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Dropping off Supplies (Part 2)

Posted on Fri May 29th, 2020 @ 3:29pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Jennifer Daxer & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'
Edited on on Fri May 29th, 2020 @ 3:29pm

1,792 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: Outpost Sixty Three

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

The trip wasn't as crazy as the take off, but Soren didn't make it boring. He would increase the throttle slightly, maneuvering in and out of a few pieces of asteroid debris, while on occasion easing through the gaps big enough to fly the shuttle through. On occasion, the gaps would seem dangerously small, but with a quick tilt the fighter would slip through with ease. Once they approached the asteroid with the hidden hanger, Soren eased off the throttle, prompting Bettie to relay the intent code so they were aware they were friendly.

"A little unorthodox there Lieutenant..." Taiga commented as the fighter sped out of the launch bay.

"But it was still fun." Soren replied, smirking.

And now the continuation...

Taiga climbed down out of the fighter. The small shuttle bay was empty apart from a single type six shuttle parked in an adjacent storage bay.

"We should make our way to the operations control center" she said as she unzipped her flight suit. "It should be a deck above us, these old outposts weren't designed for comfort" she explained.

Soren got out of the fighter and unzipped his flight suit slightly. He tapped on the fighter before walking over to Taiga. "Well let's go then." He replied softly. "Bettie? Engage security measures, just in case."

"Got it, Speedy." She replied.

He gestured his hand slightly ahead of Taiga. "Your lead, Ma'am."

Taiga nodded as she led the way upto the control room area.

(Operations control room)

The control room was up a flight of stairs above the shuttlebay. Taiga led the way and stepped through the small door into the circular room.

"Lieutenant?" Taiga called looking for the senior officer on the deck. A rather tall man that had been on the view screen emerged around the side of a large console.

"I'm here Captain" he said simply. "Welcome to this little outpost" he said simply as he gestured to the nearby console.

"Thank you Lieutenant. This is my Chief Intelligence Officer, Lieutenant Soren Dillinger. Is that where we input our codes?" She asked. It took two clearance codes to access the classified intelligence data on the outpost, one had to be of command grade the other if intelligence grade.

The Lieutenant nodded. "I also have a crew member who has been waiting to meet you..." he explained simply as he wandered over to the large freestanding console.

On cue, a seemingly young woman came from around the corner, carrying a PaDD. Unlike the other officers, she wore black jeans, a white t-shirt, with rank pips on the collar, and a black leather jacket. As she came to a stop, looking at the pair, what was obviously a Borg ocular implant signified that this woman had been previously assimilated.

"Welcome to the middle of nowhere, Captain." The Vulcan woman said simply. "I see the repairs went well."

Taiga stood there stunned. She had not seen Jennifer Daxer since the incident with the Borg. The last she remembered was being rather emotional and blaming a corrupt Admiral for offering her and the entire crew of the Tokyo to The Borg on a Silver Platter to avoid tensions with the Romulans.

"J...J..." she took a deep breath. "Yes Commander" she said trying to hold back her emotions. "I see you are recovered, I hope it was..." she had to find the right word but nothing could really describe how it must have felt to have your individuality stripped and mechanical implants inserted into your body unwillingly and painfully. "...smoother than expected..." she managed to get out.

"Smooth enough." Jen replied simply, as she made her way over to where Taiga stood. She looked the Captain over, before holding out the PaDD containing her orders. "Jepson is serving life in a penal colony, and I have no intention of letting the Borg get away with the same trick twice."

Taiga nodded. "Good, he deserves worse" she said simply, you could see the hatred in her hazel eyes.

Soren crossed his arms slightly, observing the exchange between them, keeping quite while simultaneously scheming. Knowing the location of an outpost like this would fetch a heavy profit, but he had to be sure it was worth it. In the meantime, he kept his mouth shut, ears opened, and thoughts blocked as he was taught to do.

Jen looked over to the man standing there with Taiga, before offering a hand shake. "Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Daxer." She said by way of greeting. "Pleased to meet you, Mr. Dillinger." She said, showing she'd at least memorized some of the crew manifest.

Soren looked at Jen slightly, a bit of a smile on his face, before taking a step toward her to take her hand. "Nice to meet you." He replied softly. He gave her a slight once over, running his eyes up and down, before focusing back on her. "Nice place you got here. I dig the whole built into an asteroid vibe. Modern spook... early mad scientist." He smiled again as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Its an old outpost" Taiga said in response, but it is rather retro. She beckoned Soren over to the console. "I need you to input your intelligence codes to begin the download" she said.

