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To The Shimadas! (backpost) (Part 3)

Posted on Sat Oct 12th, 2024 @ 12:20am by Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & 1st Lieutenant Hann Rudd & Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket' & Lieutenant JG Masamune Busujima 'Lost Boy' & Ensign Saeko Busujima 'Crazy Horse' & Alice Shimada & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Thomas Johnson & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant Takina Inoue & Lieutenant Mizuki Nakahara & Lieutenant JG Dana Monroe & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Lieutenant JG Kurumi Hatanaka & Ensign Lynette Bishop 'Highlander' & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji
Edited on on Sat Oct 12th, 2024 @ 12:25am

1,405 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Nursery
Timeline: After 'To the Shimadas! (Part 2)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Tokyo:

"This is an old classic," Taiga chuckled. "An interesting choice for a first dance though." She said. She looked over at Ryuuji who smiled in response se as he took a sip from a glass of wine. "Yeah, but it's their day. So they get what they want."

"Bravo!" Iowa called out as she joined in the applause when the song finished.

And now, the continuation:

Soon the air was filled with the clinking of eating utensils on plates as the reception meal was served. As everyone gathered ate their food, Masamune made his way over to the bridal party's table and asked Kisad and Alice when they wanted to do their speeches. The best man and the maid of honor agreed that now was the best time before everyone got back out on the dancefloor, so Kisad kicked off by tapping his spoon on his glass to get everyone's attention:

"Ladies, Gentleman, and non-gendered species: Your best man, Mr. Kisad Vuyi, would like to say a few words:" Masamune said before handing the microphone off to Kisad:

"Thank you." Kisad said before holding the microphone up. "Hello, everyone: My name is Kisad Vuyi, originally assigned as Deputy Security Chief, USS Redemption: I've known Tatsuo here ever since he was a cadet. Took the young whippersnapper under my wing, and I'd like to say we've grown close: Almost like brothers, even if you're young enough to be my son. Now, before I go any further; Chiyo if you would do me a favor- and go ahead and place your hand on the table."

Chiyo seemed confused, but agreed to comply with Kisad's instructions, placing her hand on the table between her plate and Tatsuo's.

"Now, Tatsuo: If you would go ahead and place your hand on top of hers:" Kisad instructed. "Come on, interlace the fingers. Don't be shy, now. There we go. Now, Tatsuo: Take this in, savor the moment... Because this is the first and last time in your married life that you will have the upper hand."

Tatsuo and Chiyo snickered at Kisad's joke.

"You think I'm joking, but that's the key to making a marriage last." Kisad said. "But enough about that- Seeing as it's your special day, Tatsuo- I wanted to give some insight into the day you two first met: So, everyone- I want you to cast your minds back to the year 2377. Now, I know quite a few of you here were still in diapers that year, so you'll have to bear with me. The USS Redemption is a brand new Nova class starship set for commissioning the following year: Now, her captain, may she rest with the Prophets, was a different breed of officer- believing in a balance between old hands and new ideas: That's why she chose a young Caitian as her number 1, and agreed to take on several cadet for the Redemption's maiden voyage. Among those cadets is a young security cadet named Tatsuo Shimada.

Now, he realized he had time to kill before he would need to report in when the Redemption was commissioned, and was looking to go bar hopping in San Francisco, but instead, our story takes us to the Arizona desert: Because all the cadets might know the best bars to hit in the big city, but real Starfleet officers know the best bars are all the way out in the sticks. Now, Tatsuo was furnished with a list of all the 'regular cuties' who frequented this particular dive bar. Now, who gave him that list? Probably the same the kind of man who writes a self-deprecating joke into his best man speech.

But anyhow, when we get to the bar, from the moment we walk in, Tatsuo is enamored by an engima: A beautiful woman that neither of us had seen at this bar before. We sit down, order our first round of drinks and some food and make like we always did at that establishment: But every few minutes, his gaze would always shift to this mystery woman, and he even questioned if my list was inaccurate at one point. Finally, things reach fever pitch, and Tatsuo decides 'screw it, I'm going to try my luck:' and before he made his way over to the bar, he told me 'if all goes well, checkout time at the motel is 1100 hours.'

So, there I was, left alone at our table, observing him flirting with this girl. Once or twice, he looked back at me for moral support, but then the next thing I know, the two of them are making their way out of the bar. Now, what happened after they left only the newlyweds know. But, I remembered Tatsuo's instructions and showed up at the nearby motel at 1100 hours the next morning to pick him up. Now, this wasn't the first time we had done this routine, but I could tell something was different this time around, for at the moment we were reunited, six words left Tatsuo's mouth: 'I think I got her number.' It was those six words alone that told me this was going to be far more than just a simple hookup. And look how far it's come! I don't think any of us could have imagined that Chiyo's love for Tatsuo was so strong, she gave up a normal life entirely and dedicated herself to finding the truth behind our disappearance!

And that's why I raise my glass high and offer a toast: To a love so strong, not even the Karlax Nebula could break it!"

His speech complete, Kisad handed the microphone back to Masamune.

"Ladies and gentlemen, your maid of honor, Alice Shimada, would like to say a few words as well:" He said, handing the microphone off to Alice, offering her instructions on how to use the mic only to be told off that she knew how it worked.

"Hello, I'm... Alice Shimada, and I've known my mom my whole life." Alice said. "And as long as I can remember, it's just been me and my mom. I watched a few guys try and worm their way into her heart, but she made it clear each time that her heart was reserved for one man, and one man only: And that man is now sitting next to her where he belongs.

Now, growing up, all I had to go off with my dad was old pictures and stories my mom would retell. However, that all changed about four months ago, when my dad stepped out of legend and into reality: For the first time in my life, my dad became someone tangible. Someone I could touch and embrace. And also pick his brain to get his side of some of mom's favorite stories. Fact check if she might have exaggerated some details. And I'm happy to report- just as she's able to hit a moving target from 90 meters away, her memory is razor sharp, as I could probably count the instances dad needed to correct some of the details on her stories on my hands.

I had the luxury of spending the last four months watching my parents grow close again, and I must admit: It's really hard to picture my mom with anyone else now. There's just this energy between them that I can't put into words, and I am so glad, mom, that your perseverance paid off. Because I can see now what you've told all those potential stepfathers in that the only man for you is my dad. And I'm glad you didn't give in to those calls for 'he's dead now, move on.' That takes a special kind of courage to reject someone in that way, and it's something that I'm not even sure I'd be capable of if I were in your position.

I think Uncle Kisad summed it up the best, and there's no need for me to even try and top it." Alice went off her script after hearing how eloquently Kisad had put his toast. "I'm just glad that my parents are finally happy. After fourteen years of being on the sidelines at weddings, including Captain Aisaka's, I'm glad that my mom and dad finally get their time in the limelight. And if you share in my joy, then please raise your glasses high for my parents!"

To be continued...


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