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To Taiga & Ryuuji (Part 1)

Posted on Wed Feb 1st, 2023 @ 6:04am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Captain Kagami Izumi & Captain Minori Kushieda & Captain Yusaka Kitamura & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Lieutenant Kylynn Adams & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Captain Maho Takahashi & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket' & Alice Shimada
Edited on on Wed Feb 1st, 2023 @ 6:25am

1,273 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Risa Resort

You are hereby invited to the wedding reception of Ryuuji Takashu & Taiga Aisaka; to be held at 18:00 hours in the main reception hall of the resort. Attendance is optional, however the bride and groom look forward to celebrating their marriage with fellow Starship Tokyo family, new and old.

There will be a meal provided with all dietary requirements taken into account and an open free bar serving an assortment of drinks from across the Federation. All current USS Tokyo crew on Risa have been invited, along with friends and family of the Bride and Groom.

P.S. Do not attend in Starfleet Dress uniform. Please wear civilian smart clothing for the occasion... (By note of Capt T Aisaka).

The room was large with tables set out around the edge. In the center was a dance floor with lights and at the moment gentle music was playing. Already a few people had shown up and some of them had gathered around the bar getting drinks and finding a place to sit.

"It feels like ages since I last attended a wedding," Nozomi chuckled as she and Iowa set foot in the reception hall, the two of them sporting matching silver off-the-shoulder cocktail dresses (all said and paid for at Nozomi's expense, of course; in spite of Iowa's earlier reservations about the price, Nozomi had insisted that she still had plenty of money left over from her time in Astral; a fancy gown or two wasn't going to break her bank).

"Of course," she remarked, shooting Iowa a mischevious grin, "I can't imagine it's been as long as the last time you last attended a wedding, now has it?"

"Too many years." Iowa said. "Of course, it didn't help I didn't make much friends among the future folk until now..."

Talia arrived at the wedding reception accompanied by her new friend Nezuko. She’d chosen to wear a long red, figure flattering dress, with matching stilettos. she just wished Thomas was there to see her in it. She offered Nezuko a smile.
“Was this a planned event, or is this a surprise to everyone?”

Nezuko, herself in a sleeveless bouffant-type dress of a pink which matched her eyes, could only shrug. The sun was low enough that she was comfortable walking with Talia from their hotel meeting place to the venue, without the parasol she'd been given by the staff. She took her small PADD, which she'd been carrying as if it were a clutch purse, and typed. [No date on invitation. This was sent today, for today.] She showed it to Talia, and also waved with her free hand to other crew she recognized from the trip to Risa.

Talia nodded. “So this has been a surprise for everyone.” She smiled. “It’s nice that the crew have been asked to the reception, I’ll get to meet more people at least.”

The next people to arrive were the Tokyo's Marine command staff; Captain Chiyo Shimada and 1st Lieutenant Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling. The two women had taken vastly different approaches to attire: While Chiyo had chosen to wear a traditional Chinese dress in Starfleet Marine green, Liz had opted to embrace her Canuck heritage with a skirted variant of the iconic "Red Serge" uniform of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. While the organization technically still existed as a part of the United Earth law enforcement agency, the Red Serge had become too much of a Canadian cultural icon to simply disappear into the history books, and as such, its use had become widespread as civilian formal wear among Canadians of both sexes.

Between Chiyo and Liz stood Alice, who was wearing a simple, frilly black dress. Though Chiyo had encouraged Alice to go with something a little more mature, Alice had remained persistent that what she had selected was perfectly fine. Though as they arrived, Alice was already grumbling that her dress was too itchy.

"I know I should have gone with a more breathable material..." Alice muttered.

"Or you could've taken mommy's advice and gone with something simpler. Less things to irritate you." Chiyo pointed out.

"Mom, can I just point out that it's you who has been encouraging me to develop my own fashion sense?" Alice said. "And let me just remind you that it's kinda hard to do that when you're encouraging me to dress like you all the time?"

"I suppose you're right..." Chiyo sighed. "I suppose it's still difficult for me to accept that my mini me is coming into her own..."

"Mom, you're embarrassing me..." Alice grumbled.

Among the officers arriving, no one paid heed to the young woman with red hair in traditional Mexican formal attire with an envelope containing a present for the bride and groom. For the young ex-con artist, this had been perhaps her easiest con job, as she had passed herself off as USS Tokyo crew. Surprisingly, Captain Aisaka didn't have any kind of security detail verifying that people were who they said they were, and thus, she would be able to carry out a round of payback- compliments of Captain Takahashi.

Nezuko had offered to get herself and Talia a drink and on the way spotted a new face. Someone who she hadn’t seen on the transport, but that didn’t mean anything. Probably half the people in the transport she didn’t get a chance to meet. She walked up to the newcomer, smiled widely behind her breather, and waved excitedly.

Out of the corner of her eye, the young Mexican spotted Nezuko waving at her. Rather than panic, the young Mexican woman instead turned to Nezuko and smiled. She knew that mingling wasn't a bad thing, and if anything, would help authenticate her cover, making her seem more like she actually belonged.

"Hola! (Hello!)" She called out. "I don't believe we've met yet..."

They were standing next to the guestbook, so Nezuko used the pen and a napkin to make herself a name tag. NEZUKO, it read. She pointed to it and extended her hand for a handshake.

"Nezuko..." The stranger read aloud. "Well, nice to meet you; I'm Tristana." The young Mexican introduced herself. "I've been on a temporary assignment, and before I leave, I wanted to take a moment to wish the newlyweds well."

Handshake ignored (which was fine, not everyone was into that), Nezuko put her hand back down and nodded at the introduction. A temporary assignment friend!

Kylynn had managed to put a dress on a defiant 4 year old. "Sorry I'm late she said. Shes never seen...well any really of this so naturally shes excited. She added as she went down to take a seat.

Nezuko gave little Haylyx a wave with her fingers.

Talia smiled as she joined Nezuko. “New friend of yours?”

The mute officer nodded excitedly.

"Ah, and you must be Señorita Consejera: (Miss Counselor:)" Tristana greeted Talia with a smile. "You know, the Tokyo is lucky to have someone like you around. Say, would either or you happen to know where they're collecting the wedding presents?"

“Thank you” Talia offered a warm smile. “I believe I saw a table over the far side with gifts, and cards on. I can show you if you like?

"That would be great, gracias. (thank you.)" Tristana responded.

“Right this way” Talia smiled as she motioned Tristana to follow her. “I’ll be right back Nezuko.”

Nezuko nodded and waved as her new friends stepped away toward the gift table.

Tristana returned the wave as she followed Talia to the gift table

To be continued...


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