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Training Briefing (Part 2)

Posted on Fri May 29th, 2020 @ 3:30pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Rinka Hayami 'Sharp-Shooter' & Lieutenant Chiba Ryunosuke 'Bat Eyes' & Ensign Mikko Ishigami & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Jennifer Daxer & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Lieutenant Shingo Shoji & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter & Lieutenant Commander Phyllis D'lar 'Sorceress' & Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket' & Ensign Saeko Busujima 'Crazy Horse'
Edited on on Fri May 29th, 2020 @ 3:34pm

1,397 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: Pilots Briefing Room

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

She looked over to Trigman. "Commander Trigman will be coordinating you all out there. Lieutenant Nakazato is in command of the birds on and off deck in an area of three thousand meters around the Tokyo and will also be the main relay to Trigman from the Bridge" Taiga explained. "Squadron Leaders will follow Trigmans orders out there, and Pilots their Squadron Leaders, unless in the direct space area of the vessel" Taiga explained. She glanced up at the field. "The Tokyo will be placing targets on different asteroids for us all to take out. We'll be doing this by computer up link to change the asteroid classification from peaceful to hostile. It will then be upto all of you to ensure we take out all targets. I want you all to take this as if it was the real thing"

"Captain, If I may speak?" Takeshi asked.

"You have something to share?" She asked simply.

"I do, if it's okay." Takeshi replied.

Taiga simply nodded.

Takeshi stepped forward and cleared his throat.

And now the continuation...

"Hello, I'm Lieutenant Nakazato." He introduced himself to the gathered pilots. "Recently, it has come to my attention that some of you may doubt my piloting capabilities, and as such, for at least a few exercises, I shall be joining you out in the field. When that happens, I expect my deputy Air Boss, Lieutenant Shoji, to step up and take over my duties while I'm off the ship."

"Whatever." Shingo muttered from his seat. "I can run the TIC tenfold as effectively as you, Takeshi. When you get back, they'll be begging to put me in charge!"

Takeshi simply folded his arms.

"And it looks like I'll be writing up Lieutenant Shoji for backtalking against a superior officer." He muttered.

Soren's sat there, a devilish grin forming, as he listened to the new Air Boss. He knew he shouldn't. He knew it would only lead to trouble. He knew it would just push a few more buttons then necessary, but he had to. It's what he did. "Excuse me..." He said loudly as he stood up from his seat, clearing this throat slightly, as he folded his arms. Soren's eyes were focused on Takeshi. "I don't mean to step on anyone's toes, but I can't help but want to ask, if you don't mind." He smiles politely, gesturing to Takeshi, as if asking permission to come closer.

Takeshi glanced up from Shingo at Soren, quite surprised at the sudden turn of events. He could tell from Soren's tone of voice that he was looking to pick a fight. Quickly, Takeshi glanced over at Taiga to make sure he still had permission to keep speaking, as the last thing he needed was to get in trouble for continuing to impede the commanding officer.

"Is there a problem, pilot?" Takeshi asked.

Soren approached, smiling a bit, as he came to a stop in front of Takeshi. "So... you're feelings are hurt because you overheard, or caught rumors, that your 'piloting capabilities' are in question? As a genius decision, you decided to take it upon yourself to jump into this training exercise?" He looked around at everyone before looking back to Takeshi. "Half these people, hell all of them, have never even heard of you and this is how you want to introduce yourself to them? By showing them your ego is more important to you then doing your job?" He looked to Taiga for a few moments, expecting resistance, but at this point he was so worked up it didn't bother him to be tossed into the brig again. His gaze returned back to Takeshi. "Every single pilot here knows, and if you are an ounce as good as you claim to be, you know that ego has no place in the cockpit or out there. You want to go out there, that's fine, but your ego is going to at the stick and it might get someone hurt or worse. This is a training exercise, not a dog fight, so your skills as a pilot isn't whats being tested. It's your capability of doing your damn job."

Takeshi stood his ground.

"If it's a fight you're looking for, I'll be glad to throw down with you out in the hall." He explained sternly. "You don't scare me, pilot!" He snarled.

Soren raised a brow, holding onto his smirk, as he replied. "Okay... First, you picking a fight with me only proves my point, so by all means keep at it. Second, if we were to fight, you wouldn't last long." He crossed his arms over his chest and let out a sigh.

Takeshi reassumed his upright posture, folding his arms.

"You're right." He admitted, it having been awhile since he last trained in any kind of combat. "But you've got the wrong idea: My ego plays no part in this. Trust goes both ways, and the reason of my partaking in these exercises is to build that trust. But if you won't have me, then don't expect me to come flying to your rescue when you need me, because for all you care, I'm just the guy who sits on his ass in the TIC eating bon bons all day!"

"When your speech has the words it has come to my attention that some of you may doubt my piloting capabilities it plays more to your ego and concerns that people don't believe you can hack it than building trust." Soren said calmly. "I didn't get the wrong idea, you led everyone to that idea by your own words, so don't think I am doubting your skills. I don't know you, dude. No one here knows you. This is the first time I have even met you, but as quick as you were to jump into a fight and claim that it's not about your ego, your not helping your case. In fact, you're not only losing my trust, but the trust of everyone else which will only make you want to prove yourself even more." He let out a sigh and crossed his arms over his chest. "For the record, you're never going to need to fly to my rescue, because I don't need you to. You have too much drag from all the weight you're carrying so you'll just fall behind anyway."

"And with that attitude, you've just reaffirmed my point that in your eyes, I'm just the guy who sits on his ass in the TIC eating bon bons and nothing more, and that I should mind my place. is that what you're trying to get at, pilot?"

"And you clearly feel the need to repeat yourself because, you think, it helps with your point. Sad to say, it only makes you sound more petty, which you clearly don't need my help in doing." Soren replied quickly, with a smile. "No, I mean to say that, you have a self esteem problem. Maybe its a need to constantly be the best. Do you know what that means? You're only placing yourself on an even higher ladder, so when you do fall, the hit will be in more of harder and all the more painful." He held his hands out as he looked around before focusing back to Takeshi. "Look around you. We're all the best and that brought us all here. In your eyes, and according to your words, that title only falls on you. So, what you're saying is, we're insignificant and below your level? You're need to see yourself as the only person worthy of doing the job because it will only be done if you do it, singles everyone else out and makes their accomplishments meaningless. How can you expect people to trust you, or like you for that matter, if that's how you think of them? How are they expected to respect you if you see them as insignificant and the struggles they've had to push through to make it this far was pointless now that they are in your glorious presence?" He shook his head and chuckled slightly. "My attitude doesn't need work, Man. Yours does."

To be continued...


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