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Off we go again (Part 1)

Posted on Wed Aug 11th, 2021 @ 8:38am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Captain Yuri Nakamura & Captain Minori Kushieda & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Commander Marcus Decius 'Gladius' & Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose & Lieutenant Sorawo Kamikoshi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling
Edited on on Wed Aug 11th, 2021 @ 9:16am

1,125 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: USS Tokyo

The doors that led onto the bridge opened gracefully and the slightly short Captain Taiga Aisaka made her way past the rear consoles and down to the center command area. It was five minutes before nine hundred hours, their scheduled departure time.

She took a deep breath as she stood in front of her chair and slowly looked around the room. Smiling she tapped her comm badge.

"All hands. This is the Captain. Report to code blue stations and prepare for departure from spacedock" she announced ship wide. With that said, they now had just under five minutes, plenty of time to complete the final preparations for a starship to leave; she slowly lowered herself into her chair.

"Here we go again. Lets get us out of here shall we?" she asked.

Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek briefly looked over his shoulder as the Captain took her seat and began to issue her commands. He had been at his station for the past 30 minutes going over each necessary system and double-checking to ensure it was responding correctly.

Lt. Yuvek understood that a vessel as long and wide as the Tokyo would definitely have its own issues in maneuverability. A smaller escort class vessel like the Defiant would be able to pitch and roll only its axis with barely a noticeable wobble to the ship's crew. However a vessel of this size changes the dynamics of flight completely.

As a carrier, the subordinate fighter squadrons would take on the necessary work of engaging in dedicated dog-fights with the enemy. However, there were still situations where the ship would need to coordinate with the fighters for significant tactical engagements. There was no telling what the crew was flying into once they crossed the Romulan border.

"Aye, ma'am," Lt. Yuvek said as he disengaged docking clamps and began the ship's gentle departure.

"I've received clearance and departure coordinates from docking bay. Maneuvering at 1/4 thrusters until we are a clear distance to engage impulse." The Cardassian Helmsman said.

Alex stood at his security console, arms crossed over his chest, curious as to why the Captain felt the need to go to blue alert when leaving spacedock when it was primarily used for environmental hazards to the crew, main power failure, separation maneuvers, landing protocols, and docking at a spacedock. Maybe they changed things the last time he was a security officer.

Alora came onto the bridge to stand beside her husband. Like Marines, CAG, and Medical, she didn't generally have a bridge station, which made it all the more surprising to pass the Marine CO at a bridge console.

She knew Captain Aisaka wouldn't mind her being here this once. "Code Blue?" she asked Alex quietly. In her time as Captain Aisaka's first officer, she'd never called any sort of alert for leaving a starbase. In fact, this was the first time she'e ever heard one used in this manner. Alora wasn't quite sure what to make of the recent changes--except for Commander Trigman's promotion. That had her full support.

Alex shrugged, looking back to Alora, as he replied with a whisper. "I don't know. She wanted a code blue so she got a code blue. I've never heard it done for leaving a spacedock but I'm not the Captain so it ain't my call."

Alora shrugged. "Mine, either." It didn't matter, though. It was the Captain's prerogative.

Chiyo sat at a converted Ops console. She had stood up and saluted the captain as she walked onto the bridge and had retaken her seat shortly afterwards. She took a moment to look up from her work to witness the launch. As she watched on the big viewscreen, the thought of the Marston somewhere out there in the yard undergoing her year+ long refit crossed her mind. However, like with the Redemption A, Williamson, and Morgan that had come before, Chiyo knew that the time had come for her to move on.

Besides, Chiyo had brought with her her closest comrade from the Marston: Liz, who had become Chiyo's sister in arms during their time aboard her, was downstairs in Chiyo's office, likely making sure the marines were at their blue alert stations. Chiyo was curious as to why blue alert had been called, but she remained silent at her station, for the regs in red were supposed to know what they were doing, as they underwent special training the marines did not.

Chiyo didn't notice the look the intel officer gave her as she passed by, as she was busy coordinating with Liz down below.

Trigman had remained quiet in the XO's chair; not yet comfortable with his new position yet he had to do something.

"I would suggest we bring the ship to normal status; condition green Captain."Trigman said from his chair. "WE are no longer under lock-down nor in danger so change the status signal to green." He hated to correct, but the ship was always first in Trigman's mind. "Once out of the dock and make ready for full impulse once we are clear."

Taiga turned and looked back at Trigman. "Good" she said with a smile. "I wanted to test the crew a little" she told him. "Switch to green".

As the vessel made its way from the safety of the docking clamps, Lt. Yuvek began to take full control of the vessle and guide her to open space. He increased power to port and starboard thrusters to one quarter.

"Clearing space dock, bearing one-eight-zero mark zero." He announced to the bridge as they cleared the docking area and brought the ship amount, turning hard to port.

As the vessel swung around, he applied a minimal amount of power to the thrusters to allow the vessles momentum to bring it completely around.

Lt. Yuvek noticed that the vessel was able to complete the turn, but it started to shift slightly as it did so. He reduced power to the port thrusters to bring the ship's pitch back to zero degrees.

The Helm controls were responding a bit sluggish and slower than he preferred. He quickly re-aligned navigational gyros to compensate for the performance.

"Pitch up sixteen degrees to bow thrusters, full power to port thrusters. . . .and we are clear of the docking bay. Proceeding at 3/4 quarters impulse, we can engage warp drive on your command, Captain." Lt. Yuvek stated.

"Rendezvous with the Starships Armitage and Oceania" Taiga ordered. "They should be in orbit above Starfleet Headquarters" the small woman ordered. "Steady as she goes Lieutenant"

"Aye, Ma'am." Lt. Yuvek said as he set course towards the Terran homeworld.

To be continued...


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