"So its out of commission?" Soren replied, looking around slightly, before walking over to the console. "Surprised. A place nicely hidden like this I would imagine they would want to keep it up and running."

"Its far from out of commission. It may be outdated, but it all still works. It's just part of the illusion" Taiga explained.

"It's also not mine." Jen gave them both a light smirk, signifying that she at least showed some emotion, despite being Vulcan. "I'm only passing through on my way to the Tokyo's Security, and Tactical station..." She looked to Taiga then with a raised eyebrow. "If you will have me back that is."

Taiga froze and blinked a few times. "Wait... I knew we were due a replacement but... I didn't realise..." she stopped herself and simply smiled at Jen. "I promise you that I won't screw up again if you'll do the job I know you're good at... I have to ask. You're not here to spy on me again are you?"

Jen raised an eyebrow at the question. She'd never told Taiga her real orders, and was now surprised the woman had even known at all. "Perhaps we should talk about the past in a more appropriate setting, Captain." Jen replied finally, glancing between Soren, and the station officers, before looking back at Taiga. "Preferably alone."

"This sounds like a private conversation." Soren replied, smiling a bit as he faced the console, while reaching into his flight suit. "Lucky, I learned how to ease drop while pretending to do something else. A very effective skill." He took his hand out, only to slip in his other hand, searching the other side. As he padded his sides he let out a slightly nervous chuckle. "I know I have it here somewhere." Lieutenant Commander removed his arms from the slight suit sleeves and lowered the suit down to his waist, allowing the top part to hang from the sides. "Oh come on..."

"Lose something, Lieutenant?" Jen asked Soren, pushing the change in subject.

"The PADD with the codes. I could have sworn I brought it with me." Soren replied, smirking a bit, before reached down his jumpsuit to his right thigh. There was a slight unease as some of the station officers began to take a cautious posture. "Whoa... whoa. Easy fellas." He was all to used to this kind of look before and it usually followed getting shot. Slowly he eased the holosphere from his jumpsuit while holding up his other hand. "It's not a weapon. It's a holo sphere. It's like a mobile holographic projector. She's like an assistant." He looked over to Jen and Taiga. "Cap? As a backup Bettie has a copy of the files. Mind letting them know to ease off? You know she's practically harmless."

Taiga huffed. "Fine... you can allow your holographic..." she had to pause as to not call her his make believe 2D girlfriend again "assistant if the Lieutenant will?" She asked looking at the Lieutenant who was in command of the station. He simply nodded, he had no idea what he was in for.

A smile appeared on his face as he nodded his head to the Lieutenant. "Bettie? Use the codes you backed up to access the files we need." He said as he held the sphere over the console. The sphere began to slight up a bit, blinking from certain spots, as Bettie linked to the system and retrieved the files they needed. All the whole Soren stood there. His eyes focused on the officers around him, trusting Bettie to grab what they needed.

"Got what we came for?" Taiga asked as she watched. "You'll have to upload the data into the Tokyo's intelligence database once we're back. We need the latest information for our patrol mission" she explained.

Once the flashing lights on the sphere stopped, Soren pulled it away, turning to Taiga. "All set, Boss." He slipped the sphere back into its slow in his leg and began to put his flight suit back on. "Ready when you are." He said before adding. "Your friend is gonna have to find another way. Fighter only holds two."

Taiga nodded. "We'll meet you back on the Tokyo Commander. Speaking of which, I expect... or should I say invite you to dinner this evening. Ryuuji's cooking so you won't get poisoned" Taiga smiled. "Lets go shall we?"

Soren just walked off, heading back towards the fighter, now that he got what he needed.

Taiga followed, eager to get back to the Tokyo. She hadn't expected to see Jen again.

Soren allowed Taiga to get in first so he could give the fighter a once over. After checking the exterior, he climbed into the cockpit, and began his system check. Slowly, he eased down to his feet, slipping the small PADD he was looking for earlier, out from the bottom of his flight suit. With a sly smile, he sat back up, and held it out. "Found it. I guess I left it in the cockpit." He placed the PADD in a small compartment and added. "Least we had a backup. We're all set to go, Cap."

"By all means. Get us back to the Tokyo" Taiga said simply as she fastened herself in.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Daxer
Chirf Security/Tactical Officer

Lieutenant Soren Dillinger
Chief Intelligence Officer


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