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Training Briefing (Part 1)

Posted on Fri May 29th, 2020 @ 3:30pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Rinka Hayami 'Sharp-Shooter' & Lieutenant Chiba Ryunosuke 'Bat Eyes' & Ensign Mikko Ishigami & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Commander Alora Knight & Jennifer Daxer & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Lieutenant Shingo Shoji & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter & Lieutenant Commander Phyllis D'lar 'Sorceress' & Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket' & Ensign Saeko Busujima 'Crazy Horse'
Edited on on Fri May 29th, 2020 @ 3:32pm

1,222 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: Pilots Briefing Room

After dropping the supplies at the Outpost, the Tokyo had proceeded to a nearby Asteroid Field for tactical training. The field provided a perfect place to undergo training with the ships compliment of fighters as well as the vessel itself.

Taiga was called all the pilots, and relating officers to the large pilots briefing room. This room which was large and multi layered like a small university lecture hall, could seat all the pilot staff comfortably. At the bottom of them all was a small raised area with a podium which controlled a large screen mounted on the wall, easy to see.

Walking alongside Daxer and Ishigami, Taiga looked over her PADD. It wasn't often that bridge crew were present in the pilots briefing room, however they were going to be essential if they were going to pull off these intense training exercises. Takeshi and Trigman would be meeting them down front when they arrived.

Takeshi and Shingo strode into the briefing room, as always bickering about something. It had started with Takeshi informing Shingo of what was expected of him at this meeting, but one thing led to another and now they were full on bickering. The two approached the podium area where Taiga, Daxer, and Ishigami now stood, as their roles of the Air Boss and Deputy Air Boss respectively involved that they too be present in front of the audience.

"You wanted to see us, Captain?" Takeshi greeted as the two approached.

Taiga nodded as she handed Takeshi one of the PADDs she was carrying. She looked at Shingo, indicating for him to join the others in the rowed seating that slowly rose up above them.

"Here are my orders for the training we're going to be doing. As Air Boss you'll be the one coordinating communications and orders between Trigman and Myself" Taiga explained. She nodded to him to stand up on the stage area next to the others whilst the sixty pilots of the Tokyo arrived and took their seats in the lecture theatre like hall.

"Understood." Takeshi nodded before taking his place on stage.

Bobbie Sue and Phyllis arrived together, talking over tactics. The conversation stopped and they nodded to the others.

Mika entered the hall alone, Kantele in hand. She was initially going to take a seat closer to the back so nobody would be bothered by her playing her instrument. However, she stopped when she looked up and saw a familiar pair of red pigtails standing on the stage.

While Mika knew that it had been years since she and Mikko had seen each other, she figured it would be worth the shot, and against her introverted judgement, made her way closer to the front.

"Mikko!" She called out, waving.

Mikko was a bit surprised to see Mika. "Mika..." she said simply as she jumped back slightly. She glanced over to the Captain and nodded. It was an old sign that told Mika that she would meet up later with her, after the briefing. She mouthed under her breath to the ensign "No playing here..." knowing that the Captain wouldn't appreciate it whilst she was talking.

Mika nodded in understanding and turned to go assume her planned seat.

Trigman entered with his Padd in hand; the traditional Fleet jacket with the squadron patch on his left sleeve. He strode towards the front ; making eye contact and nods with his pilots, he did have the best fliers in the known fleet to his knowledge. and moved to the raised platform near the podium and address the Captain.

"Morning Captain, ready to boggle a few minds here?" Trigman jibed a bit.

Taiga grinned. "Well" she said handing the PADD with the same data on it that she had passed the others. "I've got a great training ground for you to play in" she said simply.

Iowa entered the hall and took a seat somewhere in the middle, putting her feet up on the empty chair in front of her and going on her personal PADD while she waited for the briefing to begin. Sure, such actions would be considered inconsiderate, but until somebody yelled at her, she wasn't going to do a thing about it.

Soren entered the briefing room. His eyes were hidden behind a pair of shades as the top part of his jumpsuit was tied around his waist showing off a dark red t-shirt with a black logo on it. As he sat down, he leaned back slightly, tilting his head back as he let out a big yawn.

Saeko made her way into the hall and took a seat in the back close to Mika, but not too close, keeping well out of arms' reach. Ever since she and Mika had come aboard, the two of them had been viewed as the nutcases, and it was this common perception that had caused the two of them to become friends.

As Saeko sat, waiting for the presentation to start, her attention was caught by Mika softly strumming her Kantele.

"You're going to play that here?" She asked.

"The wind will continue to blow regardless of what they say." Mika replied cryptically. "They'd be better off trying to harness it rather than trying to stop it."

"Whatever." Saeko grumbled. "You know, if you didn't steal everyone's stuff, your nickname should really be something wind-related."

Taiga simply clapped her hands together twice to bring the large room to silence ending the chatter that hung over the air.
"Right then" she started. "First of all, I want to officially welcome all the new pilots and staff crew to the ship. You are serving on one of the most advanced Starfleet Carriers in commission. Don't forget that" she announced to the pilots in the room.

She tapped on the PADD she was holding. The large screen that dwarfed her on the wall behind illuminated showing a large asteroid field on their current path. "Tomorrow we will reach this Asteroid Field. It is there that Commander Trigman will be running drills with all of you. However, these drills will also include the positioning and deployment of the Tokyo as well. I'm want all birds in the air as we deploy for three days of tactical exercises".

She looked over to Trigman. "Commander Trigman will be coordinating you all out there. Lieutenant Nakazato is in command of the birds on and off deck in an area of three thousand meters around the Tokyo and will also be the main relay to Trigman from the Bridge" Taiga explained. "Squadron Leaders will follow Trigmans orders out there, and Pilots their Squadron Leaders, unless in the direct space area of the vessel" Taiga explained. She glanced up at the field. "The Tokyo will be placing targets on different asteroids for us all to take out. We'll be doing this by computer up link to change the asteroid classification from peaceful to hostile. It will then be upto all of you to ensure we take out all targets. I want you all to take this as if it was the real thing"

"Captain, If I may speak?" Takeshi asked.

"You have something to share?" She asked simply.

"I do, if it's okay." Takeshi replied.

Taiga simply nodded.

Takeshi stepped forward and cleared his throat.

To be continued...


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