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It begins (Part 3)

Posted on Wed Oct 20th, 2021 @ 9:04pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Commander Marcus Decius 'Gladius' & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Lieutenant Commander Phyllis D'lar 'Sorceress' & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & Ensign Lynette Bishop 'Highlander'
Edited on on Wed Oct 20th, 2021 @ 9:05pm

1,465 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: USS Tokyo

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"Did... did we hit them?" Lynette asked. "I didn't get a good look."

"Not yet," Buttercup said. "Our job is to weaken the shields so the Tokyo can punch through them."

"Roger that," Lynette replied. "Should we line up for another bombing run, or fall back and await further instruction?"

"Going in for round two," Bobcat announced. "Keep vigilant, once they figure out what we're doing, they'll come after us."

"Affirmative," Lynette nodded before falling in behind Bobbie's fighter.

And now the continuation...


With two squadrons now out and laying down fire, the Tokyo herself came about to face the Elachi cruisers.

"Lock forward phasers and quad cannons on that cruiser" Taiga ordered. "Lets focus on one spot, try to punch through their shields" she said. She wanted to give the fighters some help, which may be possible with these Elachi ships being smaller. "Rebalance our shields back to normal as well" she quickly added.

Lt. Yuvek maintained a distance from the Elachi vessels so that they were forced to divert their focus between the Tokyo and the wave of fighters. More importantly, it forced the attackers to adjust their manuvering patterns to account for the various moving targets that now occupied three different points around them.

Lt. Yuvek still could not figure out how the Elachi were able to simply "sneak-up" on the task force without any sort of subspace disruption. Even at high warp, the Tokyo would have detected a formation of unknown vessels, especially as they began to power their offensive capabilities.


Marcus noticed how well Highlander was sticking with him as he flew some insane maneuvers to avoid weapons lock from the Elachi ship he had painted. Everyone was concentrating their file on a small section of shielding, and the nimbus of energy dissipation was clearly visible 100 meters from the surface of the hull, on the underside of the port side. "Keep it up, folks! Stay frosty! don't let 'em get a bead on you! If you have to disengage to avoid target lock, do it, then jump right back on! The Tokyo will be firing in this direction, too, trying to give us a hand. So watch your six and stay out of her way."

He began another attack run, firing his phasers and the growing nimbus of light ahead of him, when his console emitted the telltale warning of a target lock. "WEAPONS LOCK! WEAPONS LOCK! COMMENCING EVASIVE MANEUVERS!" He roared, jerking his joystick to port and rolling in the opposite direction.

Twin beams lanced across his port side as Marcus tried to foil the lock, but there were no weapons arrays in front of him and the Elachi ship that could have fired them. He checked his six. the area behind him was swarming with alien fighter craft. "Faex!" he cursed in Latin, something he rarely did. Since when did the Elachi have fighters, and why hadn't he been briefed?

From CAG, Phyllis deployed the other two squadrons to take care of the smaller Elachi ships and protect the other fighters as they went after the main ship. "Watch your backs," she ordered the pilots as they launched.

"Bobcat to CAG, we've got shields down by 65%. Veering off for Tokyo to punch through."

"Roger, Bobcat." Phyllis opened a channel to the bridge. "CAG to Bridge. Ducati reports shields down 65% by the aft torpedoes. Request that you hit there with full phasers."


"Roger that" Taiga responded. On the bridge she looked back at Tactical. "You heard her, full phaser fire now"

"On it." Alex shouted before targeting the phasers and firing.

Taiga gripped the arms of her chair as the Tokyo rocked from yet more weapons fire. As the ship's phasers along with the Starfighters cannons blasted through one of the cruisers syphilis causing the ship to explode in a ball of fire.

"Target the next cruiser" Taiga ordered. "All weapons free, fire at will"

Four more Elachi vessels appeared surrounding the Tokyo catching the ship in a crossfire. Sparks erupted from the bridge consoles as the ship took a beating. These ships unleashed several smaller fighter style craft, each forming into small wings and began zooming towards the Tokyos fighters.

