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Have Gun, Will Travel

Posted on Wed Jul 29th, 2020 @ 10:46am by Major Orin Thrix & Captain Randolph (Randy) Mantooth & Jennifer Daxer

1,379 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: Security Office
Timeline: 1 Day Prior

"Living without protecting what needs to be protected is the same as death"
-Hideaki Sorachi-


Major Orin Thrix and Captain Randy Mantooth were walking down the corridor. They were told where to go. But they still have not found it. It was a fair sized ship after all. They both were really exited to assume their new assignment aboard the ship. They went half way down the hall when they finally saw it. Like a beacon beckoning to them. It was a sign. It read Security. The 2 men entered the room.

Sitting behind a desk was a human male. He looked busy. and spoke before he looked at who he was talking to.

"What is it?" the man sounded annoyed.

"We need to talk to the Chief of Security." Said Orin.

"And you are?" Asked the man who still did not look up, OR had any concern for who he was talking to.

"Tell the CSO that the new Marine CO and the Marine XO wish an O-Group" He said.

"A WHAT?" He asked up surprised. Like he was absolutely caught off guard."

Orin started walking towards the man. " An O-Group is a meeting discussing tactics or strategies. It's short for operation group." Orin said "Is your boss here?" He asked

""Yeah, in her office" Said the man.

"Ok, go go go go go go go go go go" Orin whispered until he started moving like he was terrified.

"You are an ass sometimes" Said Randy.

"Sometimes?" replied Orin. Then the 2 men started to laugh.

The man came back 2 seconds later. "She will see you both now" He said.

They both passed the security officer and went to the door that was directed to them. Then, Orin rang the chime.

Only a moment later, the door opened to show a Vulcan woman with shoulder length hair, and a Borg ocular implant standing there looking at them. She eyed them both for a moment, then sighed as she raised an eyebrow at them.

"Perhaps you gentlemen would consider not scaring my new recruits." She said, stepping aside to let them in. "Unless you'd prefer to be described as 'a couple of scary looking Marines', while they're babbling something about an O-Group."

"Sounds good to me." Said Orin

"Yeah, You should hear what my mother says about me. Makes that sound like terms of endearment." Randy said smiling. "Randy Mantooth, Marine XO. And this handsome green bastard over here is Orin Thrix Marine CO."

"Hey, exactly who are you calling handsome Captain?" Orin asked trying to sound half assed official. They both started to smirk and giggle.

"Jennifer Daxer." Jen said simply. In a gesture completely uncharacteristic of Vulcans, she offered a hand shake. "The new recruit apparently doesn't like weapons... So I put him behind the desk." She added in a voice that made it impossible to tell whether she was joking.

The two men looked at her with great confusion before Orin took her hand. "Nice to meet you." He said. "So, we were told to come by."

"Have a seat, gentlemen." Jen said casually, a noticeable hint of emotion in her voice as she gestured to the chairs. "Should I assume this is about the drills taking place tomorrow?"

"Drills?" Asked Orin looking towards Randy as they both looked confused. "No, we were told to stop by. We are checking in with you because the Captain wanted us to when we checked in with her." He said.

"And here I was, expecting a tactical, or strategy meeting." She said, taking a seat behind her desk, and raising an eyebrow at them both. "You did specify an O-Group, did you not?"

"We did say we just arrived, right?" Said Randy. "I mean, I thought I heard myself say that. Did I say that?" He asked.

"I think so. I think I distinctly remember hearing we just arrived." Said Orin. "Yes, I do believe I heard that somewhere."

"Ok, thanks." Said Randy. "All those in favor of hearing someone say we just arrived and know nothing, please raise your hand and say Aye." Said Randy.

Both Marines raised their hands and said "Aye"

"Well, there you have it. A 2 to 1 vote that we just arrived and have no idea on what your talking about." Said Randy.

"No you didn't specify that you just arrived, and checking in does not necessarily mean you are just arriving." She eyed them both for a moment, before deciding to get official. "Attention on deck!" she barked suddenly, then pointed to a spot a bit in front of her. "Fall in for uniform inspection!"

The 2 marines stood there in confusion for a brief second. Then, they looked at each other. And then, they both began to laugh. "Oh, your serious?" Asked Orin. "Okay." Then slowly, they both began to come to attention.

"Oh I'm quite serious, gentlemen." Jen said, as she stood back up from her desk, and approached them. She eyed each of them, walking around them to inspect their uniforms, which appeared fairly pristine. "Let me tell you why."

Randy looked at Orin and said "Isn't it cute when fleet tries to act military?" Then both men chuckled.

Jen stopped in front of them, then lightly tapped a finger to her Borg ocular implant. "My assimilation happened right here on this ship, and nearly resulted in a loss of all hands, among other extremely serious consequences." She explained, with just enough emotion in her voice to send her message home. "I tell you this, so you can understand that serving on this ship is serious business, and can come with serious consequences... At-ease."

The 2 men looked at the officer with a look that could only be described as OH REALLY. Then they started to laugh again. Then Orin looked at the officer and spoke. His tone was not one of mirth. But one of total seriousness.

"Thank you Lt. Commander. But IF that happened to you HERE, then maybe, JUST MAYBE it should be a reminder to YOU to take your own job seriously. As for my associate and myself, we are trained professionals, nor are we fleet. We do NOT need a reminder to take our job seriously. Especially from someone with a mark to prove that they themselves did NOT at one time. Now, will that be all Lt. Commander?"

"Let me get this straight, Major." Jennifer said. She gave Orin a look that easily showed her annoyance with him, no longer bothering to suppress her emotions. "You come to my office, lie to the desk officer about why you're here to see me, then change your story when face to face with me, laugh when I issue an order, and you have the nerve to tell me I'm the one who's not taking the job seriously?" She didn't give him the chance to respond, before talking again.

"There's an Admiral rotting away on a penal colony with multiple life sentences for setting this entire crew up to be assimilated, and I put him there!" She snapped at him. "Now both of you get out of my office, before I really get mad! Dismissed!"

"That is a funny place to keep an Admiral indeed." Said Orin to Randy, "By the look of the way you run security here, maybe she doesn't know any better." Then Orin turned to Jennifer. "We have just arrived. We have been ordered to come here. The fact that there is a low state of training in you're staff, and needed to tell you're people what we did to see you is irrelevant. The truth is Lt Commander, the proof is in the pudding. I can't help if I have the recipe correct. Say what you want. But we shall see who does NOT take their job seriously the first time the Marines need to bail your Dept. out. Good day to you." He said as the 2 men turned to leave.

As the door closed behind the two of them, Daxer sighed, and shook her head. "Maybe I should've just gone back to busting drug dealers..." she said to the empty room.

Lt. CMDR Jennifer Daxer
Chief Sec/Tac


Major Orin Thrix
Marine CO
USS Tokyo


Capt. Randy Mantooth
Marine XO
USS Tokyo.


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