tight situations.


Spouse/Partner Fang (deceased), Charles (deceased), Achmed (deceased), T'rel (deceased), Romel (deceased)
Children ZsaZsa, Tristan, Genevieve, Elizabeth, Pilar, Lumina, George, Fred, Wilbur, Charles, Jr., Orville, Frank, Edward, T'pren, S'rel, Zorba, Kurt, Von, Tristan, Ruprect
Father Fyodr D'laar
Mother Dolores Price (deceased)
Brother(s) Too many to mention
Sister(s) Too many to mention
Other Family Too many to mention

Personality & Traits

General Overview Phyllis is gregarious and loves to laugh and tell jokes. She never takes herself too seriously, but she does take flying seriously.
When she flies, she wears a scarf given to her by Charles Lindberg -- for luck.
She is always ready for a challenge and has the luck of the Irish on her side because she claims one of her husbands was a leprechaun.

She'll challenge you to arm wrestling, but be warned, she's won a hundred championships because she's had plenty of time to perfect the art.
Strengths & Weaknesses An expert pilot who has flown everything from The Wright Flier to the Corsair to the Legionnaire to the Raptor. Basically, if it was flown on earth or in the Federation, she's probably flown it at least once.
She's been a test pilot for centuries and will occasionally be called in to give an expert opinion.
She knows every nut and bolt in her ship and will often name them.
Thinks on her feet and has a quick wit.
Intelligent, knows a great deal about history and flying.

Has a fondness for jokes and puns, especially in awkward situations.
Is a daredevil who loves a good challenge -- especially if it involves flying.
She has a weakness for charming young men.
Planes of all sorts are her weakness. She loves to fly, and loves to test out new planes. She's even designed a few in her time.
She has a weakness for good food and good wine.
She rarely gets mad, but when she does, it's about pilots taking unnecessary risks or damaging their planes for stupid stunts. (There has to be a good reason to take risks. Being reckless or showing off is not among them.
She's been around long enough and had enough careers that she doesn't take people will big egos seriously. Everyone has an ego, but some flaunt it, and those are the ones that make Phyllis laugh. Especially if they think they're better than everyone else. Even if they're admirals.
While she is familiar with Terran and Federation planes, she does not know many ships from other empires, nor does she try to. She's content being a big fish in a small pond.
She does not tolerate fools gladly.
Ambitions Honey, she's reached all her ambitions. Now she's living life for the sheer fun of it.
Hobbies & Interests Flying, flying and more flying.
Cooking. She knows a hundred recipes from a dozen different worlds and enjoys sharing them.
Drinking. She can out-drink a Klingon, and has. She knows her limits and is very careful to to go beyond them, but in 500 years she's developed quite a tolerance for hard liquor.
She loves history and biographies.
She reads a lot of books about flying and flyers.
She is considerate and kind and does not try to be rude or offensive.

Personal History Phyllis was born in Dayton, Ohio, on April 12, 1861. She jokes that her birth was so momentus that it started a civil war.

Because of her El-Aurian heritage, she and her family moved around a lot and started new lives. Especially on Earth where the people knew nothing about space or aliens.

She was working in a The Wright Cycle Exchange in the 1890's and helped the family run the shop while Orville and Wilbur worked on their flying machine. She became enamored of air travel and, once the plane was more stable, was given the opportunity to fly it once.

That led to a lifetime of flying. She was one of the first female barnstormers both before and after WWI.

Disguised as a man, she became a World War I Flying Ace, meeting both Eddy Rickenbacker and Manfred von Richthofen.

She became friends with some of the greats in aviation history such as Charles Lindberg and Amelia Earhart. Lindbergh gave her a scarf that she has carefully preserved. She often wears a replica of that scarf when she flies for luck.

She was one of the 99s who worked with Earhart until her disappearance.

In World War II, she was a secretary to Jimmy Doolittle. When Doolittle was transferred after the "Doolittle Raid," she was transferred home, but managed to again disguise herself as a male and fly in the Pacific with Pappy Boyington and his "Black Sheep Squadron."

She worked behind the scenes to help the WASPS and eventuallyl became a test pilot.

After the war, she met and married her first husband, Fang, who was the love of her life. She stayed with him and raised several children. After Fang died and her children grew up, she again took to the air and became an experimental pilot for the US Air Force, then a Top Gun instructor. She was part of the early Space Program, but as women weren't allowed to be astronauts and it was much harder to disguise herself as a man, she took a desk job and rose to the rank of General. Even though she was in great health, she was considered "too old" to fly on one of the space shuttles. But she did have the opportunity to help keep it going.

When NASA shut down the shuttle program, she "retired," moved to South America, married and started another family.

She watched with anticipation as Zephram Cochrane reached warp and humans began to enter space in earnest. She was one of the first to join Starfleet and head out into space as, once again, a pilot.

She has continued to fly, marry, have kids, then fly again. She's been an experimental pilot, a starship pilot, a shuttle pilot and a fighter pilot. She's flown just about everything and has had to fix just about everything -- especially fighters. She much prefers being a fighter pilot. There's something about flying by the seat of her pants that makes life worth living.

In Starfleet, she rose again from helmsman to Admiral. She retired again to raise another family. When the Starfighter pilots became a part of Starfleet, she again joined, choosing to become a Top Gun pilot, then an instructor. Then she decided it was simply more fun to fly.

Now, she doesn't care about power or authority. She doesn't aspire to be anything more than a pilot and have fun. She's learned that if you don't love what you're doing, then it's not worth doing, and that is why she simply wants to fly.
Service Record Too long and complicated to list.