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It begins (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Oct 20th, 2021 @ 9:01pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Commander Marcus Decius 'Gladius' & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket'
Edited on on Wed Oct 20th, 2021 @ 9:02pm

1,439 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: USS Tokyo

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

Marcus wasted no time. "Acknowledged!" he barked. Turning to the expectant faces around him, he used the voice he had long practiced commanding gladiators in the arena, the voice that could be heard over the screams of the dying and the maimed, "Charlie and Delta Squadrons, get to your fighters! Delta launches first. Charlie, get your birds lined up on cat 2! I want both squadrons in space ASAP!" He turned to Phyllis. "Sorceress, you'll have to sit this one out and take my chair. Have alpha and Bravo squadrons on standby. If things get dicey, use your best discretion and launch the remaining fighters."

With that, he leapt toward his ship, the other pilots close behind.

And now the continuation...


"Helm bring us about so our aft is facing those ships" Taiga said. The fighters would deploy from the forward facing hangar doors which meant the Tokyo could protect their launch.

Lt. Yuvek inputted the commands, but was experiencing difficulting in getting the large vessel to properly compensate for the sudden loss of warp drive. This was a carrier vessel, not a Defiant-class warship. It made its lumbering turn so that its aft section was facing the immediate attacking vessels, but much slower than Jasad would have preferred.

"Commander" she said next turning to Alex. "Aft torpedoes and phaser banks, set down defensive fire until we can get our fighters out. Ops Shunt all available power to aft shields"

"Firing a volley of torpedoes and phasers." Alex shouted from his console, tapping it quickly, before looking up to the screen view screen.

Lt. Yuvek continued to manuver the carrier into an optimal position to launch the squadron of fighters as quickly as possible. The Tokyo was not able to properly fight off the attackers if it kept its aft section pointined at the main target.

Trigman came onto the bridge; the jacket in place and zipped 3/4 as is his habit.

"Have we gotten the Fighters out?" He held the hand rail as he made his way towards his seat. " He glanced at the screen. "Could we use torpedoes to blind the enemy from blast hole so accurately?"

"With a bit of luck, those torpedoes should provide a nice defensive screen" Taiga replied.

[Marine CO's Office]

Chiyo didn't need to think twice about what had happened when the ship had violently rocked; they were under attack, and the first blow had Chiyo holding onto her desk with all her strength to prevent her from going flying. Once she had regained her bearings, she knew the next step the marines had to take, and she tapped her combadge:

=A="Shimada to Beurling."=A= She said. =A="Get the troops on standby and prepare for anything; including the possibility of abandoning ship... Beurling? Beurling! ANSWER ME, BEURLING!"=A=

However, Chiyo's repeated calls for acknowledgement from Liz went unanswered, and Chiyo was met with silence. Chiyo tapped her combadge to shut it off:

"Bloody hell." She muttered as she left the office to ready the troops herself, tapping her combadge once again, this time on an open channel:

=A="This is Captain Shimada, broadcasting on open com frequencies; anyone have a 20 on 1st Lieutenant Beurling?"=A= She asked.

"No reports of her" one of the marines replied.

[Flight Deck - TIC]

"Roromiya to Decius. Ready to launch fighter craft" The Vulcan woman said simply. "We have two squadrons worth of planes available for you. We took some damage in the hangars" she reported.

"How would you like them deployed?" She asked.

Marcus was tearing through his pre-flight check while his engines revved up. He opened his comms. "Tactical, this is Gladius. Charlie and Delta squadrons are on the catapults, with Alpha and Bravo on standby! Deputy CAG is on station to coordinate with you. Just keep feeding us tactical data, and we'll do the rest. Phyllis, just keep us pointed at the best targets! Gladius out!" The Aircraft Handler on deck gave him the customary salute, and pressed the launch button. G forces even the IDS coulldn't fully handle pressed him back into his seat as he exited the flight deck at roughly mach 8.

He keyed his mic again. "All pilots form on me as soon as you clear the flight deck! Standard wedge formation! Highlander, you're on my wing! Form up!"

He took a quick look around him. Several Elachi cruisers were bearing down on the Tokyo! He marked the closest one, painting its weapons arrays as primary targets, and feeding his sensor data to the other pilots. Keying his mic again, he spoke in an adrenaline filled burst. "Tactical, I'm painting the closest enemy vessel's weapons arrays!! if you can soften up their shields, we'll de-fang 'em!"

Within moments, his two sqadrons were spaceborn and formed up. "All fighters! hit 'em low, and hit 'em hard! Go in underneath, and harass them until the Tokyo softens their shields! then take out their weapons! Impulse engines are secondary, Warp engines tertiary! Death by a thousand cuts! All pilots, break and attack!" Turning off his mic, he growled at the enemy, low in his throat and full of grim determination. "All right, you Elachi bastards, MOLON LABE!"

Silica launched off the deck not far behind Decius. She fell into line with her wingman beside her, Fubuki. "Twintails reporting in. Starting attack run" she said. She looked over at Fubuki's fighter before swinging around her forward phaser cannons erupting as she laid into the cruisers shields.

Iowa and Mika were the next pilots to launch off the deck, falling into formation with Mika trailing Iowa. "Grey Ghost reporting in and beginning attack run." Iowa said. "Fujimoto, let's see if you can keep up!"

Amidst the swirl of chaos, Lynette found herself comfortably (or, perhaps more accurately, uncomfortably) in the thick of it, her craft pitching and rolling wildly as she fought to stay on top of things. At this point, virtually all her effort was being poured into simply keeping herself alive; her breathing had become short and ragged, her forehead was caked in perspiration, and her hands were trembling so violently that it was a challenge in and of itself to keep the yoke steady.

"Keep it together, Bishop," she muttered through clenched teeth. "Just... remember what the instructors told you..."

Marcus looked at his fledgling wingman. He could see she was letting her nerves get the better of her by the way she was flying. He keyed his Mic. "Easy on the stick, Highlander. You know the drill. We don't have to worry about enemy fighters. The Elachi don't have them that we know of. Just treat this like a bombing urn, except we're dodging flak from their phasers. You've trained for this. You got this. I wouldn't have tagged you for my wingman if I didn't feel you could do it. Focus. We're going in full throttle!" He engaged his thrusters, knowing she would follow.

As Mika strummed a Finnish folk song, flying her fighter with her feet, she couldn't help but notice how much her wingman, Riverside, had improved since the last scuffle with the Elachi.

"Looking good out there, Riverside." Mika said as the two targeted the same spot everyone else was. "But don't get cocky; we're not out of the storm just yet."

"Ducks, we're going low. In formation, each of you target the same section of shield. They'll be focused on the Tokyo. Let's see if we can punch a hole big enough to hit their aft torpedoes," Bobcat told her squadron. They were no match for the large ship, as she'd learned during their last encounter, but if they could make a hole, or give the Tokyo a weak spot to hit, it might make a difference.

"Got it," Buttercup replied, keeping close to her squadron leader.

The rest of Ducati followed close behind, each launching missiles at the shields, then veering off for another round.

"Did... did we hit them?" Lynette asked. "I didn't get a good look."

"Not yet," Buttercup said. "Our job is to weaken the shields so the Tokyo can punch through them."

"Roger that," Lynette replied. "Should we line up for another bombing run, or fall back and await further instruction?"

"Going in for round two," Bobcat announced. "Keep vigilant, once they figure out what we're doing, they'll come after us."

"Affirmative," Lynette nodded before falling in behind Bobbie's fighter.

To be continued...


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