"Have our fighters target the enemy fighter craft" Taiga ordered as the Tokyo shook violently again. "Damage reports!"

Lt. Yuvek gripped his console tightly as the barrage of disruptor fire rained down on the already beleaguered vessel. Once again, the Elachi had demonstrated an uncanny ability to simply "appear" out of nowhere at full tactical-readiness and immediately begin opening fire.

He had never seen such capabilities. Even the Klingons and Romulans required several moments after decloaking to bring their weapons and targeting systems back online.

"Captain! Primary maneuvering thrusters are offline, secondary are compensating, but we're starting to lose attitudal control!" Lt. Yuvek shouted over the multiple alerts that were filling the bridge as more damage fell upon the vessel.

"I suggest having the Flight Deck direct our fighters to form an inner-screen to give the Tokyo cover." The Cardassian Helmsman said. "We can better consolidate our fire power on the small fleet that has just appeared instead of having our fighters scattered in various dog-fights with their additional fighters." He suggested

Taiga pressed a comm button on her chair to put her through to the combat information center. "Withdraw all fighter craft back to Tokyo. Form a defensive line and focus fire along with Tokyo on their smaller escort vessels" she ordered.

"Confirmed," Phyllis replied.

She opened the channel to the pilots. "CAG to all fighters. Abort attack. Squadrons A, C, and D, form a defensive perimeter with the Tokyo and take out the enemy fighter craft that are attacking the Tokyo within the perimeter. Squadron B, refuel and rearm. A, you'll go in next. Sorceress out."


"Power up all anti-aircraft point defense systems. But don't hit our own" Taiga added. The Tokyo had two types of anti-aircraft fire, phaser turrets and micro-torpedoes which when activates could lay down three hundred and sixty degree coverage of the ship. The system was computer controlled with advanced tactical targeting systems allowing the Tokyo to provide cover fire for incoming and outgoing fighter and auxiliary craft.


"They just keep coming!" Lynette could be heard panicking over the open comm channel. "Oh shit, oh shit, we're going to die out here, aren't we..."

"Cut the chatter, Highlander! That's an order!" Marcus barked over the comms.
"You have one job! Cover my six! Focus! Stay sharp! Improvise, adapt, and overcome! You break formation without my orders, I'll have your guts for garters! Now, FLY!"

Out of the corner of her eye, Iowa noticed Silica and Fubuki's fighters being tailed by Elachi fighters, and she suddenly had an idea on how to take care of them while also taking care of the fighters that were tailing herself and Fujimoto:

"Grey Ghost to Twin Tails;" Iowa said over the com channel. "Need some help with that Elachi tail of yours?"

"What you got in mind Grey Ghost?" Twin Tails asked as she dodged a few shots from the Elachi fighter. "Don't you be doing anything stupid out here" she warned simply, a sincere in her voice. Knowing her track record the last thing she wanted was for Grey Ghost to make a mistake and end up blowing her out of the sky.

"I suggest a pincer movement:" Iowa proposed. "You go high and target the fighters trailing us, and we go low and target the fighters trailing you."

"Sounds good to me" Twin Tails said as she pulled back on the stick causing her fighter to arch upwards as if climbing. "Go for it Grey Ghost, give them hell!" Twin Tails replied quickly as she drew level higher than the Elachi craft who were now slightly below her.

Iowa ducked down to pass below Twin Tails; together she and Mika tag teamed the Elachi Fighter that had been tailing her and her wingman, and it exploded into a ball of fire.

"That's yours down, now let's say you return the favor before this bastard blows us out the sky?" She said.

"Sounds good to me" Silica said a slightly mischeavous smile spreading across her face as she held down the trigger. Her fighter's phaser cannons erupted in continous fire smashing through the Elachi fighter's shields doing considerable damage. The small fighter vessels disappeared in a huge ball of flames. "Take that..." she muttered to herself as she rounded back on herself to rejoin the wing.

To be continued...


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