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To Soar Among The Stars

Posted on Wed Jan 18th, 2023 @ 10:31pm by Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’ & Ensign Talanna Teela 'Nanny'

970 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Valkyrie Fighters Near the USS Tokyo
Timeline: Current

Two simultaneous flashes of bright white-bluish light marked the arrival of Lt. Cmdr. Moklor and Ensign Teela. Both fighters immediately banked hard as they gracefully slid into the sector.

Moklor howled excitedly over the comms before speaking. "Derelict station bearing two-eight-zero, mark one-five", he said over the fighter's built in comms channel.

Ensign Teela flew in a tight echelon left pattern, her ship just behind the port wing of Moklor's Valkyrie. "Copy. Scanning", the Orion woman said while her left hand frantically tapped at sensor controls. Her right hand help the intuitive flight stick. Secondary touch pad controls were also available at her right "No power readings, no life signs."

Moklor had also been scanning. As her channel closed, Moklor replied, "Their source for power was removed long ago." After a moment of quiet comms, he added. "Material scans say this station is about 150 years old."

The ships continued to speed towards the abandoned station. It was constructed in modules stretched horizontally across the plane of space, likely aligned with whichever planet the builders hailed from. Each section was connected by identical junctions made of a darker metal.

Moklor had initially picked up the old relic while occupying himself with spare navigational scanners on his transport flight to the Tokyo.

Part of him wanted to investigate what happened here. Lt. Cmdr Moklor guided Ensign Teela to bank her fighter alongside his. The little vessels changed their angle so that the top of their canopies faced the station.

"Slow to ten percent impulse", Moklor told his wingman.

"Aye sir", was the response.

Light from the distant star of Emila reflected off the Valkyries as they cut velocity and arched closer to the station. It was fairly small when compared to Spacedock class facilities or even older Cardassian stations. It took only a few moments for the ships to pass it.

"Figure eight it, and walk it back", Moklor told Teela. She had to get used to his manner of speaking, but understood what he meant.

She watched his wing for signs of his input, keeping her distance and position to his side. As he rotated his ship and looped back around, she matched him move for move. The ships leveled off and prepared to pass on the opposite side.

"Wow", Ensign Teela said as they approached. "Large hole blasted into this side."

Moklor noticed the torn metal and dark marks around jagged edges of the scorch mark. He even tookt a quick look inside of the old station, seeing several heavy items and interior bulkheads cast aside.

"I would wager this was done decades after abandonment", he said. "Those look like remnants of a modern blasting charge. Raiders."

"Probably archaeologists, sir", Ensign Teela said while talking one last look at the station while slipping by.

"One more pass, then let's head home", the raspy Klingon voice said over comms.

"Aye, aye... Sir", replied the chipper Orion. There was a brief pause as the fighters reoriented. Ensign Teela chimed in as they began a second pass along the station's starboard side. "Sir, I just want to say I am honored to be your wingman. I won't let you down."

"Worry not about letting me down", he told her. "Worry only about your path. These lessons are for the benefit of you. And for our Squadron's proficiency."

"Roger that, sir." There was another pause as the ships took a long slow pass. This time they flew a little closer. The sensors on both ships were recording detailed scans.

Moklor would be anxious to read over the reports on his PADD.

There was a brief moment of silence as both ships banked around for their final pass. They would both try as hard as they could to get a good look inside of the station through the torn opening. This was a chance to see something from a time long past.

"Isn't that amazing", the Ensign said over comms.

"I would agree with you". Moklor started. "Amazing may be a strong description for a station husk." His wide grin could be heard over the network. "Say.. Ensign. Why do you not have a call sign?"

"I guess I'm just new, sir."

"We shall fix that, Ensign.. We shall fix that someday."


"Set course for the USS Tokyo", Moklor instructed. "Warp two".

Both fighters changed direction. Teela could read that Moklor had powered up his engines and followed suit.

"Engage", the Lieutenant Commander called out. He waited a half second before pressing the button himself. Both ships leapt to warp at nearly the same time.

As the lines of ligthspeed replaced the Emila system, Teela called out to Moklor.

"Sir. Permission to speak freely?"

"Go ahead, Ensign."

"Sir, I couldn't help but notice your tension around Warrant Officer Roromiya and her daughter."

Moklor waited a moment before speaking. "Sometimes when one only knows the ways of a warrior, they forget how to not speak like a soldier." He paused. "It is hard to stay calm and patient. I guess I was concerned that... They could have gotten hurt. A Klingon child would have understood."

Teela spoke up once the channel opened. "And that is what I wanted to advise you sir. Please. Just try to remember that this is not a Klingon ship. You outrank me by a great deal. Please do not be offended."

"No. No Ensign. You are right. That took courage to tell me." Moklor suddenly began to smile in his cockpit. "Thank you for your honesty."

"Anytime sir", she said happily while looking out of the window.

"Nanny", he told her. "There is your new callsign... My personal wingman and Nanny." Moklor let his eruption of laughter broadcast.

"Sir! No!" The Ensign sounded livid. "Sir, change it! That will stick."

More laughter was broadcast from Moklor's fighter.

"Sir? Sir. Sir!!!"


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