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Medic on Deck

Posted on Mon Oct 25th, 2021 @ 4:11am by Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Marcus Decius 'Gladius'

1,436 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Flight Deck Sickbay, Deck 18
Timeline: During flight to Romulan Neutral Zone

Doctor Amu Hinamori, the Chief Flight Deck Medic sat at her desk going over various pilots records. As the Chief flight deck medical she was responsible for running the flight deck Sickbay. This designated Sickbay was specially designed and equipped to handle the health and any potential injuries obtained by the Fighter Pilots, Flight deck ground crew and occasional The Marines. Being just off the flight deck it was designed so that any injured personnel could be taken their quickly and without having to take them to the Main Sickbay on Deck Four.

Noticing something she raised an eyebrow before tapping her comm badge. "Commander Decius, this is Doctor Hinamori. Can you report to the flight deck sickbay at your earliest convenience please?"

Looking up from the holo display at his desk in the CAG's Office, he responded. "Be right there, Doc."

He closed and locked the file he was reading, and headed for sickbay. It didn't take him long to get there. Walking in, he saw the doctor at her desk. "Doctor Hanamuri! To what do I owe the pleasure?" He smiled at her.

Amu raised an eyebrow. "Hinamori sir. I know Japanese names are hard to pronounce" she said with a smile. "I was just looking over some of the pilots files. I'm new to the ship, so as the medical officer assigned to the flight deck, I thought it best I familiarise myself with who I may be dealing with" she began to explained softly.

"I noticed that you have yet to recieve your physical? Is that a error in the files? I know we were rushed out of spacedock. I also wanted to ask what you know abut Lieutenant Riverside as well when you have a moment?"

He grinned sheepishly. "Dr. Hinamori, I apologize. With Latin being the basic root of my language, my tang got tungled over my eye teeth, and I couldn't see what I was saying." Marcus used self deprecating humor to gloss over his faux pas. He sat on the exam table. Your information is correct. I did not have the opportunity to get a physical before we left spacedock. I have time now, if you're amenable, and we can talk about any concerns you have with Grey Ghost."

"Yes, I have a few questions. But for now, let's use biobed two" Amu replied indicating for him to use the second biobed in the row of four.

Marcus sat on the biobed, shedding his shirt as he did so. He looked at Amu. "I'm at your disposal, good doctor." He wondered how she would react to the myriad battle scars he had earned in the Arenas on Magna Roma.

"I see your service record shows you were once some sort of gladiator" she commented as she ran a tricorder over him. "I'm not great at History, but Earth had those too. How did you end up flying in Starfleet?" She asked.

He smiled. "I was a street urchin on Magna Roma. No parents to speak of, just me, scrawny and fighting with others like me for bits of food and shelter. At an early age, I discovered that I was good at fighting. A Roman Citizen, Harmos Decius, noticed me during a fight with another street urchin, and recognized my potential as a fighter. He took me under his wing and trained me for the arena, and educated me. After several successful tours in the gladiatorial games, I met met a Starfleet officer who convinced me to join Starfleet. I was accepted into Starfleet academy at the age of 25. My instructors said I have an aptitude for thinking outside of the box when it comes to strategy, especially small group tactics at long range. I decided to apply for flight school and train as a pilot. After earning my wings, I was assigned to the USS Echidna as a pilot. I served several tours here, and then transferred to the Tokyo." He chuckled, flashing her a wry grin. "There it is, Doc, everything you wanted to know about me, but didn't get a chance to ask."

He paused. "How about you? What's your story?"

Amu smiled as she scanned. "I used to look after my younger sister when I was younger. I discovered that I was good at it" she paused for a second. "It was the first thing I was actually good at,so I trained to be a doctor. Here I am now, not quite a Chief position but I do run this little sickbay for you guys" she explained before shutting the tricorder.

"You know, I can sort out those scars on your body for you. Make them fully healed..." she suggested.

Marcus smiled at her. "That's very kind of you, doc. But those scars are a reminder of where I came from. They Remind me of each battle, each enemy I faced in the Arena, each lesson I learned. Those scars are the reason I'm here today. They constantly place before my eyes one simple truth: I'm alive, and my enemies are not." His eyes went into a thousand yard stare as he spoke, and it was as if he were seeing those faces again, right in front of him. He quickly recovered himself. "I guess that doesn't make much sense, but they are as much a part of who I am as this uniform I wear, or the ship I fly. So I'll keep them. But thanks for the offer. I'll let you know if they start to cause any discomfort."

Amu simply smiled as she closed her tricorder. "I can understand that. The good news is that you're in very good shape. I'd say you're going to have a very long healthy life if you keep up what you're doing" she told him.

"Well," he said, putting his shirt back on, "It's always nice to get a clean bill of health. Anything else you need from me?"

"One more thing actually" Amu said. "What do you know of Lieutenant Riverside? I find her record interesting, especially about being put in stasis all the time" she asked.

"I noticed that, too, Doc," Marcus said. "I haven't really had a chance to sit down and chat with her about that, but the stasis doesn't seem to have affected her performance in the cockpit. Some of her techniques may be a bit anachronistic, but she seems to have good reflexes and good instinct." He paused. "If you want, I can send her to you for a more thorough examination..."

"I just found it unusual that Starfleet and the military for that fact would do such a strange thing" Amu admitted. "Do you have any issues with me doing a full examination on her? As her CO, she will have to be off duty for a good few hours whilst I look her over. I want to be thorough with her medical needs. But I can only do that with your permission" she explained.

"Knock yourself out," he said, standing up. "There has to be something extraordinary about her for all those militaries over the centuries to keep freezing her and thawing her out. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. I want to be sure she doesn't have freezer burn." He grinned at his own joke.

Amu rolled her eyes at the joke but kept smiling. "I shall give her a full eval once I have an available slot" she replied. "As for you commander, you're in good health. I can officially certify you to fly"

"Well, Thank you, Dr. Hinamori. Even though you were scanning me the whole time, I enjoyed our little chat. It's good to know we're in such capable hands. If anybody gives you flak about exams or anything else related to their health, you feel free to tell them that you have my complete support, and my authority as CAG goes with you. You'll pardon me if I hope we don't have to meet very often, because that would mean me or my pilots were injured." He smiled at the young physician as he exited flight sick bay.

The young woman couldn't help but smirk as he left. Her services were not often sought after, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing. However she was just glad that she could be there for the pilots on the ship. She returned to her office to do some more background digging on Lieutenant Riverside.

Posting by

Lieutenant Commander Marcus Decius 'Gladius'
Commander Aig Group

Lieutenant JG Amu Hinamori M.D.
Chief Flight Deck Medic


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